Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Some Questions for Sir Robert Reid Hawley...

Stole some of these off a friends Facebook....

Have you ever drank soda in a glass bottle? The only way it should be drank...

Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?  Hmmm..what if i had not taken Dad's advice..i was given the opportunity to be the manager of my old high school hockey team in 1993 and Dad's advice was that i should work and save some $$$ for school instead..so i took Dad's advice..mind you the school i saved for was not the school i should have gone to in the first place, but better days were ahead...just curious to see who it would have been if i had taken that manager's job...

Do you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? That is the best advice JR Ewing ever gave.

Have you ever been a vegetarian? Im a meat and potatoes man all the way baby

Do hobos frighten you? Loved Hobo With a Shotgun

Do you like to watch wrestling? Sure did back in the day...too silly now..might take a random glance if im out in the mancave with the flicker...rather go to a live wrestling show myself..

Your favorite energy drink? A large triple-triple from Tim Horny's

Do you think your life story would make a great movie? Hmmm... and who would play me? No no..Mr John Belushi is passed on...but maybe i did live out the real life Animal House...humble beginnings..class clown..job after job...goes to university and not given a chance..goes overseas..comes back and comes this close to being a licensed teacher at the age of 40 while actually working and actually EARNING my way to it...who plays me?

Aren't Crocs the ugliest shoes ever made? I dated someone who wore Crocs...doomed from the get-go..

Name two tv shows that you loved as a kid?  Rocket Robin Hood and Spiderman!

Any more questions?

Hockey Night in Canada (From Uncyclopedia)

Found this this evening by accident while surfing the web...here are some excripts courtesy of Uncyclopedia which is according to Wikipedia "a satirical website that makes fun of Wikipedia"

Here is the entry on ....Hockey Night in Canada...

Hockey Night in Canada aka Hockey Night in Toronto(COTU) is the Canadian equivalent of what in other countries is known as "Saturday evening." Every Hockey Night from October until April, Canadians sit glued to their television sets watching the double comedy act known as Don Cherry and straight man Ron MacLean, interspersed with 20-minute intermissions known as ice hockey. Hockey Night becomes every second evening in the spring, during the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Translation to American: Monday Night Football

The Hockey Night in Canada theme song, typically performed by a tape-recorded brass fanfare while graphics, credits, and not-so-subtle advertising rolls down the T.V. screen, is the most recognized of Canada's national anthems (the others being O Canada and God Save the Great One). While O Canada is played before thousands of spectators half-mouthing those words they remember, and dozens of sniffling, spitting and otherwise distracted hockey players , the Hockey Night in Canada theme is played before millions of beer-belching, T.V. dinner-munching fans - most of whom prefer the theme because it's catchier than O Canada, and because there are no words to feel one should be singing patriotically while embarrassed to be heard over anyone else.

The sportscasters include a Foster Hewitt wannabe (in some cases old enough to be Hewitt himself), doing the play-by-play and a "colour man." The play-by-play announcer explains what is happening on the ice: for example, if a player takes a shot, the announcer says "he shoots"; and if a goalie makes a save, he says "the goalie makes a save." This improves the observer's understanding of the game. The colour man provides commentary such as relevant statistics (e.g., "Chuck Norris kills his Haters 63% of the time - 74% of the time that hater is Swedish").
Translation of Foster Hewitt to American: Howard Cosell
Note to Americans: Hockey Night in Canada does NOT provide a blue, electronically-enhanced disk around the puck for easy reference; nor does it highlight slapshots with a red streak to enhance excitement for those who do not appreciate the game. You just have to learn to follow the play. It's a black dot on a white surface, geez.

One might notice, during the course of the game, numerous fans screaming at the players and referees as if anyone but the poor people in front of them could hear them anyway. One might also notice, in homes and public establishments where games are shown on T.V., numerous fans screaming at the players and referees. The purpose of such verbal outbursts is to assist the players and officials: if someone shouts "Get the puck! GET THE PUCK!" at the screen, they are attempting to assist the player from a distance of several hundred kilometres. Likewise, if they shout "YOU CALL THAT A PENALTY? DIVE!!! DIVE!!!" they are letting the referee understand their displeasure, with the sincere belief that the ref will not make such a foolish error again. It should also be noted that fans everywhere show a comraderie in their shared disdain for officials, particularly the blatant bias of the refs in always favouring the team one does not support.


Although dazzled by brilliant passes, amazing shots, and what players get away with behind the play, most fans are eager for the first period to end so they can watch Canada's favourite comedy duo in Coach's Corner.

Don Cherry is the most loved/hated man in Canada. He wears the most eye-catching/averting suits and makes the most outrageous/rage-provoking, humourous/banal comments. He was recently named the seventh greatest Canadian of all time, ahead of lesser-talented public figures such as Margaret Atwood, Oscar Peterson, and Emily Carr. He is particularly popular in Quebec, where fans are so outraged by his inflammatory remarks that the ratings of Coach's Corner are higher than anywhere else in the country. Don tends to think what he says on the program actually has an effect on the players. ex. "Jason Spezza, Jason Spezza, what a kid, I tell him to put the puck on the net and he'll score. See here, watch this. Is it playing? allright now watch this, Spezza shoots the puck and it goes in the net, atta boy Jason, I tell him to shoot the puck and he does and what do you know he scores."

