Monday, February 21, 2005

Endless Vacation

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Hellllllllloooo webslingers and other wormslime too worthless to mention!!!?!?!?!?! How the hell are ya? Well...i was going to go to Acadia today to work on me homework, but me father talked to me and well...economics folks, why make two frickin trips? Waste of gasoline, go Wednesday, put the touches on two papers, actually one is a paper proposal and then i can go about handing out resumes, and then go at 7:30 with me AWESOME STANDING ROOM TICKET to see the Axemen take on UNB at Acadia Arena! Playoff action for the first time in what is it now? Four years! Four long yrs since the Axemen have seen playoff action and i hope it is going to be a good one... Man i worked a good shift at work yesterday and i did the one thing that i really....really hate to do to people...charge late charges, but me boss does not like us letting them go and being the nice guys on the block...not since competition moved in across the street something like a yr ago... anywho i did a late list at what was it? 10:08 in the morning yesterday, now a lotta people were sleeping in yesterday after getting hammered off their rocker on Sat night at one of the local dives or probably winter carnaval and i caught em all by suprise by phoning good and why do that? Well... people deserve it i thinks, i mean there are simple rules that are layed out for the customers, return times- 6:00 on weekdays and 2:00 in the afternoon for Saturday and Sunday.... simple eh? Nope! People wanna dictate their own rules, i often would as a kid break the video rules, i remember this dude came to town, cannot remember where in the hell he was from, we are talking early 90's here, anyways he had a huge honkin fro and hair all over his body, always wore a undershirt...he looked kinda like a Monchici, he had lots of good ol school crappy movies, like Jim Kelly flicks and stuff and LOTS of old school WWF Coliseum Home Video stuff (The best!!! Me and my old buddy Jason from the Passage lived on this stuff!!!!) Anyhow, i rented Universal Soldier and promptly forgot about it the next day and went with some pals to Upper Clemons Park... (The water ride is about the best part...the rollercoaster is an accident waiting to happen...just me opinion) now i gets home at 5:00 and return the movie to Monchichi... i go back to the shelves and grab me another one of his flicks and he looks at me and tells me that i cannot rent there anymore...why? Because i was a whole two hrs late with Universal Soldier! Well... i offer to pay a late fee, i drag out about five bucks out of me pocket, about two dollars more than he charged to rent the lame flick and he promptly shows me the door! What a complete and utter A**hole!!! Anyways i was delivering pizza that summer (lame eh?!?!?!????) and i told EVERYONE i could not to rent from the Monchchi!!!!!...Well.... the doors were boarded up by November and no more MONCHICHI!!!! First rule of business, give the customers some leniency, i mean they are after all paying yer damn wages...and late charges should always be if the flick is a full date late... 24 hrs after renting the stupid flick.... i find customers are usually astonished because of me recent lack of moviewatching, however there are quite a few people that do not realize that after all these yrs that i have been living a double life of working at the stores in Greenwood and in Middleton and the whole time i have been attending university... i missed out on a lot coming home to work, i never attended a Snowball Formal, made it to ONE....count em...ONE pubcrawl in HFX, i never made it to a Tower Formal until my fourth and fifth yrs (went stag both times....sad eh? Losers anonymous...first card carrying member- Robb!!!) Hell webslingers! I never even made it to Christmas Dinner at Wheelock until me 3rd yr!!!! Not to mention all the various Axemen basketball, football and hockey games missed on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays unless i specificaly took those days off and covered them at a later date.... no wonder i drank down all that good Colt 45 eh?...ok so i am not as smooth as Billy Dee... Last yr at Harper Hall, i was actually able to enjoy weekends, but at a cost...i had only limited funds to go on, no weekend job to go to where i could scrounge up extra moolah...not that MOOLAH...uuuuugggghhhh!!?!?!?!?!? I did apply for a few jobs while there, but it was like every other job, unless you know someone or are related to somebody like an important alumni or such and such, you are not getting in....with applying for university jobs, you need to have an in, or an extraordinary resume with lots of experience in the field you are applying for, it is that old saying that employers never listen to, you have to get experience in order to have experience...all i am saying is someone has to start somewhere...i couldn't even get on working at the campus call center, telling me that i am not what they are looking for.... well, even in a job where someone cannot see your homely old face, you have to look like Brad Pitt or something...anyways if i would have had a steady income flow it would have helped...esp once Darth Vader started his reign of terror... but i was left out of quite a few events, went to the Christmas Formal ( date!....) but had no money for drinks, and i did not want to turn to the folks ever two seconds begging for change.... So working at the store has its advantages, i get to work with alot of cool girls, enjoy banter with alot of good clientele and i am relatively close too home, the disadvantages are the lost i always wondered what marks would be if i had no work on the weekends...well...i found out that marks are about the same (well...except for when Darth Vader uses the dark side of the force...) My father had one of his rough days today...i guess i am a complete amateur when it comes to medical stuff, i thought with this operation that his gas would be gone, but from this afternoon on it was pretty bad and he went to bed around 9 tonight.... hope for the best, it is all that i can do i guess. Its frustriating too since we were both up around 7 this morning and he was roaring at breakfast over little things and both of us were chatting it up aboot the Axemen and Wednesday and how pathetic the NHL strike really is, even though Gretzky and Mario have both tried to help ending the dispute....maybe Bob Probert can be called in, bring David Shultz with em and they can take Bettman and Bob whatshisface outside and give em a little lesson.... i dunno.... I was thinking (careful Robb...thinking can be bad....) About Wednesday, i will probably spend the night in me basement apartment at my brothers and then i do not have to work on Thursday...what am i getting at? Well, there is a girl i would like to ask over...either she is oblivious to the fact that i am into her, or knows i am and is ignoring it...anyways i wouldn't mind asking her over to watch a flick or two.. she likes old school slasher flicks and has never seen My Bloody Valentine or Sleepaway Camp and keeps saying yes to watching them, but we never set a date... i have no couch in my room, so i would have to give her the one chair i have and i would probably sit on the floor or something.... i dunno, i thinks i will give er a call and see what happens eh? Anywho, i thinks i should be going...head up to bed and have pleasant dreams...not wet dreams hopefully ...UGgggggggggggghhh too tired!!! Nite webslingers!!!!!!

PS - (Borrowed from Acadia Sports Site) - 1 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes, and 20 seconds left until THE PUCK IS DROPPED AND IT'S TIME TO STAND UP AND CHEER FOR YOUR AXEMEN HOCKEY TEAM AS THEY TAKE ON THE UNB VARSITY REDS IN GAME #1 OF THE AUS SEMI-FINALS!!!!!!

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