Tuesday, January 11, 2005

All These Things

Another day eh webslingers? It is hard to get used to only having one class on Tuesday night...it is the dreaded Quanitative Methods: Part II. The one class that i would have had a better mark in if i had stepped in front of an 18 wheeler via "mistake" and had procured a doctors note that i could not have written the examination. However, the damage was done and i now had to get on with finding a tutor to assist me if i am going to be able to pass this course. Last night the mystery teacher was revealed for Sociology of Education....it was my prof from my Sociology of Work class that i dropped fist term. Why did i drop this particular class? Becuase it was BORING with a capital B!!!!! Nice lady, but there is more to teaching than just showing us overheads and then rambling on and on and on and on about what the overheads already say...and then to do it from 7:00-10:00?!?!?!? On the upside, there are only 4 assignments in addition to the midterm and the final examination, so that is a good thing i guess. If this lady, who is basically a rookie prof can get it together (Who the F*** am i to tell someone to get it together?!?!?!) Then it can be a very interesting class, i mean we talked about the history of the educational system in North America, First Nations and their difficulties with Residential Schools and The result of three centuries of total control has been the destruction of families, culture, language, traditions and ways of knowing and survival. Other topics included how elementary schools are used as systems of respect, students are told what to do from an early age and it is a system that sees how good youngsters are at taking orders from others and how they respond to pressure via writing of papers, quizes and tests and responding to bells to move to other classes, personally i feel the youth of today learn well in the early yrs, but the system keeps up this militant BS all the way into the high school system and the students are not being prepped properly for university life, one of the girls who was quiet in my Qualitative Methods class first term introduced herself after class and said that she would exchange MSN numbers with me for next class...my my my.... My other class, Theory of Devolution and Revolution went really well, i have taken courses from this particular prof before and i have always scored in the B+ to B range. We talked about how the majority of the world does not the status quo, the way of life that we enjoy presently in North America and thus, they cannot make changes. They cannot take a dictator to task, because those brave/ stupid (depending upon how you look at it....) individuals have a tendancy to disappear...there were some lovelies in that class too! I caught one girl who i did a presentation with once staring my way...maybe she was looking out the window.... Again in his class we have only a paper, presentation and one take-home midterm to complete... No FINAL EXAMINATION!!!!!! More classes should take that step, i mean at what time of the year are students more on edge??!?!? Stressed, going completely F***ing nuts?!?!? Examinations can kill marks, ask anyone! I have had 70s- 80s going into final exams and seen those marks go GOODBYE!!! Oh well, no wonder the Axe/ Vil's business picks up so much around examination time! After class last night i ran into Gorgeous Glen and i gave him a lift up to Tower where we reunited with the boys to watch RAW, all of the old gang, well the gang from my 4th and 5th yrs in Tower are going to the Smackdown house show in HFX. (Personally i think we should all go to the Axe where we can truly live in the past...and i can become the old me...well maybe...) I cannot believe that we were watching RAW on a NON-DRINKING FLOOR IN THE CROWELL TOWER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I never imagined the placed becoming almost all co-ed (except for 4th, 3rd and 2nd....) but there was a non-drinking floor inaugurated a few yrs ago, weird eh? Then again, i remember talking to a few old Eaton House alumni's who frown on the fact that Eaton and the other half of Eaton, whatever the hell it is called, it now totally co-ed...they actually do frown on this! Well, them and Chipman did have quite the rivalry back in the day, Fight Nights at Chipman and the Cheat'n Cup Hockey Game which is still being played for even today...when the new brass came to power in the mid nineties, they wanted to re-organize the place, i remember at my grad dinner back in 2003 they referred to the campus as "Alcatraz" in reference to its appearence around 94-95. I remember the campus having its own flavor of sorts during my frosh week, but then again, the Tower lawn where i was initiated into campus life and where a few yrs later, i was myself a Frosh Boss (sorry Kathy...tradition rules!) is now a big ol, honkin parking lot!?!?!?!?!?! Anyways, yesterday while doing some good ol' lazy boy net surfin, i came across an article called, "Ode to the Nice Guys" This was an awesome piece of writing aboout what is known across high school-university circles as the "Guy Friend" Well...i am one to talk, i have been a victim many times of the "Guy Friend Syndrome" with many many many many many many different weird and wonderful girls.... and i felt terrible and felt like blowing up Anartica many times while caught in this sad situation, but.....while i have noticed here, back in high school and while at work, girls come and go with these guys who treat them as if they were a possession and nothing else, i have to take issue with the so-called genre of guy friends.... well, there was a girl that i liked my second yr, a good old fashioned down home Maritime girl, a South Shore girl as a matter of fact...anyways she sat behind me in American History Class, and i could not stop turning around, talking to her, she was seeing someone at the time, but that did not stop me from tossing and turning, anyways, she was single eventually and of couse i was way too ChickenS*** to do anything about it and she had the most annoying guy friend that i ever...i mean EVER!!!! met in my life, he would state at me in meal hole.. a la Marr-rot, i mean stare at me as if he was going to haul out a Magnum 45 or something, he stared so much that the 3rd Floor Boys thought that he had a crush on me or something, and he was with her EVERYWHERE!!!! Coffee Merchant? Check! Subway? Check! I could not talk to her at all! When there was a party once at Tower? Check! UGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!! Anyways while the article was an awesome read, i cannot totally agree when the situation is on the other foot, i could start in on the VERY annoying situation of the sweet girls who have A**H*** boyfriends at home who treat them like total and utter S***, but that would be another blog for another time. Anyways i need to get some reading done, pick up Senior Richie from work and then head to me nighttime class (ugh) lates!!!

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