Monday, December 31, 2007

1975 red army at habs New Year's Eve

32 years ago today on New Year's Eve 1975, the Red Army was scheduled to play the Montreal Canadiens. The Red Army was the most dominant team in the Soviet League and the Canadiens were usually the best team in the NHL — both teams went on to win their respective team championships later that year. The game was billed in North America as the de facto world professional championships. The game resulted in a 3-3 tie in a contest that is widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever to have taken place. The Habs dominated the Russians, but a poor performance by Dryden (Whom my Dad thought was totally overrated) and a great performance by Tretiak (Whom was selected by the Habs in the 1983-84 NHL Entry Draft, but was denied playing in the NHL by the Russians) , ruined what should have been an easy win by the Habs.If not for Tretiak, this game was a rout.

Holy Robbblogs Batman!!!!!

A"It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid"- Publius Syrus

Hey gang! What is a new? Well its been awhile eh? How are things shaping up in Robbieland? Well another Merry XXXmass is over and well it was the second one without Dad which is something that always brings down the proceedings a wee bit eh? Woke up around 9ish, went to one brothers and then the other and then came home. I got some fun stuff besides the usual clothes, i got Don Cherry 900 on DVD and the Rocky I-VI DVD set, the reknowned book, "Searching for Bobby Orr" and a Scarface coffee mug! What else is new? Oh im working working working...maybe not for the weekend, but lots anyways. Now Old Man Robb..what about next year? What is happening? Remember that Fort Kent is out due to the cost of going. Well i have some 15-16 days to submit my application to St Thomas which is the cheapest out of all options in which i could continue my education...what do you need to go to St Thomas and take your Bachelor of Education? You need.....

1) A completed application form for admission to the university;
2) A completed supplementary BEd application form;
3) A non-refundable application fee of $35;
4) A letter in which you discuss your interest in becoming a teacher, your teaching preference (elementary, middle/secondary or second-language French), your reasons for applying to the program, any formal or informal teaching experience you may have had, and any skills or qualities you have that should be considered in assessing your application; (Guidelines for Letter of Intent)
5) Three letters of reference which assess your suitability for the teaching profession in terms of &your personal qualities and your ability to work with young people
6) Yourofficial transcripts of marks from all post-secondary institutions you have attended (if you're currently enroled in university, please ensure that a transcript of your mid-year grades reaches the admissions office by January 15th and that you make arrangements to have your final transcript of marks forwarded after graduation).

