Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell

Helllllllllllloooooo Mr and Mrs or Miss Webslingers and Webslingerettes!!!! I am halfway done me report for quanitative methods- oh man this stuff to a non-mathmatical/ statistical, dyed in the wool arts student with over 160 credits at the university level to his name (check the record book folks) is hard ol stuff indeedy! Standard Deviation, box plots, steam and leaf...ugh! It seems like a frickin foreign language... well the Aigles Blue have the Axemen on the ropes eh? Well i am working tonight in Middleton, but believe me our old pocket sized, retro RCA radio is headed down with me and the store formerly known as Andrew's will be filled with the sounds of Axemen hockey and hopefully a victory. Where is the darn storm we were supposed to get, it is frickin cold as ol hell out right now, had the doggies out for a walk, refilled the Jeep and making progress on o man... anyone remember me chatting about that cutie at Mount A and the Turkey Burger? Well, it is actually in Cookville, not New Germany...but close anyways and no it is not the Chicken Burger in Bedford, not matter what a certain ex of mine thinks (She has never had a Big Mac.... blasphemy!!) Anyways yesterdays Chronically Horrid...well it usually is the Chronically Horrid, the Daily News always has the later hockey scores and stuff..nuff said bout that eh? Anyways their food critic has FINALLY gone to the Turkey here...
Actually i am going to have people scream blasphemy at me for this one but...i have only been to the Chicken Burger once, and was not what i expected at all, for $2.99 for what i was thinking was going to be an out of this world chickenburger...i was not impressed, but i am no critic, just some professional college student, so what the hell do i know eh? Speaking of papers, i see the Ath has its yearly backwards issue, but the ego-strokin, front page dead center of the campus D*****bag made me almost hurl chunks in the Texico...i mean Irving Genesis Planet the other day....and yes Senior Bullen, i think we should play detective and call Yarmouth, i double dog, triple dare you...remember one phonecall....and les mystery is i have next Sat off!!!!! However i am saving money for me trip to Les Harper Hall of Mount Allison, so i may not do too much, i'll probably be working on my paper on Andre Gunder Frank as i am presenting it to the class on the 30th of this month....that is a Wednesday for the generationally impaired..... It is funny, when i mentioned Alice Cooper's restaurant the other day and i thought to myself, is there a Don Cherry's Grapevine restuarant anywhere in Nova Scotia, last year i made the trip up to Moncton with the folks to go pay respects to Grapes entrepreneurial monster when i thought, man imagine one of these in the Valley...gots to try the nachos...good stuff indeedy... i have always found the following quote from Don's bestselling book, "Grapes: A Vintage View of Hockey"

“I died on May 10, 1979; at 11:10 p.m. to be exact. Two shots killed me. The first, which left me critically wounded, was fired by Guy Lafleur. The one that wiped me out came from the stick of Yvon Lambert. Had I survived these attacks I have no doubt that I would still be coach of the Boston Bruins today and, quite likely, governor of Massachusetts.”

My Dad still thinks that Montreal had the referees in their backpockets till this day....
Anywho i was going to ask someone if they wanted to go on our date on the 18th, but she is short on cash right now and absolutely will not accept me paying her way to the movies or for dinner or a strong woman...If only i was as smooth as Billy Dee Williams...damn...I heard a rumor that if Motorhead .. (Cover of Ace of Spades is by Jon Cougar Concentration Camp!!?!?!?!?!?!....Love that name!!!) does well in Halifax, that more old-school metal may be on the way.... wonder if they are looking into signing the PRIEST?!?!?!?!?!
Anywho...i has to go, do some more of this sad attempt at doing math, get ready for work...well already ready, been wearing me uniform since 10:00 this morning...ohhhh...i have to bring me badly panned and scanned copy of Shogun Assassin starring, "The greatest tag-team in the history of mass slaughter", to work today (view the COOLEST TRAILER IN THE WORLD , a former co-worker of mine has yet to see it, along with King Frat, the Party Animal, Screwballs...sigh....the classics... Anyways in the mean time and in between time....lates!!!
PS- Ten Foot Pole- Kicked out of Kindergarden!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Good Afternoon

    Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it
