Tuesday, October 11, 2005

And All I Hear Is Rain

Hey there webslingeroonies!!! How goes the battle? Well it is still pouring here in good ol Middleton Nova Scotia where we don't welcome jailbirds like Windsor does (Sorry Dunker!) Well i have been recieving more stuff from interested universities like...drumroll... a invitation to go to an open house at the University of Maine at Presque Isle on Monday, November 14, 2005. They must like me, they even sent me a brocure for "Should I Live in a Residence Hall?" Which comes complete with a pic of some floormates chowing down on some pizza and a pic of some students with a moose head..well at least it looks like they know how to party down there eh? And the University of Southern Maine sent me an invite to an information session at their USM College of Education and Human Development. It all looks rather interesting and good, although Washington seems to be the forerunner as of right now.
Well the regular season for university hockey is starting up tomorrow night, so it looks like i will be taking the ol portable radio to work to listen to Acadia take on SMU at the famous Forum in Halifax, wish i had the night off so that i could go, but oh well. Friday night will see the homeopener for the hockey Axemen and i plan to be there, i asked my nephew if he wanted to go, but he may be going back to the city for the weekend, or so he says. I told him that if he goes i will also treat him to supper, maybe go to Joe's Food Emporium right on the main drag in Wolfville, i remember the guys in Tower ordered Scott's Skins from Joe's every Monday night while watching WWF RAW, they also used to have something called an "Old English Sub" as well as i believe an "Axemen's Sub" I think he would be most impressed, lots of memories there..including the time way back in 1990-91 that my family attended an NHL oldtimers game at Acadia Arena and Billy Smith, Terry O'Reilly, Steve Shutt and Reggie Leach were amongst the NHL greats playing and they all were at Joe's that night. Lots of autographs, which i all still have to this day. Last night i downloaded "Shogun Assassin" an old sword flick that was released in North America in 1980, but was actually two old Japanese films re-edited together and dubbed over. This film is the very essence of a revenge flick. A lot of this film was inspiration for Quentin Tarantino in the making of Kill Bill. In Vol. 1, there is a lot of over the top blood squirting when a limb is hacked off. That comes from this movie, probablly the most violent in the genre. If you watch Kill Bill Vol. 2 , you will notice not only the mention of this movie, but the The Bride and her daughter actually watch it.I found it in Sackville while attending Mount A and it was a real hit with everyone on my floor, including my old buddy Eli who must have borrowed it some 1000 times and everyone wanted to watch it. We would recite the dialouge every few seconds, "We are the Masters of Death" or "Soooooooooooooo..we have a reunion" classic stuff indeedy....
Anyways gang, i am going to get showered, get dressed, head out to the library to return me books and then veg a little..oh yeah..and go to work! Lates!

PS- Cool song by the Manges- Summer's Gone!!!

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