Now Then again it was suggested by Momma that why not say fuck it and go to Acadia for the next two years, face it is the place where Old Man Robb does do good and other places like Mount A and Kingstec were just not as hot as the days of Acadia U, plus it will be the tenth year anniversary in September of when i was first there. Well there is another offer boys and girls, it is a trip back to Japan...Japan Old Man Robb? Didn't your last school go under? Didn't you leave there when you felt your company didn't give a rats ass about their employees and would leave them swimming with the fishes? Well it is a different company called Aeon and the one bonus would be that you get your OWN apartment! No more squabbling with roomates over watching a movie at 9 at night or waking up at 7 in the morning to make coffee...but, me myself and Old Man Robb!!! They are having a seminar on February 2nd and i think i am taking the day off to check it out, you have to contact their main branch in Toronto in order to attend the seminar.... To go back woould be something, there is stuff i did not get to do due to working lots of hours and spending money like a tool, it was like my first year of Acadia all over again where i spent money and spent and spent and had nothing to really show for it... well except for the souvinears i brought home... but i never got to see Mount Fuji and or attend a baseball game at the Tokyo Dome, well i did see both from the Tokyo Metro Building where you could go to the 85th or something like zat floor and watch...not the same as going though... Ever watch someone make a complete ass of themselves by being totally oblivious as to something going on right in front of their face? Man someone i know is..what a fool/tool Is something that frickin worth it? It is not love, it is called lust...there is a difference you know, if you want to give something of yourself, pass it on to someone else i know whom is lost and has no direction for piss sakes, i know i procrastinate and see some things slide me by, believe if you don't get hurt you'll never gain, i know from personal experience.. but man all that time of waiting? Was it worth it at all? I don't think the way the Axemen resume play Friday night at UPEI, the same night of the belated Venus staff party, i can't go though because i am working till 1 in the morning. Well i did go to Bad News Blair's Xmass party at Doolies 2 weeks ago, he was the designated driver and couldn't drink! hahahahahahaha!!! He was flustered cause i became quite hammered and was being hit on all over the place! LOL! And plus i kept saying to him.."Your sober!" i gave him a VHS copy of Rough Cut with Big Burt for xmas and he got revenge by giving me a copy of "Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave!" So i was hanging out with my little pocket sized buddy, we don't see each other much due to me working lots and lots, we exchanged gifts- she gave me a watch and i gave her some Axemen stuff, a Maple Laughs touque and a can of Tim Horny's hot chocolate. She was here on Fri night and we watched American Pie VI: Beta House and Hatchet. Beta House was not as good as the Naked Mile, but it was funny to still see Eugene Levy, Christopher (Shooter) McDonald and a cameo by Wee Man! Plus more Stifler family members than you could shake a stick at! Hatchet starred Kane (JAson) Hodder as a psycho named Victor Crowley and it was a throwback to the slashers from the 80s with Hodder again doing the Jason sleeping bag death scene, well a little gorier this times. I made it up to WolfVegas for my final bit of Christmas shopping, which included getting a Black Sabbath t-shirt at the Market which reminds me that yes...OZZY is in some 26 or so days...getting giddy Old Man Robb is to see the Ozzman in action at long last, too bad Robb Zombie is not coming, but i will live i thinks. Oh what to do today eh? I have my Colt 45 upstairs so i have today and tomorrow off, so it is time for some reflections ( not going to Reflections for New Years....) and good thoughts...have a good one!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

RAMBO teaser trailer(let the bodies hit the floor)

January 25th...Day before OZZY...Rambo is back and it has been 20 yrs since Rambo III...The startling nocturnal illusion was like the Hindenburg disaster meets Hiroshima meets the Stallone Smirk...starts out like a Bohemian Rhapsody to the jowls, then a Rock the Casbah to the groin! This time Rambo has since Part III withdrawn into a simple and secluded existence in Bangkok, where he spends his time salvaging old PT boats and tanks for scrap metal. Even though he is looking to avoid trouble, trouble has a way of finding him. A group of missionaries approach him and rent his boat to go up river to Burma, a warzone for over 50 yrs. Rambo accepts the offer and takes the missionaries up the river. After some of the missionaries are taken prisoner by sadistic Burmese soldiers, Rambo gets a second impossible job: to assemble a team of mercenaries to rescue the surviving relief workers...i cannot is going to be said, the first RAMBO movie without Richard Crenna as Col Trautman, but nonetheless..RAMBO, like ROCKY last year at back!!!!

Monday, December 03, 2007


Hey folks!

What a long time eh? And to start off the days leading up to Merry XXX Mass (My favorite midget porno! LOL!) I have some news.....



Bites the head off a bat.........