Ron MacLean serves as Cherry's Handler. If anyone wonders how a redneck loudmouth such as Cherry can be so popular, they might want to look at the brains behind the braun. Without MacLean's subtle responses and cool punecdotes, Cherry would either have become a loathed sergeant-major letting off steam near the Kandahar front, or a grocery store supervisor once again lamenting the condition of the squashed raisin bread.

Kelly Hrudey is MacLean's sidekick when Coach's Corner is finished. Hrudey is famous for being that goalie who cost Gretzky's King's to lose the Stanley Cup to Patrick Roy's Quebec Separatists.

There is no Ron MacLean fan club, but he knows he has masses of soft-spoken supporters ready to speak out should he wish another raise.

  • A crossbar is not a drinking establishment where men dress like women and vice versa.
  • A perfect pass is not when she responds positively to "do you come here often." Nor is the score.
  • A bodycheck is neither what happens when you enter prison nor when you're watching a beauty pageant.
  • A dive is not the bar down the street.
  • Do not attempt to get the crease out of your pants.
  • You do not post messages on the boards.
  • The red light signifies a goal, nothing more.
  • Some of the men wear pads. Get over it.
  • Degree of curvature refers to the blade of the stick. The hockey stick.
Translation to American: When you get to third base, you're standing in a baseball field. Nothing more.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin People in Kentville, Nova Scotia

A quick pic of Old Man Robb w/ Pumpkin People in Kentville, Nova Scotia yesterday afternoon...

Don Cherry's Rock Em Sock Em Hockey Vol 1 & 2

With Grapes so much in the news lately i've been pondering about the original Rock Em Sock Em Hockey Videos starting with the original which i recieved for Christmas circa 1989...it kind of started an Old Man Robb Christmas tradition which has lasted to this day...every year for Christmas, Robb recieves the latest Don Cherry video... however i've wondered about the earlier videos..isn't it time for a Rock Em Sock Em Boxset on DVD? Blu-Ray? Put at least the first ten Rock Em Sock Em Hockey videos in one set and the next ten in the other...i would buy for sure... what a time capsule to see hockey before the latest round of expansion, the instigator rule, Gary Buttman...Grapes had yet to start to resemble Colonel Saunders...and not half looney like he seems to be these days...

Personally i don't think Don is the problem...he does what most of us are afraid to do and that is speak his mind..many look at Don like an old uncle who no one listens to anymore..but i do believe Cherry speaks from the heart..he does not speak for all of us and in this case he jumped the gun..Cherry loves the sport of hockey and is a strong supporter of the game...he comes from another time where players played hurt..played for the love of the game and played knowing the next season could be their last..from a time of pre-expansion, of a time where the game was Canadian dominated, where a helmet on a player was a strange sight... where men were men and shut up and played...hockey was yet to be corporate dominated...diluted by expansion which in turn diluted the hockey talent pool... anyways im off topic... carried away..much like one Donald S Cherry...however this time involved three guys that played hockey the tough way that Don likes...

This latest controversy with Grapes is a bunch of baloney...Cherry has his opinons and is not afraid to state them no matter what. I think Cherry should be given a wee bit of respect from his haters for sticking to his guns so to speak. I agree that fighting should stay in the game..what needs to go is this chicken shit stuff like the high elbows, the head hunting, blind sided hits and the hitting from behind... Remove the fights? We wouldn't be watching hockey anymore..we would be watching ringette for gosh sakes! Cherry apologized for his comments because he likes Stu Grimson, Chris Nilan and Jim Thomson and he knew in his own mind that this time he had crossed the line....plus CBC knows that the minute they let Cherry go from HNIC that TSN, The Score, ESPN, Sportsnet...one of them would swoop Grapes up in a second and be trying to woo Ron to go with him....last thing CBC wants is to turn on TSN and hear the ORIGNAL HNIC theme and Don/Ron there to go with it....


Gosh Grapes's 1974-75 rookie card reminds me of Charles Bronson...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

West Kings Hockey Schedule 2011-12

Well here is the WK Hockey Schedule for the first half of the 2011-12 season...

Friday Oct 14 @ 7:30pm- Avon View Vs WK
Friday Oct 28 @ 7:30pm- Digby Vs WK
Friday Nov 25 @ 7:30pm- NKEC Vs WK
Friday Dec 9 @ 7:30pm- NKEC Vs WK
Friday Dec 23 @ 7:30pm- Horton Vs WK

Monday, Jan 02- DOUBLE HEADER- CK Vs WK @ The Appledome in Berk w/ an AUS Game between STFX & The ACADIA AXEMEN following afterwards!!!

Before i go there is a movement afoot to bring football to my alam mater West Kings District High School in time for the 2012-13 season. According to the Facebook Page, WK needs to raise $20,000 to field a team...the address of the FB Group is as follows: