Saturday, March 26, 2005

Free Falling Divisions

Hellooooooooooooo webslingers and webslingettes!!!! Well, it is another weekend in good ol' good ol' (Ode to the Dunker!) Middleton!!!! Worked Thursday night and then yesterday i worked 10- 6:00 and recieved time and a half to boot! That will help with the rent n stuff... been working the midnight oil on me Andre Gunder Frank paper, which is on the underdevelopment of Latin America, in particular the time perod of 1965 to around 1972. I have been reading his older books and flipping through others- mostly the development of having underdevelopment, that participation in the world capitalist system engendered appared to politically opt out of the system and for socialism. Also i am looking at Frank's ethical concerns for justice and human rights. Fun stuff indeedy! I am finding Frank to be quite repetitive and i wonder about his sanity...oh well to each their own i guess. I found this awesome site making fun of comic book covers the other night, i always wondered how come Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson had their own comic books n stuff... love how Superman is such a A**hole to his friends on the covers, knew he always had ulterior motives... My old friend Craig from the Passage e-mailed me to wish me a happy b-day, belated of course, but it was all good. We are two people that could call one another up and start giggling nonstop for hrs...i remember one time my first year in Tower i called him up and we could not stop roaring about this guy we knew from elementary school who shoveled S*** for a living and we could not stop losing it for about 30 minutes, plus his parents still always send us the most hysterical Christmas cards every year.. i feel bad for blogging and doing this big assignment cause the folks are cleaning up the backyard, Mom told me to get inside and do my homework....they bought me a grad ring for me birthday, the thought is awesome, but i always wanted to design me own grad ring, plus it is bad luck to wear your grad ring before actual graduation... man it was busy yesterday, lots of people forgot it was Good Friday, they were asking me if the liquor store was opening later and stuff like that...all the stuff and more... jeesh... watched a Bernie Big Mac or whatever his name is movie last night, "Mr 3000", it was funny in places- man some of these athletes are complete A**holes eh? I remember when people were student athletes, i saw so many hockey players got absoltely smoked on the ice cause they turned to look at some skanky blonde while heading up the ice...completely caught in the trolley tracks... dummies... The stars of today's sports are spoiled, greedy, and money-hungry, there are exceptions to the rule..very few though- If the NHL Players Union does not get their ass in gear, they are going to lose everything, the replacement players will be out in full force next year, the NFL did it, Bettman the Bastard will do it was well- The game of hockey is a tough sell in the United States except for the established cities like Phily and Detroit- putting teams in places like Carolina and Atlanta? Dummies- Hamilton has had the Copps Coliseum sitting there how long? It is like Don Cherry said on one of the old Rock Em' Sock Em's- something like, "We put half the players in the NHL, We invented the game of hockey (In Windsor, NS!!!) and the Yankee-Doody Dandies are telling us that we can't have a franchise!!!!" Oh well, they will find out the hard way i guess... Anywho it is time for me to get a going on this Andre Gunder Frank stuff and then work at 6-11 in Middleton, then 10-6 in Greenwood tomorrow... lates!
Good lyrics- Chixdiggit- 20 Times (An ode to all lonely guys who like someone)
"Well she knew it was me, but she acted excited anyway
She said she's been doing stuff, but she waited by the phone all day
That's what her sister told me, she got one of those phones
She never called me, i tried 20 times to reach her
I got her mom on the phone, she said that she's still in the shower
Well this is what i told her, i'm tired of being alone
She knew i called 20 times, but it didn't faze her
It didn't freak her out and now i wanna see her
She knew i called 20 times, but she acted surprised anyway
I said i been doing stuff but i waited by the phone anyway
That's what her sister told me yeah...that's what her sister told me
She got one of those phones, and i'm tired of being alone."


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  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

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  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

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