Friday, January 13, 2006

Old Man Robb Returns

Hello folks! Long time eh? Well we have had some trying days, my Dad was in the hospital for a few days in early January and that took up most of my attention. He is home now and in good spirits and that is really all one can ask for eh? Well me and my nephew went last Saturday to see Acadia defeat St Thomas by a score of 2-1. It was hysterical as the scoreboard broke down for a good five minutes which was followed by lots of booing and cat calls when the Jepordy theme came over the loudspeaker and everyone started roaring, my nephew was confused as to what everyone was laughing at, making everyone around us start roaring even the generation gap eh? I think the boy needs to get out more, he had his first basketball game the other day and since he was not playing, he thought he could just go home instead of just staying there and watching the game. His coach was not impressed, could you imagine players in the NHL or NBA or something just leaving the arena instead of cheering on their teammates..some kids. The new rules for watching Acadia sports really suck...i think that is why i saw so many blue seats at the game on Saturday. I know we should not do personal attacks on opposition coaches and players, but with the team only losing one game at home this season, not seeing a sold out crowd to me would be cause for concern. Today is Friday The 13th!!! Maybe i should pull out one of the old Jason movies from the collection and watch one for old times sakes!!! I am actually giving thought to moving back to Kentville next year and going back to NSCC...maybe go into social work or something. Some people i mention this to support me and other people tell me that i should go into teaching or go do my masters in history, but my marks while decent will not convince the powers that be at Acadia or elsewhere to do such a thing. Anyways i need to go back to school, i was impressed when i dropped off a resume at Kingstec last November that the school is getting away from that high school mentality of having lockers and all that BS, when i was there in 1995-96, i felt like i was attending a glorified high school with almost the same mentality....i often wonder what kind of student i really was somedays... So today is my day off, i already picked up a newspaper and filled the Jeep with gas and now i am going to go walk the dogs...have a good one folks!!!

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSST- I finally found them this week!!! Here are the MP3's for the coolest two songs from the Up The Academy soundtrack by the impossible to find BLOW-UP!!!

1) "Kickin Up A Fuss"

2) "Beat The Devil"

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