Thursday, February 03, 2005

Kicks to Try

Hello there all ya out & aboot in webslinging land! Well, what a day good ol' Monday was eh? I went to visit me Father who is presently still hostpitalized, he was in good spirits despite being under alot of medication, he was up and walking with the IV in, so that was a good sign, with the help of a nurse, but nonetheless, still it was encouraging to see. I stayed for about a good 45 minutes, but he was very dopey from all of his medication that conversation was at a standstill. Me accelerator decided to quit on me Monday, i had set my alarm and had risen from bed at exactly 6:05 in the morning, showered, took care of the mutts and was out the door by 6:40 and the frickin Tracker would not turn over, just dead...woke my brother up, who figured it was the battery, he boosted me, i got to Windsor, decided i needed more gas, again...the Jeep would not start, got all the way to Sackville (NS that is...) where there is a good 8-10 garages and had the Jeep looked cost me a good $349 dollars!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I was PISSED...why pissed? Becuase peeps, i had myself on a track..what is a track? Ya know, around $500 in the bank to kill off March's and April's rent with money from me paychecks from the store filling in the rest, now it is back to Guerilla warfare crap...this much from this check, this much from that check....ugggghhhhhhh!?!?!?!?!? And my brother said i was taken for a ride by this shop, however, while not being the world's upmost authority on the automobile, or in my case..Suzuki Trackers, i still know an accelerator with a hole i could put me foot through... me trip to Harper Hall is definitly on hold as i am going to have to e-mail Sir Grover again with another plan, i could ask Mom to pay April and then work it off from me pays in April, but i am kinda shy to ask n stuff...anyways i relived me childhood by visiting Eastern Passage when i was done seeing Dad, i grew up in the Passage and it has changed dramatically since i was a child, the wharf there is magnificent looking, it is as if one day someone woke up and smelled the tourist industry or something like that, i never would have thought i would see the day where the Passage had TWO Tim Horton's...not just one...but TWO!!! I drove by a few old friends houses, ya know...too shy to go and talk and stuff, then looking outside at their houses from the Jeep wondering if i should go up to the door and knock and stuff, i have one old friend who i haven't seen in yrs and i was right outside his house on Monday, across the street from his house is the Lions Club, i remember this specifically because we used to call it the "Laverne Club" after the girl (i think she was a girl...kinda looked guyish to me) on Laverne and Shirly, the one who wore the "L" on her shirt...i know it was Laverne...long day... I sent him a grad pic a few yrs ago, always wondered if he recieved it kinda stuff... Just didn't have the B***S to go and knock... oh well....i ate at a restuarant on the dock, i cannot remember the name of it, but it has a big mama jama shark on the front entry way, it looks like the fake ol shark from Jaws the Revenge, it was an expensive ol place ($9.99 for fish and chips!!?!?!??! $9.99!?!?!?!?!?) but it was goo, ok i just looked it up...the place is called, "Boondocks"...then i went to Mic Mac and went to the book store besides Futureshop and bought " On The Road With the Ramones" by their old road manager Monte A Melnick, who is also at times known as the "5th Ramone" it was a good read, always wondered what really happened to Richie Ramone and the reason for the riff between Johnny and Joey (Johnny stole Joey's girlfriend Linda..according to CJ Ramone, she was the one that Joey wrote all of the song's about. "She's The One", "The KKK Took My Baby Away" CJ also summed up the band near the end of the book when he proclaimed that, "That's the case with the Ramones. As Long as there's frustriated teenagers who are looking to find something they can relate to that will piss their parents off, the Ramones are going to have an audience." I could not have said it any better me self. Well...classes were uneventful this week..Monday night was a total snoredoozer, i remember getting back into Wolfville around 5:30, a good hr and a half before class, i was so damn beat tired that i went to me precious AXE and had a good ol Double rum and was white rum (much prefer Black) but class was a ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.... three hrs of nothing but boredom, the prof tries, but there is just no ...i dunno...ummph to the class at all. It was like, same old..same old... with stuff like Functionalist Theories- Spencer, Durkheim and Talcott Parsons and how Functionalist theory emphasizes the idea that schools are a key ingredient to social stability and the social order...The interpretive analysis/ interactionalist perspective (This is rooted in the theory of Max Weber: 1864-1920) it emphasizes the meanings and interactions and Verstehen- Weber’s German word for understanding, and Conflict theory, which is defined as any theory, or collection of theories, which emphasize the role of Conflict (especially between groups and classes) in human societies. It was just same old, same old... our first mini paper is due next week, but i handed mine in last night. I have one girl who is in everyone of my classes, super cute and says hi to me all the time, but i saw her a few weeks ago at Wal-Mart with her was not meant to be...wait! It is Robert Reid Hawley speaking is never meant to be! Ugh! Well Qualitative Methods was no better with that SSPS utter BULL****!!! I did see miss WAl-Mart hottie in the Useless Support while i was there, man she has a nice smile..ummmmmmmmmm ok lust man, actually me and the Dunker had lunch at Perkins and the Gypsy walked by alot, she is a girl who is always at Perkins and is quite ummmm..lovely to say the least, "A worthwhile VIXEN according to Dunker... the only worthwhile class of the week was today's class where we spoke about Socialism...and , I picked up Sir Richard the other day and he invited me in for some of his DQ birthday cake and some Chef Boyardee Pizza that his girlfriend made.. then we watched Death Wish 3, one of the greatest movies that we ever watched on 3rd floor Crowell Tower....Bronson should have been president! i could hear it now, "Those Russian Sons of B****S!!?!?!?! oh yeah, back to Soc, we talked about Latin America...again... for those who do not know, Social is the word encompassing everything, transformation has to be about the movement towards greater choice for the vast majorities of people, for all those in particular who are oppressed and are exploited. See! That is not too hard eh? Anyways i was going to go see me Axemen beat the tar out of SPEW...i mean SMU, but i decided to come home and take care of the house while my Mother was up visiting me Father in Halifax, well gang, it looks like a weekend of work on Friday, Sat and Sunday, wishing i was at the game as we are now tied for 2nd place overall, but however i shall do homework and peddle videos! Go team! 1-2-3-4 Lates!

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