Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Fields of Agony

Good mid-afternoon thy webslingers and webslingerettes!!! How the hell are ya? Well, this is me first trip to the Esso ...i mean Irving Centre since aboot October, it is kinda quiet here n stuff today, needs a coffee shop and a printer, if it were to procure them two items, i would come around here more often. I remember when they first built it, the boyz from the oldschool Tower 3rd Floor thought the outside looked like the Genesis Planet From Sex Trek...I mean Star Trek III...actually Sex Trek was a porno movie that me and the gang from West Kings watched all the time in grade twelve.... Randy West and Randy Spears were in it..Captain Quirk, Mr Sperm, UWhora, Dr McJoy and Semen Bob...those were the characters...no lies, couldn't even make stuff like this up...actually i used to crack right the hell up at the part in STIII when Shatner fell on his ass on the bridge of the Enterprise and started bellowing "KLINGON BASTARDS KILLED MY SON!!!!!!" Overacting by a wild toupee-wearing Canadian at its best!!! I remember i spent a whole summer in high school going to random places..falling on me ass and yelling "KLINGON BASTARDS KILLED MY SON!!!!!". Well i had me midterm in Sociology of Edcuation last night, she only asked three of the six questions, i knew to be prepared for that one, one of the questions, The Dual Character of Formal Education was tricky..but i thinks i did ok, the Dual Character is a characteristic of educational research, it has a tendency to concentrate on the details of life within schools or the expectations that are placed on schooling through external social pressures and organizations, plus we got our papers on Chapter 3 back, i made a 7.5/10...i wished it was more, but i guess when you are used to getting good marks...something that never seemed to happen at Kingstec and at West Kings (Waste Kings as some used to say) I think it is all in the teaching sometimes too, i mean look at The Mount's Darth Vader...who the hell wants to go to his F***ing class???!?!?!?! Treat your students like human beings, not just as something that is paying your salary, and the work will show. Anyways...oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (old school Macho Man Savage style!!!) after the midterm, which only took about an hour to write, we did a debate- the last time i was in a debate was when i took The Study of History a few yrs ago and i remember our team winning, well...it was rememberable for me because the prof who moderated the debate has a rep as a real hard ass so i never bothered taking any of his courses n stuff, i remember making a 8.5/10 on the debate and he wrote on the comments, "This guy is surpisingly good!" ummmm excuse me Moses? Suprisingly???? Whoa there fella...who died and made you Queen? And i do not mean good ol' Freddie Mercury either... people are just too quick to judge other people i think, they judge them by looks, features, are they big or small or in the case of academia, do they suck up enough, brownnose...you can get ahead in the game of academia without sucking up...i remember this one prof, he had this geek who looked like Eugene from Grease following him around everywhere, i always hoped this prof, who was mighty high on him oldself, would not stop short casue this geek would have gone so far up his ol' arse he would have known what he had eaten for breakfest!!! Anyhow, back to the topic of last night we did a debate on whether or not schools should have extracurricular activities or not and i prepped on Saturday and Sunday on the side of against having extracurricular activities and lo and behold, i finished me midterm last night only to find out that i was on the "For" side of the extracurricular debate...JEEsh!!!! I had searched JSTOR and ProQuest high and lo for material on the against side.. and believe me bucko it was a hard ol find!!! but i found a few, mostly from the teachers strike that occured in Ontario around 2000-01... I told the prof and she told me to hand it in anyways, you were to recieve a bonus of five points on the term if you participated in the debates and handed something in, so hopefully that will help in the quest to keep me average around a 3.0.... Anyways i found a great paragraph about old schooling....

“The old schools offered a no-frills education with heavy emphasis on reading and writing. There were no extracurricular activities, no sports, no video equipment, and no distractions. Materials used in class were simple and basic: slateboards, chalk, paper, quill pens, ink, pencils, and a few textbooks. Getting an education was a demanding process, but the rewards could be tremendous. And the students were highly motivated. Their ages ranged from 7 to middle-aged adults. Hungry for an education, they helped each other learn. The teachers were dedicated and enthusiastic. Everyone communicated in sign language. Nobody worried about linguistic politics or the purity of their signing. If they didn’t have a sign for a word, they invented one. Today’s schools may not be able to recreate the ambience of the old schools (a futile proposition), but they can rededicate themselves to the task of encouraging and developing literacy skills.”

Moore, Matthew and Linda Levitan 2003, “For Hearing People Only” New York, Deaf Life Press

Well...i thought it was a good paragraph...oh yeah for today's big news...

April 1, 2005...

It is happening....

Robert Reid Hawley is returning to Harper Hall at Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB....

Why? Well people (according to me old buddy Grover...) are asking about me and Grover says that everyone misses me... So i talked to Dad (Who is putting on weight and doing great by the way) and we both think that i need a vacation, i mean here i am, i am not getting any younger, i work EVERY weekend about 20 hrs, i have some 10 hours of class a week, alot of extra time is put into doing homework and so what does ol Robbo need? A Freaking vacation...Holiday Roooooooooooooooooad (from EVERY Vacation movie) I couple of nights out at the Pub, partying in Harper, i mean i will then be able to come home on the 3rd of April and then it is a good two or so full weeks before examinations and then i will be re-charged and good and ready to make some good ol A plus plus pluses!!! hahahahahahaha good one Robbo!!!
You know what webslingers? One of the cutest girls in class talked to me last night! I blogged about her awhile ago, she has a man and everything, but that smile...see slingers, it only takes only a few things for me to notice a girl, some manners...real ladylike and BANG! You have my devoted attention! She only learned to speak English a few yrs ago, but she has my attention everytime she speaks it...i remember she had Princess Leia hair one day (original Star Wars...with doughnuts look) only she could pull it off that look...her friend is pretty hot too, but she skips class alot, she had an Oscar the Grouch shirt on... i was wanting to start a conversation with her about how my friend Craig, who i grew up with in the Passage (was freaked out at the Halifax Forum during the first WWF card there in 1987....found out legendary jobber Tiger Chung Lee wore glasses...found some hysterical humor in that...) anywho, ol Craigger gave me his old Seasame Street record that was manufactured in aboot 1969-70, from about the first year Seasme Street was on the air, it featured Gordon with a big ol honkin afro, a buncha strange muppets too! Esp the Oscar The Grouch who was colored ORANGE!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! Speaking of foxy ladies, i cannot wait to get back to Mount A and talk to a few that i left behind, there was one in particular that i used to talk to all of the time while i was doing laundry, she had (or still has probably) a boyfriend, but she was really pleasant to talk to, i remember she was a South Shore girl cause i asked her where she was from and i asked her if she ever goes to the TURKEY BURGER in New Germany!?!?!?!?! She said it was a date and that was aboot the last time that i ever talked to her, she was on the Harper website last year, but none of last years picys are there now, i am going to ask brother Grover when i get there if he still has last yrs site saved, i don't wanna do anything to her relationship, i mean her b-friend seemed like a really nice guy, but i would just like to say hi to her, i remember having a bit of a thing for her, which is terrible especially when they have what is seemingly a nice boyfriend, i remember sitting on CHMA and thinking of girls like her when i played one of my favorite songs from last year, Nada Surf's "Inside of Love"...like the girl from me night class, all it takes is a bit of niceness and you will have me attracted...remember that ladies... Anywho, i have to go, do a bit of reading on this Paulo Friere fella for tomorrow's class, actually he was one of the first recognized educational thinkers who fully recognized the relationship amongst politics, education, imperialism and liberation...remember all of that? Ok...i am off now, lates!!!
PS- Here is the correct Alice Cooper link from the other day

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