Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dream to Make Believe

Hello webslingers and wormslime...well it is another day here at good ol' Acadiau...actually Perkins, doing the mid-life crisis college thingy, handing out resumes and now procrastinating while drinking some good ol' brown crayon...i mean coffee. My father called me this morning, they took out some more of his tubes and he is having some movements...he wants to come home actually, told me he is starting to go stir crazy being up there in the hospital, i mean it is going on three weeks now. Time to get back to living, he was still making Speedo jokes about the summer due to his weight loss. I am just glad he is back to eating some soft foods- probably Jello and that kinda stuff. Classes are ok, a little sparsely attended though...the flu is going around, other than that people are just probably generally skipping...nothing like $12,000 a yr to skip eh weblingers? Saw a girl i thought was pretty with a rose...not Axl Rose (new G n R my A**!??!?!?) but a rose... well that scraps that eh? The same with the girl from Yarmouth a few yrs ago, she was with someone and i stopped talking to her...i guess i am a p****...or lonley...or both....take your pick. We learned somemore yesterday about neoliberalism, i actually had to get up in front of the class...well...nobody else volunteered to get up with the first chapter so i was up and stating about the popular resistance to capitalist development in Latin America by popular grassroots responses of peasants, guerrilla movements, and massive mobilization in the countryside. Basically protests against Americanization...familiar stuff eh? I picked up Ritchie Ramone from work and went grocery shopping with him and his girlfriend at Sobey's in New Minas...there was a lady there with a furry thing around her neck...it was huge and blue and i told Richie that it was the Cookie Monster...actually i remember us watching a Godzilla flick where we swore up and down that he looked like Cookie Monster... oh well...could always be worse eh? I had my Sociology of Education class last night...for the sparse attendance that was present, it was a decent lesson...a little long winded...but interesting none the less. We chatted about how some social capital is convertible- being from a family, at Acadia if you come from the Irving family, you will have respect, room to breathe. Just being born into a family will bring you social capital. It is sometimes up to us to get this social capital working for us. The fact remains in our society that some...well...actually quite a few kids get advantages that others do not, they hold the same human capital, but they have connections, more money- the class advantage- you can apply to more places, videos made to impress employers- you can achieve the upper hand through your economical background. The background...the thoughts that they want everyone to have is seen through red colored lenses, the dominant ideology of our culture must be questioned. What cultural messages are we sending? We are or tht we all should be heterosexual? That we should want to get married and success is defined by money..money...money- a nice house, a nice car.... everyone should want the same thinggs like a Hummer and a Plasma Widescreen Television (except for customers at the videostore obviously....) What different messages are there about life was told in high school? Why cannot we think of doing things differently? Why cannot I sing my essay or why cant students run the administration of the university or receive or at least ask to see a copy of your final examination? Well...i have seen the latest issue of our ever loving Ath... I am glad to see that everyone can finally see me point... it is an expensive popularity contest disguised under the name of "ASU"...or whatever the frick they call it nowadays... and that all should be very curious as to where their money, especially the blue collar sadness tour that seems to make up still a bit of the Acadia population...aka students like me! Frosh week is a $35000 expense? Well...wonder who is pocketing what around here? How's about that Copy Center cost? I do agree with the quotation, "I bet most of us don't even know where this place is!" Good job D********!?!?!?!?! Finally a good issue...although i think we should have devoted a whole issue worth just to it...see people don't like to talk, get involved with stuff... you know, speak out, go against the grain..why is that? We think it will backfire, that no one will listen and the status quo will remain...as in rich kids or the so-called beautiful people running the show as usual...just like high school back in the day...the elections where you see their annoying faces plastered all over the frickin place for aboot a month in the SUB, BAC, Residence, the can...whereever the hell and it is always the same verbal dierrea...i am gonna change this, i am gonna lower your tuition...i am gonna...i am gonna....yeah... well..some do bring free coffee...more brown crayons for you to drink in the BAC...maybe i should run eh? I dunno..come back for like my 15th degree and run for president..i mean, what the hell have i got left to do at this university that i have not already done at this university? Ok...i havent been on the chess team or a D&D club... but really, i would run for pres..no financial crap or anything like that, and i would wear my best ripped jeans and Ramones t-shirt and tell everyone the truth..i would say "Hey scumbags, your getting ripped off by tuition, but who the hell isn't and well...lump it or leave it...by the way there will be all AU sporting events are licenced and there is a tailgating party this Saturday in the Arena parking lot...and i am personally vouching for ten FRAT HOUSES to open next to the ESSO...i mean Irving Center.my dear God...we will look and behave the way that a frickin UNIVERSITY should!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!..by the way...i can't change anything cause i am just a figurehead and i did it to socialize with chicks." Ok...in all seriousness that was not a serious speech for an election campaign...but the sooner that people cann see the truth in advertising and false advertising, then the better off we shall all be eh? by the way...the sexy girl i saw at career day is on the cover of the Ath...but it is creepy looking little old (and i do mean OLD) me and i shall not bother...one last word on the subject...if i did run for Pres...this would so be my campaign automobile!!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!!! Anyways the coffee is done and it is time for me to run, hand out more resumes, pick up Ritchie Ramone from work and then go to my favorite Quanitative Methods class...well...it is my only Quanitative Methods class...anyways kiddies, time to be scarce...lates!

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