Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Robb State of the Union Address

Hey peeps...its been a long time...

What is happening? Well Monday it all is my TESOL Practicum Orientation... what exactly is that? Well i meet up with the person in charge of my practicum and we are going to discuss what is going to happen up here at ol Acadia U for the next ten weeks... What does this all mean? Well Old Man Robb is finally going to be teaching at Acadia U...if only for the next ten weeks...the culmination of a dream i guess... a dream that began the summer of 1989 when i first walked across the Acadia University campus and well i liked the place... it took a long long time took getting out of West Kings...that took time.. then came the jobs...janitor, pizza driver, gas jockey, stockboy at the drug store and a semi-permanent stop finally at the store formerly known as Andrews

Don't forget the scholastic setbacks... the extra yr or two to get out of school and then the disaster and yes it was a frickin disaster at Kingstec... person after person saying i might as well go wash dishes for the rest of my life, no one is sight with the exception of Dad giving me any praise one else gave the slightest of a rats ass.then it seemed to go somewhat right.. tears of frustriation dried up...took an Acadia course in the winter of 1998 and it all seemed right...there was where i belonged..of course the naysayers were all out in full force saying here comes another is those negative people that feeds me my energy to do i was finally at a place i could call home and it would stay that way for another five years, but it was going to go too quick because it was too much of a good thing in my own personal opinion.

The Tower yrs went too quick...a disaster of a yr at Mount A and then a return to the Acadia U campus which went mostly right except for my disasterous stats course and then again it was assumed i was Dad being gone only added to that dispair and things seemed somewhat dark again...working at a call center only led to the eyerolling.... trips to teach in Japan and South Korea while educational also didn't go as they were planned...i found out how sad the world of overseas teaching could be and how one couldn't really fly like an eagle when they were surrounded by turkeys....i did some bad stuff...but its all in the past...just look forward now...i embarassed myself and embarassed other stung sure it did, but we look past these things..past is past ya know..

Then in 2009 it looked up....sure i was harassing people with surveys when not at Andrews...but i got involved with Open Acadia and the TESOL program and it all became quite clear..the talent is there, it just needs to be harnessed properly...good teaching helps also... the marks came..of course people still talk..people that haven't had much to say to my face since the 80s and 90s.. but still they babble and babble and say stuff..of course some stuff does come back to hunt one..their past..i tried to get into the Education Program at Acadia U back in 2008 before deciding to head off to S Korea.. of course i didn't get in..a lack of a proper math/ science didn't help matters much but again it went on my past marks...why judge people on what or how they did scholastically years ago? Why not judge them on what or how they are doing scholastically now? That is something that has always bothered me because when a person wants to they can improve, they can become better than what they were and are not the same person/ student that they were years ago...people find themselves...others just wanna harp on shit that you did ten or fifteen years ago...they are the ones in need of an overhaul both emotionally and mentally i thinks...

So Monday comes another change...then comes ten weeks of teaching and graded/marked on it and i still have my Education 4863- the Acquisition of Language to complete...i have three chapters left to complete and i am running about an A average..of course the naysayers like to chuck shit and more shit...oh your cheating..oh your only taking one course at a time and not a full course got it it easy? EASY? I was NEVER born with a fucking silver spoon in my mouth folks, i actually had to go out and earn my position..i would rather have it that way rather than having something just given to me..or to have been given something because someone just said you go and given it to feel better when you earn it yourself- EIY.....earn it yourself...

Anyways i have ranted and raved like a lunatic enough now...i promised myself i would do a blog post and i did a blog ready for ten weeks of hell with practicum stuff and TESOL stuff combined... i shall go for now with my head held high knowing hell awaits Old Man Robb

Have a good one folks...