Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Curse of Old Man Robb

Hey there bloggeronies! Well it is a Saturday Night and Old Man Robb is in the house in good ol good ol Middleton (ode to the Dunker on that one!) Well the hockey Axemen did it as they swept UNB to win the AUS championship!!! Now they are off to the CIS Championships in Edmonton that it taking place from March 23-26th at the University of Alberta! I will have my trusty radio by my side as to cheer on my alma mater! So it is my big ol B-DAY coming up on March 15th and what better way to celebrate me birthday? How's about a ticket to see the Juno Cup on Friday, March 31st at 7:30 pm at the famous Halifax Forum!!! Yes i took the liberty of taking the day off to see the Canadian Rockers (comprised of members of Great Big Sea, Sloan, Our Lady Peace and others) VS the NHL All-Stars (comprised of Paul Coffey, Kirk Muller, Russ Courtnall and others).. also cast members of Trailer Park Boys will be on hand, man i so wanna see Bubbles on skates! Tickets are only $15 and the proceeds are going towards charity, so it looks to be lots of fun! Man am i getting old or what? Ahhh to be young again....oh well...Maybe you need a dose of Walker: Texas Ranger to wake me up!!! I was going to go see the new remake of the Hills Have Eyes (I lent my copy of the 1977 original to a good buddy...i best be getting that back!!!) however i wanted to spend time at home tonight so i shall wait till sometime throughout the week. I have Wednesday off for my Bday and Friday off because...well i have Friday off, well at least it is payweek eh? Isn't it funny how some people make such fake ol promises? It is ok, i am a growing boy, even in my old age, so i can take it... maybe i can attract ladies by growing a cool stache or something... Well i have been doing lots of reading lately...why? Well Monday i have an appointment, a hunch of sorts that i am not about to share on here, but hopefully it will turn into something for good ol me... i am not revealing because i do not wanna reveal my source and i also do not wanna look sillier than i already usually do for giving out false information on something that may not happen. And why reading? To prepare myself, digging out old textbooks and helping myself and sharing the wisdom of my readings with other people. What other better way is there to help spread some knowledge? I have been reading an older textbook called, The Sociologically Examined Life and hear is a passage from chapter 11 called, "Differences and Inequalities":

An inequality exisits when a difference between people or not between groups benefits one person or one group relative to one another. That seems clear enough. But it is still a slippery idea, since it does not say what counts as a benefit. Perhaps, then, it would help to be more concrete about the forms that inequality can take in the United States. In what ways can individuals and groups be unequal, and how do these inequalities matter? Here are some possibilities.

- To start with the obvious, some people have more wealth (stocks, bonds, property) and more income (salaries, wages, interest) than others. Money is a universal resource because it can be used to acquire all kinds of things that make life more comfortable, enjoyable and stimulating. Money does not guarantee happiness, of course, but it is very useful for acquiring the things and experience that foster happiness.

- Some people have more and better education than do others. Education can help people make sense of the world, solve problems, avoid mistakes, articulate their ideas, appreciate history, and enjoy art, literature, music and other cultural products. It can also be used to make connections and to get jobs.

- Some people have more access to art, films, theatre, concerts, and other cultural events than do others. Not everyone wants to go to the opera or to browse in art galleries. Even so, many people who may enjoy such activities never get a chance to take them in.

- Some people can afford to travel widely, while others cannot. Seeing other countries, meeting different kinds of people, and experiencing other cultures can be enjoyable and stimulating. Many people cannot afford such luxuries.

Anywho folks that is all for tonight i am afraid, i am going to go unwind, maybe chat a bit and hit the hay, at least i have better things to do then fight over a frickin stupid Tim Horton's coffee cup!?!?!?!?!?! I so remember i bought my old pal Barry a Timmy's in the early 90s while we were under the employ of the pizza Nazi and he rolled up the rim and won a bike..i let him have it, no arguments, his coffee, his bike...people barked at me for being too soft, but i am a fair man (although others may not agree...but they know what they can do!) soooooooooooooo..i am working at 12 noon tomorrow in good ol Middleton..have a good one!

PS- The Ataris- Summer Wind Was Always Our Song

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