Monday, April 11, 2005

The "ORANGE" Oscar The Grouch!!!!!!

Being a child of the 70s (as well as 80s and 90s...on and on) I have fond memories of Seasame Street, recieving Ernie as well as Seasame Street Fisher Price People as well as a copy of "Seasame Street Live" (Live on vinyl!!!! me and my friend Jason..aka Thor had a ball with that one, i remember when the characters on the album would introduce themselves to the audience of screaming kids on the album while we booooooooooooooed them unmercilessly..."Hi I'm Bob...Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!) as well as my dear Nanny buying me an Oscar The Grouch puppet from a place called, "South Shore Sales" in Lunenburg, actually that place rocked! It has an abundence of GI Joe Action figures (complete with 70s afros and beards!!!) Anyways one memory i cannot get out of me head is that of Oscar The Grouch being orange and Gordon having a huge honkin fro!!!! It tortured me for yrs...well not exactly tortured...but you get the general day me and my friend Craig from the Passage went into the now-defunct Tracks and Paperbacks in Dartmouth and right in the 99 cent rack was a badly-damaged Seasame Street album from 1969!!!!! And now the nightmare could be revealed! The source of many near fights on the playground was in our scummy little hands!!! We finally dispelled the rumors about Oscar's original well as Gordon's "Blackbelt Jones" look... too bad we didn't buy the Sweet Daddy Siki (Grand Prix Wrestling legend) album that was in the bin as well...oh well... the SS album did have some classics, like the dude who fell down the steps (10 Coconut Cream Pies!!!! Whoooooaaa!!!!) and some dude who sounded like the Pizza Nazi (5 Coconuts..1-2-3-4-5!!!!) be young again...wonder if that album is out on CD? Five coconuts indeed!!!!Posted by Hello

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