Thursday, September 08, 2005

I Don't Know What It Is...

Hello there webslingeroonies! Well what a beautiful day in good ol' Middleton! Well tomorrow is the first Football Axemen game of the season against SMU! Wish i was going to be there in person, in fact Acadia is having a season -opening pep rally for all interested alumni, current students and faculty tomorrow between 5 and 7 o' clock at the Halifax Grammar School across from the Tower at SMU. I would go if gas was not so wild, but i am going to settle for Eastlink i guess, i finally have an Alumni card so i guess i can get into the beer tent at Homecoming this year... you know, get drunk and tell stories to people that you will have no recollection of talk to before and then the next day when u wake up from your hangover, i remember last year because i stayed overnight at ol' Crowell curtesy of my old friend Greg, the then-RA of 9th floor. I remember it because the night before he bought like 20 hotdogs from the soccer girls outside the Axe. It looks like an interesting season for the Axemen, they lost quite a few 5th year seniors, but 17/24 starters from last year are returning, what is interesting is that the Axemen are turning to a 34 year old to do the place kicking!!!! Now let's not hear anymore criticism about Oldman Robb's age!!!! And what makes it more interesting is that this guy is a rubgy player with no football experience whatsoever! I am more than just a little interested in seeing how things are going to turn out! I read in the Chronically Horrid today that MTA is now something like winless in their last 24 games?!? Man that is so tough, seeing as how the team was so good back around 1997-98. Their opening game is this Saturday at 2 against PEI, wish i could be there with the ol gang from Harper, taking in the game. Still have memories of watching the boys in a drunken stupor taking a couch from the Harper lounge and marching to the football game...sigh, to think i was part of the last ever all boys floor in Harper! Oh well, like i would have protested having ladies around! I guess according to the bartender at the Axe the other night that even good ol good ol 3rd Floor in Tower is co-ed this year! WOW! It used to be an event just seeing a girl on our floor! Now i have an old friend who had a trip attack when he heard his ol Eaton House was now co-ed, called it sacrilige...yeah right dude, if you were still there i am sure you would be so protesting the idea...
Picked up the Corsicon Brothers on DVD and starring the legendary Cheech and Chong at Zellers the other night, great flick, me and my old buddy Blair at work used to rip the daylights out of it while playing it in the store, we used to call them Tony and Geezer (Black Sabbath to those not in the know...jeesh!) and their arch-enemy, Vukaire (or something like that...) was Ronnie James Dio (Awesome singer who had the task of filling in for Ozzy when he left Sabbath or was kicked out....depending on who u believe) Oh well cannot wait till next week at the good ol Berwick Arena when Mainstream Wrestling pulls into town at 7:30 with the legendary Honkytonk Man!!! Probably take my nephew with me to see the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time! Been playing lots of NHL 2005 for the Gamecube lately, love changing the uniforms from Colorado to the Quebec Nordiques, LA back to their yellow & purple to play anyways.....Re-joined the Middleton Library today, lots of good soc and history books there, so there will be good reading for the winter months at least...and to answer the question, yes as it stands right now if i get into either Farmington or the Portland Campus of the University of Maine system, i will probably have a place to stay, which is really good news, something we need more of around here....oh well i am working at 6:00, gonna take a book, one of the five that i took out, maybe write a review, maybe go for a drive, maybe go to Claire, maybe to the Red Knight (Eh Buddy Bullen?) maybe, maybe not...have a good one webslingers!!!

PS- AC/DC's Nervous Shakedown!!!!!!!!!!! from Flick of the Switch back in 1983!!! I remember being a brat back in the ol Passage and my friend Jason would not stop rewinding and playing this one on my friend Craig's old ghettoblaster some 1001 times...over and over and probably killing the tape! Oh memories...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Do you feel that Syria spying on dissidents?
