Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Aim is True

Good mid dog day afternoon webslingeroos! This job hunting is cutting down on my blogging eh? Well...something happened..i mean it happened, i went to visit that someone who i happen to care alot for and ...ummmm..stuff happened, i knew however that it was too good to be true and last night on MSN she gave me the usual about how she is moving and does not want to hop into something right now, the usual stuff. It seems like i get this same e-mail from a different girl at least once a year after something awesome happening, at least this one seemed to come from the heart, unlike last year when it happened and i felt really used. Should i feel used for what happened on Thursday? Alot of other guys may, but i felt like it was going to happen, like the fact that i suck entireally at math, i knew a bad mark in stats was going to happen, just like a strike in professional hockey, things were just turning the page due to having an ESPN deal nice and in place, then BANG! Something happens, like a bad mark ruining a cinderella year at would think life was like professional wrestling, that the bad stuff that happens does so because it is supposed to, i don't think i will ever find that someone, my destiny is to be single, now one of my dear aunts who died some 23 years ago around the early 80s, she was never married, too independent said everyone. I dunno, i guesss i am too different, too moody, too much too me to be attached or with someone, who knows? Maybe it is for the best cause she is heading off to a different university up in Halifax, i am way too old and there is the distance thing, the biggest nail that can put into a relationship. Thursday was nice while it lasted though, i met her father who told me that i am one of the rare people that he likes and he stated while staring at me straight in the face that his list of people that he likes is rather thin. So i guess that is a good thing. It was fun, we had lunch and watched "Sleepaway Camp" and the original, imitated but not quite duplicated "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and then we ummm..yeah like ihave said to many a floormate in res, if you really like someone, a true gentleman never tells... oh well... thought i will say that walking in the moonlight with someone by the old Tim Horton's in Windsor down by the waterfront is pretty cool, except for the riff raff that was hanging around and probably destroying property.

Some good advice for guys, if things do not turn out the way that you expect them to, try and stay away from listening to the Ataris, driving around and listening to some of their tunes will makes you feel even worse, even though the news that you recieved was quite expected....i remember last January when someone told em that they did not wish to converse with me anymore i played, "Summerwind Was Always Our Song" on CHMA ....ALOT!

Summerwind Was Always Our Song- The Ataris

These break-up songs make sense again
And i really wish they didn't.
Sinatra's singing summer wind
And i'm thinking of the night we met.
Just one last time
Can i hear you say?
"You're my little boyI never want you to go away"
Where are you?
Please believe in me.
I'm not hanging up the phone'til i hear you say,
"I love you.I need you near."
Just give me one last chance
And i'll never let you down again.
Oh and what i wouldn't give
Just to kiss your lips again
To hold your hand next to my heart
And wake up with you in our apartment.
Just one last time
Can i call you my sweetheart?
My best friend?
Why do all good things come to an end.

Well on Monday i have an appointment for a possible job at 11:00 in the morning, this time it is different as it is an old aquantince and someone who i have done alot of volunteer work for in the past. Hopefully things will go well, if not, then it is back to the ol drawing board once again. Ol Dunker landed the job at the Windsor Historical Society that i had applied for, we may go see the Longest Yard this week. I did recive an e-mail from one of the jobs that i applied for that the position has been filled and that i can go and get back my term paper that i handed them before they shread it...way to treat them unsuccessful job applicants guys! We'll just shread your life's work for not successfully meeting our requirements, these employers, many of them say the same stuff, that you have to have experience, but what if no one is willing to give you that experience? What are they afraid of? Well looking bad to their superiors is one distinct possibility, the other one is that they are sometimes afriad and this happens alot be it in high school, university or elsewhere, what people are afraid of is someone coming in and stealing their thunder, you know hiring that one hungry individual who is going to take their spot, be it someday in the future or near future, that is why when things happen like approacing one doucebag of a newspaper editor with a can't miss story that he gives some lame excuse not to take your story, why is that? Because they do not want to share the spotlight with others who may just be telling them the truth, he had the chance to have an article that may just be picked up by Macleans, a person who had attended two of the top three universities in not just the Maritimes, but in all of Canada as according to Macleans Magazine, but no that was not to because of someone's stupid asskissing agenda, one that means kissing the ass of those who do not necessarily need their asses kissed, but probably kicked... send them out to work for a day at the gas station or stocking shelves or being behind a counter for hours at a time instead of having mommy and daddy passing the buck and getting one is known as a free ride. Then again we do live in a society whom deems that Karla Homolka should be a free woman, i remember when the do good'ers in my poly sci class my first year of university all screamed fowl and bloody murder at me for having the gall to write about capital punishment in Canada and how it should return, there are two facts that American's have discovered about capital punishment over the years...
Here are two stark, unpleasant facts.....
(1) Most death row inmates are guilty.
(2) Many of the inmates in group #1 will falsely protest their innocence.
It is time for Canada to put away the Paul Bernardo's and Karla Homolka's of the world, many said to me that it will do nothing to ease the pain of the families that have lost their loved ones do to these two sickos, but do they really deserve to live? Think of all the gooddamn taxes we are paying to keep these weirdos locked up? We all deserve better.
Well it is a weird world, at least Deep Throat (Not the famous porn movie we watched at my brother's bachlor party) finally fessed up.For those who are not familiar with what i am talking about, Deep Throat is the pseudonym that was given to a secret source who leaked information about the involvement of U.S. President Richard Nixon's administration in the events that came to be known as the Watergate scandal. It was crazyness as it was all the rage on the American news for like a week straight now, it is funny how some people do not let things go eh? Anyways i am working at 5:00 in Middleton at the store formerly known as Town & Country and tomorrow night in Greenwood before my big meeting on Monday at 11...have a good one webslingers.....

PS- More Ataris for all the lonley souls out there- Summer Wind Was Always Our Song

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