Monday, August 01, 2005

By The Way...It's August!

Hello webslingers! How the hell is everyone? Well not much has been going on in Robboland right now, the weekend came and went. My Parents are home now, from their cruise and from Cape Breton. They went to a reunion in Port Morien and cam home telling me about more cousins etc etc that i had no idea that i had. Oh yeah and on Saturday of this week, what is happening again? A reminder....

I leave for my tour of Cape Breton!

Along with seeing the Beach Boys on August 7th at Oland Stadium at 4:00!!!!!!

Well we had our first ever sidewalk sale in Middleton on Saturday and it was a rousing success!!! But man oh man...i am BURNED!!! I am talking a frickin Big Mac! Lots of stuff was sold and really there were no better deals for DVD's around as we have lowered our prices on alot of our old DVD's to $10.00! Actually there is a place in New Minas called, Econo Entertainment that has really awesome prices on DVD's, as low as $6.99, that is where i bought, Spiderman the other day and for that price, it is a real steal! Oh and i found a real bad one at ou sidewlk sale called, "War of the Gargantuans!?!?!?!?" It is from Toho, so it looks to be a good one!!! Actually when i was a little tyke, my oldest brother used to take me to see movies that played in the cafeteria at Eastern Passage Junior High, and one of those flicks was, "King Kong Escapes"!!!!!! I would so love to find that puppy again....I went out to Alyesford Lake the other day, i tanned there...i waited till the sidewalk sale to turn into the Human Torch! I remember i used to go up to Alyesford Lake alot around 1995-96 with my pals Barry and Terry (Who me and my old friend Frankie used to call "The F***ked Brothers!") I still remember us up there babesearching and i shall never ever forget the time that Terry was absoltutely knocked ass over teakettle by some girl throwing a football!!!!! We were just sitting there, eating lunch and looking for babes as usual when ...WHAMMMOO!! Terry gets nailed right in the head with the football!!! Priceless...absoltuely priceless...
I have been being stranger than usual lately, i decided for yuks recently to join up with Adult FriendFinder and with Sexyads. Why? Well a little lonley and stuff and there was not really much happening when i would get online adn then on a dare i decided to post my grad picture and see what happens...well i was suprised at the amount of responses that i recieved! However after installing Yahoo Messenger to talk to one really nice lady who is never ever on there, i decided to go into the Yahoo chatrooms and look around there awhile, what i did find was alot of really frickin annoying popups and girls with webcams who wanted you to view them...for a price.... however this one sweet lady came on and wanted to chat and i added her to my list, too good to be true, about my age, my height, same intestests...who knows eh?
Well the NHL Draft is over and done with and as of today, alot of overpriced NHL talent is going out on the free-agent market...Hey boys! Good luck with signing new contracts cause some of you boys are oh so going to need it! And the Crosby hype machine continues adn continues...there seems to not be a newspaper in sight where i cannot help but see this gifted young man, the first ever Maritimer ever taken first overall in the NHL entry draft, but beware Mr Crosby, you come with alot of hype, like Mario did back in 1984...beware that this is not the Q, this is the big leagues and there are some HUGE defencemen out there and alof of wily veterns, like Scott Stevens if he is over his concussions and re-signed with New Jersey, who would take great pleasure in putting you out....think Stevens won't do it? Ask Eric Lindros or Paul Karya (Who did come back later in the same game and score a beautiful goal) He would not hesitate to wait for you to come over the blueline and put you out into next week... i hope this does not happen, but i am just stating proceed with caution. Remember Alexander Daigle?
Well there is something that i do feel bad about Webslingers... there is a girl that i met awhile ago whom i fooled around with and stuff...even made it perfectly clear that we were just fooling around and guess what? She likes me and was pretty sad when she found out that i just wanted to be friends... am i a jerk? Well i really feel like one right now...she is just not my type...actually i really do not know what my type is, but she had alot of baggage and lives quite a distance away and i really do not want to be in a relationship with her because i just have that feeling that it would end up really hurting...doesn't it feel weird for me to be the one saying that i am the one not interested? Well she really doesn't want to talk to me and for that i cannot blame her at all.... Oh and in case anyone was wondering, here is a definition that i pulled off the net.....

Friends with benefits is a term used to describe the physical and emotional relationship between two unmarried people who engage in uncommitted sex acts. The intent is generally to relieve sexual frustrations through an alternative to masturbation, and is not intended as a romantic relationship. Both parties are free to date and engage in sex acts with other parties.
Many people are critical of the nature of these relationships, alleging that it is impossible to engage in sexual behaviours without any kind of emotions at all.

By the way i was down to Digby a few days ago and Club 98 is an absolute gas! It was good to see an alternative to the bars around here....and i really loved the pictures that the bar has up of old hockey players like Gump Worsley and alot of the other illuminaries that have come through Digby over the years, playing in the annual golf classic. There was even a picture of Marty Jannetty of the Rockers!!! The dj was not too bad as he played some classics by Cheap Trick and the Knack before playing that damned dance music that people love to get up and boogie down to... and their bouncers are FRICKIN HUGE!!!! So dudes don't go there with the intention of starting something cause these boys look like they could turn almost anyone into an accordion!
Hey the Red Raven is gone!!! I used to tease my old RA Shane that was where he spent his summers... like other people i know in Yarmouth that spend all of their time at the Red Knight, i used to love the term that my old friend Jamie used to call the place, "Old Man Bars!!?!?!?!!!"
Plus the waitresses were damn fine!!!
Anyways that is enough for now eh? I am off to grab some lunchie munchies, wash Dad's van and go to the gym and work out for a little...later webslingeroonies!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Where were you? you never made it to antigonish did you? even dawn was down!
