Greetings from The Rated R Superstar and Welcome to The House of Hawley...The Dancing Destroyer...The Master of Disaster...The King of Sting...The Count of Monte Fisto...The Warrior of The Wasteland...The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla....The Mountain of Molten Lust...The One...The Only...Old Man Robert Reid Hawley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning: This blog may contain sexual content, some scary scenes, coarse language, crude content, violence and Charles Bronson's mustache.
Monday, February 13, 2006
My Bloody Valentine
What better way for a single person to spend Valentine Day alone then to spend it watching a Canadian cult classic! Shot in Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia in 1980 and released on February 14, 1981, this horror flick was heavily cut by the MPAA and just now there is word that a sequel is being worked on to be called, My Bloody Valentine II: The Return of the Miner. Of course i was in Sydney Mines last August and the mine is no more, however i did see alot of places where the movie was indeed shot around town. I hope that when and if the cameras roll on Part II that maybe a trip back to Nova Scotia for the production would be in the works.
Instead she went 3-D remake in Hollywood buddy...i would have preferred aPart 2 to the 81 classic..