Monday, September 05, 2005

Old Man Robb is Like a Rolling Stone...But Still Much Younger..or Something Like That...

Hello all those out there in webslingeroonie land! Well peeps the Stones were great! What a drive! What crowds! Crowd control? hah! $4 water! $40 t-shirt? Babes? Of all ages! Great to see the Hip (Who i have not seen since 1991 at Acadia Arena!) and for the first time ever, Mick and the boys, a little long in the tooth and really Mick does oversell on Ruby Tuesday and how the hell is Keith Richards even still alive! Man Mick really gotta slow down on that dancing!
Anyways glad to be back!
An old friend e-mailed me the other day and asked me how does it feel not to be at frosh week for like the first time since the 70s...

It sucks

There it is out of my system! Is Acadia missing out? Sure they are! I think with my long standing knowledge of university politics and connections, i would make a great addition to the alumni office or campus affairs, but we know the hidden agenda, and this is nothing about grades, it is who you are, what you look like and when earlier i said connections i meant people that i have met over the years and my ways of being associatied with others that i could bring those relationships to the table if i was ot have one of those positions, i know people, bringing them onboard would help shape the Acadia product. What connections am i missing? Well if i had a famous last name, i think i would be in like yesterday. Or if i had money, or if i was a famous alumni, or yet related to one. What students need is someone blue collar that they can talk to, help them. It would be good for relations with others and with the people that matter. Hello Mcleans? Hello #1 university in Canada. Could i get us there? Well i would try, i would not be someone who came to work just to look pretty and or comb my hair, i want us to be number one, however i guess satisfying the needs of the high class takes precidence, so blue collar can go take a leap into a lake or something...oh well folks i tried.
It is a sin what is happening in New Orleans, that is all i really have to say on the subject.
I am still in negotiations with schools amongst the eastern coast, the most recent of which is Farmington at the University of Maine. However i had an offer just today that i could have a room available if i was to attend the Portland Campus. Decisions, Decisions. Well many pamphlets are on the way so i have to sit and decide what is best for me.
Me and Dunker went to see the 40 Year Old Virgin the other night, hysterical stuff...some of it gross and unnecessary, like the drunk driving scene, however the two foreign guys were killing me, could not believe it when he made the Al-Qaeda comment! Anyways, very highly recommended!
Well i cannot believe i am going to say this, but i have Friday night off and i am staying the heck home! Why is that Old Man Robb? Well it is the first meeting between the Axemen and SMU at Huskie Stadium this season at 7:00 on Eastlink and i am going to sit in my newly renovated room and watch it on the telly, i would upstairs on our 60 incher, but because of the dish being connected, i have to settle for watching down in the depths of the dungeon like old times. And i may add that i am proud to see that the football Axemen are going to wear black stripes to honour their late teammate Kristin Pipe
Well i have tomorrow off and i am going to go to the gym while the Tracker is being fixed (Hole in the exhaust) dunno what else the rest of the day, washed the cars and mowed the lawn the other day, so most of the household stuff is taken care of...anyways webheads i am off for now! Have a good one!

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