Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Fist Full of Revolution

"Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously heading for success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good."
--Vaclav Havel

Well Web-O-Slingers! How the hell r ya on a les terrible Thursday???!?!?!?!? Well, came home in some most miserable weather yesterday, just like Tuesday after class, i thought i was gonna croak coming home Thursday, branches falling everywhere, got home to the apartment and the power was out so i hads to light some candles just so i wouldn't break me neck (Although some of the wormslime i imagine would get off on that...morons) Yesterday i was bitched out by a guy in an 18 wheeler on the way to AU, i was over the white line needed for his momma jamma truck to get through, man wasn't life better before the lights or what? Then i gets to class and a couple of arty farty goth oh-look at me i am cooler than Tab Cola people were chatting it up aboot how campus tours are putting kids in Tower and what a rotten thing this was, that there was gonna be a bad impression left on these kids- lighten the frick up! If anything else it will teach the future ones that if they can live in Dr Crowell's mansion of residence since 1971 (and co-ed since 1991) , then they can live anywhere on this campus, hell..forbid that some kids may have a good time or something... i dunno, weird feeling aboot the ol' Tower for senior Robbo this year folkies, i thought i was gonna have some fun times in the Tower, but it is a case of "Yeah your back here, nice to see ya, ya don't live in the palace no more so ...ummmmmm...well...nice seeing ya!" Way to treat your elders, those who came before ya gang... ok, so i am probably a classic loser, a dirty old man, my name should really be Bluto or Pondo Sinatra or something (definitly not Studley...) the classic college loser... but isn't it funny that the place i left behind, the place where i lived for one year and bitched and moaned to anyone that would give me the days of the week, time of the second about Acadia this and Acadia that, wants me to come back and visit and yet the place where i lived for a good five years and not only that, i honored that place, worshipped it, defended it in a duel to the death against fellow students, former students, relatives of said students..parents, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, Granny Clampett, Grandma Jimmy Jack Jericho with the wooden leg, aunts, uncles...even me own relatives, parents and siblings- "Why do you live there?" "That S***hole??!?!?!" I had a lady who worked at a bank, whose daughter only lived there for two weeks that referred to it as "That DAMN Tower!!! , friends and idiots associated with those other people..i loved the Tower and i defended its heavyweight title, its pride towards others as if it were my own...I can still hear Little Mike yelling "Tower King!!!! Tower King!!!!" ...but when your gone...the door hits your ass on the way out.... sure only a few live there from before, but it is a tragic game of death of how soon we forget, or would like to forget..but that is my rant and i sadly have to stick to it...maybe residences should begin an alumni assocation, a hall of fame of sorts, maybe once a year have the old gag on a weekend, one that is not Homecoming and or stuff like that, even though i love Homecoming, it would be fun to have a seperate weekend for people to converge at Tower, go on a Wolfville Pubcrawl, bring our old floor awards with us to remember, make t-shirts to mark the occasion and poke fun at one another and then wake up with a big ol' honkin hangover like the old days and head to Wheelock for breaky, then go home and do it again the next year...just an idea.... Harper Hall was good to me, sure there were things that drove me crazy, some people didn't know when to give it up with certain things and some of MTA's habits were strange to me, like coffee shops that closed at 4:00, a mealhall that wasn't open till 11:00 on the weekends, along with a weekend library that did not open till 1:00... but dammit, the people were real, girls didn't fear me...they didn't think that i was Freddy or Jason reborn or Kobe or some freaking monster, i felt respected by my peers and wanted. That last night in Harper last April, i felt like the boys did not want me to take off and come back to Acadia, where i felt like home...but i had to go, the academia for me at the Mount, not for others, but for ME was lacking and not what i felt was promised, people like ol' Darth didn't help matters and stuff... but the times i had, the girls were great, CHMA was AWESOME!!! Ok, so i didn't win one of their awards at the end of the yr, but i took it in stride...actually i was told my show RULED FRICKIN ANTARCTICA...(and no Assume The Position is not DEAD!!!! It ruled on Radio Acadia in 2000-01 before amateurish student politicans ended it and i had to kill my creation in its CHMA incarnation because of the move back to Acadia for one day...without warning...Assume The Position will rise again, the secret's in hand, with phonied up papers and counterfeit plans You never will understand, Assume The Postion is not dead, just resting and ready to pounce once more!!!! Plus Harper last year did stuff- out went this stupid, cornball, cheesy 1950s BULLSHIT...yes folks i swore on my blog...BULLSHIT of not being able to walk around MY res with a FRICKIN beer, at Harper, i was given free reign to walk with my 40 as much as i frickin wanted to!!!!! And here is my feelings on the subject... it is my res, i paid a zillion dollars to live there and if i want to walk around with my beer, that that should be my privilege and my right, especially after a zillion hrs of classes and homework, i mean how many lame RA's would come up to me and warn me...i remember this complete and utter disgrace of an RA that was there my last yr in Tower, words could not describe the contempt i felt for this individual that would take people's beer on them...come on man...lame lame lame... ugh frickin Brainy Smurf wannabe, but i can see why they turned me down for an RA job...twice... cause it would have been ROBBO 3:16 or something like that...but hey, getting back on track, Harper was fun and organized, we had floor hats, trips all the time, just simple stuff like trips to the bowling alley and Dooley's and ladies and scumbags may i need announce me next PPV again...

April 1, 2005

Harper Hall, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick

To stop me from appearing, there had better be one HELLACIOUS snowstorm, icestorm, firestorm or 100,000 Playboy Bunnies jumping me to prevent this from happening.

And i still love Tower, i always will.... but don't bury your recent past just cause their old and stuff...

Well, me Axemen lost to Moncton last night, giving the Blue Eagles a 2-1 lead in the series, the series i believe is resuming Sat night in Moncton and i will be working at the Middleton store, so i will be able to sneak in a radio at work and listen in, i guess i am just gonna hope for the best with this one. I am working all weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday...haven't decided when to head back- probably Monday. I still have to do me assignment for Qualitative Methods, whatever this blockage is in the head, i have to find a way to get rid of it, maybe some girl should come flash me or something..i dunno. Actually i may just have a date in a week or so, a close friend, (one that i think is hot as old helll though...SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!) She wants to go out for dinner and a movie...and i don't mean watching TBS or Spike or whatever the frick they call it now.... i feel bad though, i kinda lied to her, she wants to go see the Ring 2 and guess what oh what Webslingers and Webslingerettes? I have never seen The Ring...i have to now in order to have a frickin clue as to what the hell is transpiring in the sequel...speaking or remakes...does anyone think the remake of the Bad News Bears is gonna be rocking or sacrilege? The official website is now up with a trailer included, judge for yourself here...........
Actually it is not the biggest movie bombshell of the here.................

So....................did you take all of that in?

Quentin Tarantino Vs Jason Voorhees

Holy F***ing S***!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't wanna jump the gun, jump the shark or anything but lets all mark the hell out right now!!! Can you imagine how bloody this is gonna be? Please do not let this be a remake or any body hopping Jason Goes to hell Bull*** or Jason in space or being Freddy's B**** or any of that...Quentin...i know you can make Jason scary again, get Kane Hodder back and make movie history.....

Anywho, it is after 11 and i has to hit the sack, bed that is...not Sackville, i don't hit that for another 21 days or so...
till then my Peeps...lates!!!

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