Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Last Place You Look...

Greetings webslingers! Well today has been most productive so far, i went to my final Social Theory class and recieved my second essay examination back...i made 84%...i was happy as a clam!!! This left me with a B+ for the term, for my permanent record...take that Mount A Crapmaster...i should definitly be sending the winner of the Col Sanders look a like contest a newly revised grad picy at the end of this school year. However i am not completely out of the Camp Crystal Lake woods yet....tommorrow i recieve back my project on British-India for Seminar as well as my Participant Observation paper for Qualitative Methods. Last night i passed in my Annotated Bibliography paper for Quantitative...i hope it is ok, i did not so hot on the midterm and i would really like a nice mark...i have alot of review to do for my examination which is on Thursday of next week from 7:00-10:00 in the gym....The format of the examination is 40% for multiple choice and fill in the blanks as well as 60% for problem solving and short answer questions. The girl who sits next to me in class made 94% on the midterm, i should soooooooooooooo contact her and see if she shall help me with getting the math stuff downpat in order for me to even have half a hope in hell...i mean i am going to have to really bear down and study just all the definitions and other concepts... i mean stuff like deductive and inductive reasoning, causality and temporal order, conceptualization and operationalization...what the hell is all this bullstuff????!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I really ...really have to hit thy books...and yet before i gots back me 82% this morning, i was fretting like you would not believe...i even drank a Budwiser cause it was the only kind of booze left in the apartment...a frickin Budwiser?!?!!??! i had a pal named Eli last yr, and i swore it was the only think he drank! Man...watered down worm medicine would be a much better name, On Monday i grew som frustriated with studying that i went for a drive and actually ended up in Hantsport, where i went to Tim Horny's and called me old pally Lindy up on me celly...actually i only use my celly when i absolutely have to...hate them drivers who have em stuck in their ears permanently, wish they had em stuck in their gladiolus maximums .....oh..i almost out for good ol' Hantsport, they do not have a gas station...i had to go to a nearby Native reservation last summer and i thought i was going to lose my head...eek...last night after class i was in the Vaughn till aboot 12 midnight and i wrote a girl that lived in Harper last yr...dunno if she would respond, i was looking for something else, me buddy Captain Russell's actual address and came across her picy quite by accident. Hope she responds, if not...oh well....Today is the first of December and for the first time all term...i ran into Gorgeous Glen right here at Perkins...he has been off doing road work for Acadia, going to all the high schools all over NS, NB, PEI and even Nfld to talk to kids and convince them to come here...Glen was my RA my last year in Tower, so it was kind of strange when he turned around and saw me here...he marked out badly, became speechless like a McNutt, wonder if George Bush is dodging rocks as we speak right now in Hfx? ....Anyways i have to gets going, got me some studying to do, then i have to pick up Richie Ramone at 4:30 and then more studying at the ol' Vaughn tonight...all ladies are encouraged to drop me a line...yeah whatever Old Man Robb! So in the meantime and in-between time...lates!

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