Monday, December 20, 2004

Believe In What You Want

Hello webslingers, naysayers...whatever, i am back sooooooooooooo long time no blog eh? Well, tomorrow me first term marks are gonna be posted on the Acadia Website. Why fret now? Well, i already know the marks for Social Theory and Seminar and i figured out the mark for Qualitative Methods, it is the mark for Quanitative that worries me some. Yes the examination for Quanitative Methods was on the 9th of December and it was well...stinky to say the very least, and i had a 68% going into the examination, mostly on the strength of my Annotated Bibliography that earned me a B+, i had hoped for at least an A-, so i calculated and it gave me 40.2/60, so in reality i had to make 19.8/40 to earn a 60% for the term. The good news is that this term is worth 40% of our mark, leaving 60% of the work to be done this upcoming term. The bad news is that it is now going to be almost all exclusively that boys and girls...MATH!!!! My arch-enemy, my Kriptomite...jeesh...Well, i shall check the marks sometime over the holiday....Well...last night was our staff x-mass party at my manager's house and it was a fun time...a drunken time...but nonethless a fun time...i was really wasted and hit on all the women there, it was all in fun though, i remember blacking out on the floor and waking up on the couch all tucked in and stuff, i recieved my secret Santa was a doll of a perverted old man who masterbated to the theme from the Lone Ranger...don't ask...but it was damn hysterical stuff indeedy.... i came home and crashed and then worked the afternoon shift in Greenwood...i am off for the next four days and will be doing alot of x-mass shopping...i chatted quite a bit with our staff that still atttends high school and i was told that they are stuck in school until the 23rd of December...i mean come on! They don't do examinations until after x-mass anyways! What are they teaching kids really? I heard that kids still have to sign out in order to leave the school grounds and that teachers waste inorderate amounts of time chasing people around, yelling at kids in the hallways to get to class, etc etc...i mean are they really getting these young fellows ready for university? There is more to this life than pencils, pens and notepads, students must be taught that if they are going to go the university route that they are going to have freedom, and many will be away from the anal-retentive clutches of their parents, teachers etc for like the first time and have no damn idea what they are getting into! Listen to me...professors, nice people, but for the most part i have to break it to ya laddy...THEY DO NOT CARE!!!..i must F***ing repeat myself, THEY DO NOT CARE!!!!! There! I said it! Little Johnny A Student is just a number in Mr, Mrs or Miss Professor's class and do not care that you were an A+++ student from Deliverance County, Nova Scotia, plus if you are going to live in Res, you will, in the exception of a potentially anal retentive RA, have your freedom! No parents, brothers, sisters...nothing! Maybe that is why so many students go with friends from high school, i was different, i worked, went to community college, studied under the B***H of the Baskervilles for a whole waste of a year, but i finally got into res and i was sooooooooooo happy to not see anyone from high school there, why? Well i went to school with all of them for so long, i am not being hateful, but i wanted to meet new people, hang out with new people, grow a little ya know? I found those people that went to university with people they went to high school with in many cases, did not grow...they just stayed redunant, doing the same old, same old, they might as well not went to school and stayed home and went to hang at the mall with all the other losers....hey..what the hell is going on with the letting go of Tim Darling as Acadia's basketball coach? He had a record of 3 and 2 at the time, i guess it was an internal matter or something, i feel not all is well with Acadia sports ..i finally viewed both Shaun of the Dead and Napoleon Dynamite this weekend...both were awesomely done, independent films, a good break from the usual in-door Bullstuff that Hollywood has been turning out as of late. Anyways, it is 11:45 or so, i am NOT looking at my grades and stuff this week, so have a good one and i will report me findings later captain...lates!

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