Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Now Is The Reason

Hellllllllllooooo O Webslingers and Webslingerettes!?!?!?!?!?! What a wild world eh? Well i did have that job interview and well...i didn't get it, but i did recieve some valuable information if one ...say me...would like to continue his education, in the next year i have to do some volunteer work, why? Because in the case of not having the oh so awesome marks that others have, having done alot of volunteer work will make it appear that i can work with younger people and be a good influence and stuff, so therefore i recived a list of names and numbers and i am to get to work on that. Now... could one see me coaching minor hockey? I wanted the job at my old high school years ago...no Bull**** here, i was actually considered at one time, i didn't get it due to ...drumroll...lack of experience (you need it in order to have it, but that protest usually falls on deaf ears...) and that fact that they did not want a GOON squad on the ice, that i would want 18 Robbos out there with the intention of hurting the opposition (well it is ...ummmm HOCKEY...not table tennis) Anyways that is an option...

Option II...

My sister, who lives in Seattle, Washington called on Friday..nothing unusual until i mentioned that i could use a new Washington Huskies T-shirt since the one that i bought in 1995-96 when Everett's Sporting Goods in Greenwood closed down..damn it was a good store, there were two of them in Kentville and in Greenwood and damn they had good retro sports stuff, Starter caps and stuff..oh well... ANYWAYS... We got a chatting and she said that maybe i should come to Washington to further my education... i would have a place to stay... WEll... wouldn't that be a feather in the old hat eh? University of Washington and Robbo? The American Tour 2005-06?
Well if i could get in that is, if it were just plain old undergrad stuff, then yes i would definitly be in seeing as there is one course that is so painstakenly missing...you know who you are! Do not hide!!! Anywho what i want is education and their deadline was in March to be considered for submission, however i took the liberty of talking to someone in a high position of power who i have gone to for advice over and over again during the years and he told me that if i was to look on the webpage it does state that all late applicants are looked at and considered and plus i was told to apply anyways, what do i have to lose? More hair? (I am starting to receede... i had my hair cut at Gene's on Friday and i think it is going the way of Shatner)

Enough crazy talk for now....

Anyways me and that GIRL still are talking...and talking...and talking... nothing much, but she is in the process of moving and wants me to come by for a visit once she is good and settled in duing July. I dunno...me and her have been friends like since forever and i do not want to ruin that, but there is this crazy attraction on my part and i really want to see her again...i sound like i am about to start writing Harlequin novels or some S*** like that...i think if things were different, if she was pursuing more education at Acadia or something like that i would just grin and bear it and ask her out...what is there to lose? Oh well...lust...
Me and Dunker went to see The Longest Yard the other night, it was funny- typical Adam Sandler and YES Chris Rock did go the way of the original caretaker in Burt Reynolds still superior 1974 movie... it was cool to see guys like Steve Austin and Brian Bosworth in the film as well as others and what a suprise to hear AC/DC's "If You Want Blood...You Got It!" During the final football game. I liked the poster in the lobby for the remake of The Bad News Bears, it looks errily simular to the original 1976 movie starring Walter Mattheau. I did visit Blockbuster before the movie and i purchased Arnold's "Conan The Barbarian" from 1982 on DVD for $6.99...this, not Terminator was the movie that broke Arnold in North America... I have worked some the last few nights in Middleton, this week i work Wednesday night in Greenwood and then i am back for two shifts in Middleton this weekend- Saturday morning and on Sunday night. Hopefully my nephew is coming for a visit this weekend- i'll take him to Berwick on Saturday night to go see Grand Prix Wrestling, it may not be the old days of Leo Burke and the boys, but i believe it will be fun nonetheless. I have seen quite a bit of the ECW "One Night Stand" PPV that took place on Sunday night, it is pretty cool as to what segments i have seen and it was FUN!!! Something WWE has not been ever since the purchase of WCW and ECW back in 2001..now the product is somewhat watered down and there is WAY TOO MUCH TRIPLE H!!!!!! Say in real sports, if we knew that the New York Yankees were going to win the World Series every year, would any one of us except the old tired and true diehard Yankee fans watch??!?!?!?!? Honestly? No we would not and the WWE has yet to realize this about Vince's favorite son in law.... How the mighty have fallen eh? Mike Tyson can't beat some ham and egger from New Zeland and this whole Micheal Jackson fiasco, even though the little bastard is probably guilty as old sin. In the case of Tyson i almost feel for the crazy looney...i mean what is Mike to do with himself if he cannot beat guys that he put away with ease in the mid 80s???? He cannot speak so doing advertisements is out, acting is kinda out even though Hulk Hogan continues to land acting jobs and well you cannot really stick him on color commentary on HBO or anything because god only knows what is going to come out of his mouth, about wanting to eat somebody's children or something. I dunno...maybe Mike can disappear like George Foreman did and come back, selling grills and stuff...the Mike Tyson Grill...imagine the ads? As for little Micheal Jackson, congrats! However i think your career is in ruins... Another case i am afraid where money and prestige can buy your way into and out of everything that comes along. An aquaintance of mine said the other night about this whole going to the States thing to continue my education about how if i were rich and my family were either benefactors or related to someone famous and we donated money to medical research that was going on at the school or better yet, give a grand or 10 to the sports teams that i would be into any program i wanted to be into hook line and sinker, Micheal Jackson bought himself out of an 18 year prison term, where i am sure he would have become someone's B****...he may be free but now this is the third time..unlike he, i can acutally look at myself in the mirror and believe that i am honest (somewhat)
Anyways i have done the lawn today, finished washing the Jeep and now i am going to go for a walk...have a good one Webslingers!!!

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