Sunday, October 31, 2004

Confined Angry Nerd

Hello true belivers! Yep i did not make it to the Axe tonight, a lack of funds, plus taking Saturday off a few weeks ago to go to Homecoming put a dent in tonights plans, so i worked from 10-6 in Middleton and just simply came home and did homework, i worked read about Argentina and citizen uprisings for my Seminar Class. Plus i was really disappointed with the advertising for the festivities for the Axe and the McKeen Room for tonight, i think it was cool to have posters with the ONLY Batman, Sir Adam West, but then in SMALL print at the bottom, no full-facial masks allowed!!!!!?????!?!?!?! Sorry old chum, but i worked on me outfit fer a while and i was a little down and pissy...i mean, hell this CORPORATE bull**** i see everywhere is getting to me, this again, attitude....i dunno, i sometimes feel like this is NOT my Acadia anymore, man i am starting to think that i left behind a good bunch of guys & gals at Mount A, sure i thought the teaching sucked, well for my classes anyways, as long as Sir Limp D*** is in charge and he will be until he retires at the age of 100,000 and i missed the Acadia Advantage...well...the Dells also SUCK OUT LOUD!!! But if not for the classes themselves and probably a move to the basement to get somemore study time in, i am sorry but i think i would have stayed, but with mr Vader refusing to let someone lemmie see, approachable, non-boring, geuine, look out for others best interests instead of his own...ugh! Could go on and on, i dunno why KFC didn't hire this donkyhonker to be there new spokesperson with the poor Col being dead now for some 20 yrs, man those in charge of PETA would run from the sight of this old PruneF***er.....anyways in other news, I recieved my Theory midterm back on Friday and made a B, not too shabby, but man i think i am turning greedy eh? I remember back in the day, if i gots a C, i jumped up and down, grabbed a bottle of something and through a party! Nope, i am now having delusions of something, thinking i am a legitimate good student or something, which in reality is something that i do not think that i am. I really have to work at studying and writing papers, i have even taken papers i thought were going to be decent and chucked them into the trash thinking that they were complete and utter crap. How's about the Football Axemen getting that big victory on Friday night? Hooray! About time SMU lost, and lost at home, i have alot of respect for success, but man, even the great ones have to lose sometime...ok, nothing is as bad as Buckner and the ball between his legs, or Steve Smith shooting the puck in his own net...ouch...A busy week coming up, i have my midterm in Qualitative Methods on Tuesday morning and i have to hand in a 3 page outline for my Seminar Class on Thursday, i hope my British Imperialism in India paper goes i have never been this broke, i honestly was emptying me Montreal Canadiens piggybank this week, i guess i am still S***ty at handling money after all of these yrs, thank God i have a job! Anyways, lets call it a night boys and girls, hope the beers are still flowing at the MASKLESS Axe and hope the Axemen are still celebrating their victory...i am off to bed to dream of ummmm...whoever...i do like the lyrics of a song by the Ataris called, "That Special Girl"
"I need a girl who like to go to shows
I need a girl that won't make fun of my clothes.
i'm looking for a special girl who wants to go all over the world, if you're my special girl won't you let me know?
Do you have a boyfriend? or possibly a girlfriend? cause! i'm lonely all the time and i wish that it would end.
I need a girl that likes to stay out late, we'd share a cocktail, wouldn't it be great? if only this were true then i would fall in love with you,
I'm looking for a special girl... could it be you? i could write a stupid love song, and sing it all across the world but it wouldn't mean a thing. until i find my special girl. when will i find my special girl?"
Good tune...night boys and girls...

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