Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Less Than Zero

The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life. -- George Carlin (Sometimes a Little Brain Damage Can Help, 1984)

Well well well thank you Blogger! Me system had a breakdown, a post ready to go and it did not save...well thank you for killing off half me morning trying to get it back...thanks for nothing that is...well webslingers now that i am done ranting and raving, examinations are upon us once again! I am writing on Monday, April 18th- Sociology 2006 BO 2:00- 5:00 and on Saturday, April 23rd- Sociology 3613 X2 7:00- 10:00. I need at least a 20/30 to make a C in Quanitative Methods...why oh why did i have to take this AVERAGE KILLER of a course?!?!?!?!?! Am i ever going to use it? There is one big universal monster that will rear its ugly head in some form or another to most college students at some time during their college careers... Having nothing to do with Colt 45 or Milwaukee's Best beer, this beast is better known as Time-Management. Hold on! Wait just a second before you turn off the radio dial and go crying to your roommate something about how old Robb sounds just like your parents and professors. Yes, I know you've probably heard this before from the adults in your life whose advice you habitually tune out the second the words escape their 50-something-year-old lips. But hopefully you won't use the same deaf ear to listen to me that you usually reserve for "adults" who "don't know what they're talking about."I cannot do these papers like everyone else does at the last minute, priorities people, it is called priorities. The quick summary of what I am trying my hardest to get across is that there is no one "hardest part" about college; but figure out how to budget your time and everything else should be smooth sailing - except of course for, midterms, finals, relationship problems, hangovers, and the occasional nervous breakdown you'll suffer when a computer virus erases a paper you're finishing the night before it's due. least the last day of classes is on the 14th and i am done on the 23rd... how come others like the recently visited MTA are done classes? come every other university known to man is done classes but good ol Acadia U...some days i think is should be renamed Labotomy U a la the yet to be on DVD "Up The Creek!!!" ...........classic .........classic....I am the head speaker for my Sociology of Education class next Monday, we are doing dress codes in schools- well if we have a dress code, we won't have all these white kids who think they are black, girls with cleavage hanging out everywhere and skirts so short that girls will have to shave and more people will become one in the same, no longer will people be unpopular cause their parents shop for their school clothes at K-Mart.....and when i mean the girls shaving... i didn't mean their legs.......and yes i do like lots of cleavage and short skirts...i am a man.... but if we implement dress codes, that means that individuality and the right for a person to be themselves is taken away, all in the same, it is getting the education that counts in the end right? Ran into an old friend of mine at the Axe, we laughed about the old days of Crowell Tower and he roared when i told him that MTA had computer labs... man why am i here today? I had a Burger King B'fest (uggghhhh...why Old Man Robb...why!?!?!) and yesterday i was having a cranial cramp or something, took off in the Jeep and drove to New Minas, almost impulse bought the new Ramones DVD Rocumentary called, "End of the Century" and today i am going to a class where i am done all my work, including the dreaded Andre Gunder Frank paper and then sitting in on an extra Qunitative Methods class as i do every Wednesday afternoon...and besides it is aweseome outside! Anyhow i has to warm up me lunch..BEEF A RONI!! and do something productive ...lates!!!
PS- I finally figured out a to make McDonald's Big Mac Sauce!!!!
1/2 cup of Mayonnaise
2 tablespoons French Dressing
4 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1 tablespoon minced white onion
1 teaspoon white vingar
1 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1) Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, stir well
2) Place sauce in a covered container and put in fridge for a few hrs or overnight so that the flavors blend, stir a couple of times as it chills
Makes about 3/4 cup.

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