Thursday, January 06, 2005

Different but the Same

Hello cool guys and foxy ladies and welcome to 2005!! Man i am glad that Acadia is starting back up on the 10th!?!?!?! These damn breaks are too long! When was i done examinations? It was the 9th of December or something like that, i have been home some five weeks. My Dad is still suffering the effects of food poisoning, courtesy of whatever the hell he ate in New Minas that day. My brothers roommate told me that the last time she ate there, the food poisoning lasted a good five weeks, lovely.... I took my nephew to see the hockey Axeman defeat U of T 4-2 at Acadia Arena last Thursday! The Axeman defeated the Varsity Blues twice actually, with the first game being played down in Yarmouth. I remember i actually liked a girl once from there, but it did not last long, i heard she still lives down there working at K-Mart or Zellers or something. I feel bad cause i stopped talking to her just because she started seeing someone during the summer of 2001, plus the fact that EVERYONE made fun of me for liking her, she was dating a bricklayer and i heard enough bricklayer jokes to last me a lifetime, i was a jerk...oh well... i am going to travel to Wolfville tomorrow night to see the basketball Axemen take on Dalhousie at 8:00, they won their first game under their new coach, Jeff Cummings, so it should be interesting to see how things go. I sent off me student loan papers yesterday, damn things! I know i am going to have to beg for a job at somewhere like Acadia when all is said and done come April in order to pay back the roughly $74,000 i am going to owe our lovely government for all the years of damage that i have caused at both Acadia and Mount Allison. Did anyone else watch Team Canada's clobbering of the Russians last night? Somewhere, Donald S Cherry is smiling...I cannot wait for the WWF Smackdown house show (Not WWE...i will never call it that!!! F***king animal tree hugging hippies!!! Rot with the Peta idiots!!!) Show at the fabulous Forum in Halifax! Kurt Angle, RVD and a bunch of others are going to be there... i has to admit i am really in love with me portable MP3 player, i have been listening as of right now to the Ramones, Damned, Hanoi Rocks, The Travolta's, Sloan, The Ataris and the Get-Up Kids to name but a few...i can vary quite a lot in me old musical tastes....actually a great song by the Get-Up Kids is called, "Martyr Me" and an awesome sample of the Travolta's is a song called, "Endless Summer"... well more and more people are asking me if i am heading up to MTA for a reunion with the Harper boys...well well well...if all goes according to plan, i may be able to swing it for the last week of February, i shall have to see if any of the boys are going to be around for my visit if it comes to fruition. Anyways i am going to watch a bit of the Wayne & Shuster special on CBC and then turn in for the night...have a good one webslingers!!! In the meantime, here are some of my favorite lyrics from one of my favorite bands, the song is "Enchantment Under The Sea" by the "Huntingtons" Enjoy!

"Last night Darth Vader came to me
And told me that he would melt my brain
If I didn't catch my destiny
Before Biff snatched it away from me
I can't have that so I'm asking you, Lorraine
8:55 where you gonna be?
Under the sea
Do you wanna dance with me?
Do you wanna hold my hand?
Are you scared like I am?
I don't wanna miss my favorite TV show
No daddy-o not for some blind dateB
ut if fate has brought me to you now
I'll row with it but I don't know how
Science fiction theatre can wait
Do you really think I oughta swear?
Would it show her how much I care?
Well that's great but I'm not that kind of guy
So hey you get your darn hands off her
Oh yeah cause she's got a better offerS
he's the earth angel of my eye."

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