Monday, May 30, 2011

Where is Randy Savage?

It's a wee bit of a weird coincidence..but in the weeks leading up to Macho Man Randy Savage's tragic death i was getting a good chuckle out of these pics that had been showing up on Facebook on a page called "Where's Randy Savage?" , kind of modelled after "Where's Waldo" except it was WWE legend Randy Savage in a variety of different situations mixed in with Star Wars characters, Obama, Superman, Three's Company to name but a few..but my all time favorite has to be the one pictured below of Macho w/ Sly Stallone in Rocky III...

It would have been an immortal match-up for the ages...ooooooooooooooooooh yeah vs Yo Adrian!!!!

Have a good one folks!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Latest...

So there is the zillion dollar question...

What the heck has Old Man Robb been up to the past little while...


Let the pictures tell the story...let's see let's see...ok i got it..since i last wrote on here to go on and on and on aboot me life..Old Man Robb has seen two strange Superman sightings right here in the good ol Valley, visited a cave in Morden, tried Newfy Poutine, went to the site of the Expulsion of the Acadians, met Brutus Beefcake at a UCW show, saw a stage production of Grease in Annapolis Royal, saw the return of the Shamrock Shake, welcomed a new puppy named Molly to the family, saw a boat named after me, bought a new Axemen Football t-shirt, attended the world's largest flea market in Kentville, bought my new textbook and visited the site of the birthplace of hockey on Howard Dill's Farm in Windsor...phew....

I think that's it...i think...'s not

I was shocked to hear of the passing of Macho Man Randy Savage last of my all time favorites from the 80s heyday of the WWF..loved seeing Savage beat up on ham and eggers every Saturday morning on Superstars of Wrestling...his feuds with Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat and the Honkytonk Man...the lovely Elizabeth...the first time i saw WWF at the Halifax Forum in 1987...Savage Vs Hogan..Savage taking a swipe at some dude backstage for some reason i still dont know...good times...

RIP Macho Man

The Drive-in...

If only my local drive-in located in Coldbrook, NS would do something this frickin cool....this drive-in is located in Linden, Pennsylvania and well...i almost cried in a fit of jealousy when i saw the ad...

Too many good vintage don't get me wrong its cool that we have a local drive-in left and its a nostalgia thing, like pulling out some 8-tracks and or listening to some vinyl...however like the cinema located in Wolfville, i just wish those theatres would cater to the nostalgia buffs like myself and a few they say no one would show up...they would say hey people can rent those old movies and or them...but there is nothing funner to me than watching those old flicks on the big many ways  watching movies at home helped to kill the poor drive-ins...before straight to video, b movies would have life in grindhouse theatres and at drive-ins... its really too bad..its nice with surround sound and flatscreens and all...but damn the fun of ten or so friends in a car..or just a blind date with naughty intentions, take some lawn chairs, the small times...

he he...8-tracks...

My local drive-in caters alot to families and stuff like that..i guess that is where the bread and butter is as in the dinero..however some of us get tired of the indoor bullstuff and would love to see some of the classics on the ol big screen again...

Besides my local drive-in doesn't have a delicacy like the one in Linden, Penn seems to...

Fried dill pickle on a stick...

Old Man Robb was born too late!!! Oh well folks have a good one!