Saturday, November 20, 2004

Confusion, Illusion, a Misinterpretation, of the Original Me

Hey Ho naysayers! Lots of stuff ...well not really, but man...i think i have my British-India 24 page disaster almost finished, my Qualitative Methods- Participant Observation Paper is almost done and so this will leave my Quantitative Methods paper/ Annotated bibliography for all of next week and my takehome examination for Social Theory. Whew! Was that a load or what? Not much else, took the dogs for their haircut today, they haven't recieved a trim since September, it is the first time i have ever seen Maggie's face! My brother thinks she is ugly, but we are all subject to our own opinions. I remember a girl, one who stood me up twice actually once told me who am i to judge beauty? Then five minutes later i commented to her about a girl i was interested in and she replied, "Ugh! She is butt ugly!" Or something amongst those lines....The remaining question is how could old Robbo let himself get stood up twice by the same girl? You should have seen the guy she stood me up for! Another member of the George Steele/ Meatloaf fan club...i am talking homely...ladies i know i am not hot...but am i that bad? I worked Friday night 6-11 and tonight or well SAturday night from 6-12 with an afternoon shift tomorrow in Greenwood...then it is seriously back to the Vaughn to print out and wrap up these two reports that i have spent countless hours on and i am sick to death of doing...I hope British-India will be ok...The boys from 2nd Floor Harper, actually my monitor from last yr, Chris e-mailed me asking me when am i going to visit? Well...boys i would like to...if i had the bucks, maybe they should take up a collection and send me a bus ticket, or something...i have vented about Mount A now for awhile, about there lack of meal hall hours on the weekend, coffee shop closures at 4 pm, campus bar that only opens at 9 at night and all the rest, but strangely i would like to visit, there is a part of me that enjoyed the goings-ons at Harper, i miss the gang. It is too bad the Campus D****bag (needs one of These!) at Acadia missed his chance to save face, what better way would the start of the year have been than to interview someone who has been at 2 of the top three schools in this country? It was a gimmie gimmie gimmie story that he missed the boat on! Talk about your choke! Buffalo Bills be damned!
Anyways i am off to bed, you kids have a good one....and don't forget to hoochie poochie!

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