Friday, October 08, 2004

Boring Thursday Night in Wolfville

Man oh man, it almost seems like another day and what have i done except drink a dozen coffees at Perkins and Timmys and seemingly accomplished nothing scholastically. Although one good thing i guess was that my prof seemed to like my paper proposal for my qualitative methods class and well, my senior seminar was going well but melted down into a class argument/ discussion from everything from George W to sexual orientation to the Road Warrior W/ Mel Gibson!?!?!?! Did see another interesting movie in class called the, "Milgram Obedience Study" which was done sometime in the 1950s and was an investigation of how people are influenced by authority, it involved one subject reading a series of questions to another subject, and when the subject answered incorrectly, he recieved an electric shock. This had the class in hysterics, but the film, like the Stranford Prison film, showed that once people are in authority, they will do some strange things. Well, i was bored tonight and decided since the creative juices were at a standstill, i would go walking around Wolfvegas and see what i could see, besides a cutie from my Research Methods class, nothing else was there to see, lots of people gone home for the long weekend, went to the Vil, there were a group of five girls there, but none came and chatted....their loss. Went to the Edge in Kentville on the way was...different. There was this...ummm..i guess he was a guy on my floor my second year, he practically lived at the Edge, he was a big liar, told us he drank 24 beers in one night and wasn't sick and that he beat up football players, mind you this guy was maybe 4'11 and he whole family lived in his back room in Tower, including his father? He told us he played football at his high school, turns out they never had a football program...lies will get you nowhere, maybe mealhall, but nowhere real fast, especially in res where people can smell a lie like a S*** in a car. The best part of the other night was that my old buddy Grover from Mount A finally got in touch with me! He is a DOM like i am (A Dirty Old Man) Glad to hear back from ya old dirty one! Anyways, i am off to bed, got a 10:30 tomorrow, so it is time to call it a day, later Gators!

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