Monday, January 31, 2005

Wearing Thin...

How are the Webslingers? father was operated on around 3:00 PM on Friday and i am told that he is in good spirits, he was up adn walking with the assistance of a nurse and as of yesterday was sitting up on his own. The doctors have cleared the stomach, but there is still the problem of a little growth that needs to be operated on and taken out. If worse comes to worse, maybe the entire bowel will end up having to be removed...that is only speculation at best, i am just so tired of every year something new happening and having to spend December/ January around a hospital. So, tomorrow i am taking the day off from classes and spending most of the morning/ afternoon visiting with my father. Well, i will be back for what is it now? Only my second class of Sociology of Education this semester? That is due to two straight snowstorms wiping out two straight Mondays of classes at Acadiau.... I am just really happy that my father right now is ok, all i am really concerned about really, it is weird not having him around here, i had to sleep upstaris in my parents bedroom cause our two dogs have gone completely loony without me parents around, it is strange to see stuff like old t-shirts my DAd has ceremoniously "borrowed" from me, like me old Axemen, 1999-00 Kelly Division Champions t-shirt, stuff that normally i used to throw hissys about him borrowing, yet still i would do anyting to see him back in it, wearing that and his GORILLA slippers, watching the tube and bitchin about there being no hockey on..... I still have yet to complete my report for Sociology of Education, that is being read tonight and tomorrow when i am back from the city, i will be printing the report off at the Vaughn cause there is no working printer currently in this house. Well, i did attend the Acadia- Dalhousie hockey game on Wednesday how the once not so-bad have fallen eh? We smoked Dal 5-0 and i actually think that the Axemen let up in the 3rd period! I really do think that score could have easily been 12-0 or something totally drastic, the Axemen went through this, all major university teams at one time or another go through this, it is called the rebuilding process, ya hang on to all the 4th and 5th yr players with the hopes of winning the big one, well...even if you do not win it you might have to look forward to the fact that your team is gonna...well...suck the next upcoming season. Some teams never seem to get over it at all, Mount A had a really good football team, national finalists as a matter of fact, but players leave, Eric Lapointe and others left...well graduated and recruitment wasn't there like it was in the past, i mean...that game against SMU a couple of uyrs ago...ouch! But let's face it, DAl was outshot by something like 40 shots the other night...these teams will have to take their time, but the Mounties have a good new head coach in Steve LaLonde and time will tell the story there...the hockey Axemen continue to win with a tie and a major 7-1 pounding of St Thomas Tommies last night...oh by the the playoffs for the first time in FOUR FRICKIN YEARS!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! that i gots that out of me system...Is it a return to glory for the Axemen? Well, time will tell... Last night i basically took a trip back in time...i attended a West Kings- Middleton high school hockey game...why? Well, in a past life, i was the PA announcer for the West Kings Kings (WAsn't that a ridiculous name or what? Kings Kings??!?!?!?!?!?! Well...we could have had LA's old uniforms...anyways the team, since the 90s has been called the Wolverines...(An improvement over Kings Kings....jeesh.....) Anywho, West Kings won 2-1 in what was a decent game, the old Kingston Rink, i had forgotten about how frickin cold that old joint could really be! The coffee still tastes like old brown crayons as well...and it was nowhere near as packed as i thought it would be! Seriously...West Kings- Middelton!?!?! Rivalry in the old days meant a packed house, even at times there would be scrapping in the stands, it was so packed back in the day that the only tickets would be left would be standing room only! Kinda like the Axemen back when i first started at Acadia in 98, 99...i remember going with some pals to an Axemen game and we had to stand and watch...that is when you know you have a good product, when people will stand for three hours in order to watch you play..........Oh well, i did work some 16 hrs this weekend in both Greenwood and in Middleton today, i love the Middleton store...even though it was probably built during the dark ages, around the same time as the Kingston rink... i grabbed lunch today at the new Subway in we actually have a place to eat now from 7 in the morning till 2:00 AM...whoooooooo! In Middleton!??!?!?!?, where anything is possible!?!?!?! It has got to be the biggest Subway i have ever been in as well, you could have a double-header roller derby going on in there, it is that damn huge! I thought it wouldn't be so spacey...well, i hope it does not have a negative impact on the other restaurants in town, i would hate to see local businesses suffer because of a major chain moving into the area... I sent Grover another e-mail today about a possible visit to MTA around the start of March, that is all tenative depending on what is going on with Dad and how he is feeling around that point in time. I also sent brother Grove me favorite new videoclip, all i have to say is move over Tattoo!?!?!?!?!?! Anyways, sitting here and chatting with all of the wormslime is not getting me homework done eh? I shall chitty chat later all, hopefully with good news i hope when i go to visit the Papa tomorrow in Halifax and then journey back for me second night class of 2005, later ya all!!

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