Thursday, April 21, 2005

Welcome To The Last

Hello webslingers! Well well in Middleton and studying for thy last examination for all time...or is it? It is going ok i guess, i have to work in a few hrs in G-Wood, should be an easy night of work, the cleaners are always in on Thursday nights, never understood why the bossman won't let them in after closing time, but i have never tried to understand any of the authority figures that have presided over me during my time in the workforce, actually my boss that i have now, well he's been my boss for like what eight summers? He is the best kinda boss there is, come in, collect the cash, say "How the hell are things?" and leave. I worked for the Pizza Nazi and he was always in me face, kinda like when i pumped gas the year after the abomination that was my year in Radio-Television, i had a boss who reminded me of the Canadian Earthquake and he always snarled and stuff, i remember when he laid me off i was happier than hell... so i am taking me notes with me tonight and tomorrow, what am i studying now? stuff like Community Schools and Market-Oriented Schools, Community Schools are usually in poorer areas of Canada, i think Aboriginal areas and involve the entire family unit, they include parenting classes, nutrition programs, family kitchens, laundry facilities and family support programs. Basically you can work, eat and sleep there, Community schools are housing less academically talented children and providing non-academic programming. Something i did not know and suprised me a little bit was that only 0.7 of all professors in Canada are Aboriginals. A little suprised i must say. Another question i am working on is one on edutainment. What is edutainment? It is the combination of entertainment with educational messages to help educate, inform and encourage behavioral change. The argument that presents itself is that computers represent a misappropriation of financial and intellectual resources in education and the pressure to incorporate technology overrides the content and the learning that needs to be taking place. Many Canadian schools cannot afford edutainment and then they have to face the prospect of losing students as there is the drive to compete in terms of technology- the difference between enrollment and dropouts, or kids going elsewhere for educational attainment. Sounds heavy eh? I think i shall be ok with this one as i am averaging around a 3.0 or better in this class. Wonder how long the barbershop next door is going to last at the store formerly known as Town & Country??!?!?!? Everything that has ever been our neighbor- A pottery store, a hockey card store etc etc has closed up shop...same as the building behind us, it has been a greasy spoon restuarant named "Swizzlies", a sub shoppe called, "Valley Subs" (Original eh?) and yep..a pottery store/arts and crafts, i think it was a tattoo parlor at one time... those two buildings are cursed i tell ya!!!! Maybe we need a "Mean Gene's Burgers!??!!" Man you know what i forgot to totally mention the other day? That i saw a totally hot babe at the Axe!?!?!?!?!? How could i? I went there to kill off a few minutes before heading to the Vil for our class celebration, went and ordered a draft and this brunette behind the counter was young stuff, but she had a killer smile and she is a History Major! My first degree at Acadiau! We chatted for aboot 25 minutes about prof and i was telling her what to expect in some of her classes and she really seemed appreciative of the effort i made to chat with her. Totally nice, that is what i like to see.
Anyways later on me webslingers!
PS- Killer song by the Ataris! "Your Boyfriend Sucks" (Appropriate title indeedy!)

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