Sunday, March 05, 2006

Remember Tomorrow

Hello gang! Well it has been a trying and upside down time for Old Man Robb. My father had his surgery, his colostomy and came home yestersday and now tonight he is back down to the hospital. He needs fluids and cannot drink enough to sustain. Everyone was pretty upset, including old friends who told me that their son had to stay in the hospital two weeks on a Jello diet before he was allowed to come home. So the official story is that Dad was allowed home way too early... Tomorrow is my official "Test Drive" as they call it up at Kingstec in the Addictions Counselling course. I am to be there for 8:15 at the new main doors to meet my guide and lunch is free. So i need to set the alarm clock and be up for 6:00 or something like that. How's about the hockey Axemen? They are now up 2-0 on UNB and Game 3 is on Tuesday night in Fredricton. I will be working, but i shall have my trusty radio that i was given at Zellers in New Minas many moons ago. If the Axemen win, they are off to Edmonton for the university finals.
My sister wanted to know about the upcoming West Kings 50th Anniversary so this is what i found out for sure:
On June 30th July 1st and July 2nd, West Kings will hold a 50th anniversary reunion to celebrate 50 yrs of excellence in education. The reunion committee extends an invitation and welcome to ANY former student who walked the halls over the last 50 yrs.

Friday June 30th: Registration, School tours, Meet and Greet, Opening Ceremonies at West Kings.
SAturday July 1st: Community Canada Day Events, Softball and Golf tournaments, Arena Dance at Western Kings Arena, Social Dance at the Annapolis Mess.
Sunday July 2nd: Picnic and BBQ at the Western Kings Arena Grounds.
Could be fun times in the Maritimes...
What the heck was Paul McCartney and his wife doing here? On one hand i don't like seeing the poor seals being clubbed, but on the other hand we are talking about people's livelyhoods here, food on the table for their families. Was the premier of Nfld right? Do the McCartney's just see this as a photo op? A change to draw on sympathy? Sir Paul there are lots of inhumane causes in this world, people- women and children are being exploited everyday, murdered, sexual assaults, what about victims of Hurricane Katrina? Those poor kids sent over by Bush to die in the Middle East (aka Vietnam II) Leave the people of Nfld alone. Let the flaming of Old Man Robb begin...
Actually if you want to hear some bad back-up singing courtesy of Linda McCartney (boy i feel bad making fun of this..but you should have heard my old pal Richard when he heard this one...) just click HERE and scroll down... actually enjoy all of the clips on this page cause in the right frame of mind (bottle of Colt 45) they are all pretty frickin hyterical!!!
Wish my old friend Craig was here to see THIS!!I was up to the Middleton NSCC cmapus the other day and bought a sociology book called, Sociology in Our Time: The Essentials as published in 2001. It is a good general book for students wanting to break into sociology. Here is an example.

The French philosopher Auguste Comte coined the term Sociology from the Latin socius (social, being with others) and the Greek logos (study of) to describe a new science that would engage in the study of society. Comte is considered by many to be the "founder of sociology." Comte's theory that societies contain social statics (forces for social order and stability) and social dynamics (forces for conflict, and for change) continues to be used, although not in these exact terms, in contemportary sociology.
Comte's works were made accessible for a wide variety of scholars through the efforts of British sociologist Harriet Martineau. Until recently, Martineau recieved no recognition in the field of sociology because she was a woman in a male-dominated discipline and society. Not only did Maritineau translate and condense Comte's work, but she was also an active sociologist in her own right. Martineau studied the social customs of Britain and the United States and analyzed the consequences of industrialization and capitalism. In Society in America (1962/ 1837), she examined religion, politics, child rearing, slavery and immigration in the United States, paying special attention to social distinctions based on class, race and gender.
British social theorist Herbert Spencer used an evoluntionary perspective to explain social order and social change. Spencer believed that society, like a biological organism, has various interdependent parts (such as the family, the economy and the government) that work to ensure the stability and survival of the entire society. According to Spencer, societies developed through a process of "struggle" (for existance) and "fitness" (for survival), which he referred to as the "survival of the fittest" Spencer equated this process of natural selection with progress, because only the "fittest" members of society would succeed. As a result of these ideas, he strongly opposed attempts at social reform that might interfere with the natural selection process and, thus, damage society by favoring its least worthy members.
French sociologist Emile Durkheim disagreed with many of Spencer's views. Durkheim stressed that people are the product of their social environment and that behaviour cannot be understood fully in terms of individual biologiocal and psychological traits. Durkheim believed that the limits of human potential are socially, not biologically, based.
In his work, The Rules of Sociological Method (1964/ 1895), Durkheim set forth one of his most important contributions to sociology: the idea that societies are built on social facts. Social facts are patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person. Durkheim believed that social facts must be explained by other social facts- by reference to the social structure rather than to individual attributes.
Durkheim was concerned with the social order and social stability because he lived during the period of rapid social changes in Europe resulting from industrialization and urbanization. Durkheim observed that rapid social change and a more specialized division of labor produce strains in society. These strains lead to breakdowns in traditional organization, values, and authority and to a dramatic increase in anomie- a condition in which social control becomes ineffective as a result of the loss of shared values and a sense of purpose in society.
According to Durkheim, anomie is most likely to occur during a period of rapid social changes. In "Suicide" (1964/ 1897) Durkheim explored the relationship between anomic social conditions and suicide.

Wow! It is a good read.
Anyways time to go....i wish it was to Yarmouth (No Bullen not to visit old man bars!) but for something definitly worth going for!
I am off for now, have a good one!
PS- Descendents: Cool To Be You

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