IM GOING TO SEE OZZY F'N OSBOURNE at the Halifax Metro Centre on January 26th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened? Well my main man with the plan Craig (Who got to go to the Vanier Cup and the Grey Cup in TO...lucky devil!) came thru and he and his brother Mark scored some Ozzy tickets for us! Wow! Robb and Ozzy finally! Well not face to face, but to finally sit in the 5th row! Can you say mosh pit!?!?!?!?!? And the rumor is out that none other than ROB ZOMBIE will be opening up the show! This so rules! Ever since being a kid and staring at the Speak of the Devil album cover at the West Edmonton Mall, stealing my brother's copy of Bark at The Moon and then going out and buying every Ozzy album ever! And Black Sabbath to boot! To say that i cannot wait is an understatement for sure....
How is work? Well i am back on night shifts. It is better for me and i find that there is less pressure on me to perform on the nightshifts, it is way more laidback and no fingers on the end of the nose when i am not getting the results that i should have. Our three months is up on December 10th and well i am nervous even though Momma says not to be, who knows? Tonight is supposed to be one hell of a storm though, and Friday is finally payday again and i can start me Christmas shopping finally.
How about me and my pocket sized pal? Well we went to see the Axemen play a few times, they won both too! Including a nailbiter over STFX and now the hockey Axemen have won 3 of their last 4 games and go into the Christmas break being 3 points out of a playoff spot! I went to see some Acadia basketball a couple of weeks ago and we beat UNB. My buddy hung out with me last night, earlier in the day me and Mom watched the new Mr Bean movie which was WAYyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the one from 1997. We also watched a couple of Smokey and The Bandit movies which were pretty hysterical, including the immortal Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 which is mine and Bad News Blair's favorite movie to tear the hell apart...EVER!!! Actually Blair wants me to go to his staff party this coming Sat at Doolies so i shall see what happens...
Last Sunday being off work, i went to the South Shore for a Sunday drive, it was nice as i discovered a candy shop in downtown Lunenburg that is a spitting image of the Freak Lunchbox in Halifax and they sold Pop Shoppe Pop!!!! I bought a Root Beer and a Wild Cherry...i took lots of pics and put them on Facebook (Also known as Crackbook for its addictiveness) The Turkey Burger was closed for the season (DAMN!) so i went to Arbys! Yes frickin Arbys! Which was the best part of my year in Cole Harbour in the late 80s as i skipped alot and ate alot of Arbys, contributing to my beer belly and maybe i helped close it down as it is no longer there. I remember my parents hating Arbys with Momma saying, "I could make this crap at home!"
How about those Sens losing 6 games in a row? And a friend of mine was saying that they were as good as the 1976-77 Habs who only lost 8 games all year?!?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! The Flower and company would squash these guys and i think the Oilers of the 80s would squash these guys, the Broad Street Bullies would have squashed these guys, the 4 time Champ Islanders would have squashed these guys and hell...i think the Don Cherry coached Bruins of the mid 70s would have squashed these guys! How the hell is that for a comparison!!!! Please......
It is that time of year i know...second Christmas without Dad around, i want things to be cool but i feel bad seeing Mom sad about it. Damn used to look forward to Christmas so much, to see Dad's little train around the tree and the doggies scared to death of it, Dad putting up the decorations and me and him going down to Fundy Spray in Middleton here and spending hours picking out the just right tree F'n Charlie Brown trees Dad would bellow! LOL! It is different...but i know how i like to spend my Christmas and if there are places where i do not wish to go, then i shall not go there. Some things in this world i can see right through, that i know are just not quite what they are all cracked up to the end am i right? I don't want to be....
What about school Robb? Oh yeah! I found a website that i saw over on the wall at NSCC here in Middleton and it is called Scholarships Canada and they have all the different scholarships for all the different universities across Canada. And starting in January i am going to start saving a certain amount off each paycheck...yes truebelievers (and i know there are some of you whom are not!) Robbocop has a plan and i do love it when a plan comes together ya know... plus the student loan people called again ...the loan is down there from the glory days at Acadiau, but there is still some owed, the lady was kind enough on the phone, told me that there are lots of people like $80,000 or so in around $17,000...but Sir Robert has a plan like i said and all will be good...i think. Just keep working and all will fall into place i thinks. In case things didn't go as planned for me i did pick up a brocure while up there at the school for working as a guide in France!!!! Imagine Old Man Robb in France?!?!?!?! But it is legit and operated by Veterans Affairs Canada and they are also placing students in Newfoundland as well, i almost went to Memorial in Newfoundland in 2003-04 instead of Mount A...wonder how that would have went?
Anyways folks, i am showered, ate lunch, walked the doggies and now i am going to wait and see if this storm pans out...have a good one!