Saturday, November 06, 2004

Have You Ever Seen The Rain? Ummmm..Duhhh

Hello there webslingers! The Football Axemen are currently leading STFX 1-0 at Raymond Field and the winner advances to play a well-rested SMU next week...i wish SMU had to play someone today to even things up a bit instead of like having the week off and stuff. I am right heads over foot with the ol' homework today, more British Imperialism in India stuff, where the Brits took over well...everything and left India kind of holding the bag. I have to work at 6:00 in Middleton tonight, i worked last night till 12:00 midnight and man, all people could say, ""Shrek 2! Shrek 2!" materialistic people, get a life! I mean i would have a life if i wasn't such an old professional university student. Another girl smiled at me the other day, she had pink hair...she was sitting in Perkins and ripped out two big smiles at me...maybe she felt sorry for me or something...i dunno...kinda bummed out doing all this homework, looking at the rain and then back at the Axemen on the tube...Anyways, it is some good ol' Chinese Food in the George and then off to work...short blog today, short blog....anyways adios amigos!

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