Tuesday, October 05, 2004

One Year Later...

What a weird feeling to be back at good ol' Acadia U after a one year leave of absence, i am coming to you from the Axe Lounge, located on the Acadia campus. Actually i am not supposed to be back, in May of 2003, i graduated from Acadia with a BA in history and i left to attend Mount Allison University. Unfortunately, i ran into the rudest, biggest, jerk for a prof, a disgrace to the teaching profession and when offered the chance to come back to Acadia, i grabbed the chance with two greedy paws. Sadly, i made alot of friends at Mount A and i felt bad to leave them behind, if Darth Vader was not hogging his position (do everyone a favor a retire already eh?) i would have come back. One month into the year and i really miss being on the air, where is the radio station around here? I occupied two timeslots last year on CHMA Radio at MT A, my show was called, "Assume The Position", actually, the show originated on Radio Acadia during the 2000-01 year. Me and my friend Ghislain were the original hosts and it was a blast, unfortunately, the next season, we ran into some self-important people who hired all their friends, the station tanked badly and the was gone, good riddance, to those who destroyed the station, it is more like see ya later, you are now a spectator. I had heard the station was back last year, i inquired about the station and some guy who had a tie so thin that he looked like he should have been playing, "Louie Louie" at a 1963 high school prom looked at me like i was an alien transexual or something. Anyways, i would love to be back on the air and doing whatever it was i do. Anyways, i have a night class at 7:00 in the BAC and i shall finish my Keith's draft (his b-day today!) and be off. Stay tuned true believers, Same Robb time, Same Robb Blog! Hey! Ho! Moralists beware!

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