Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The End of an Era: Crowell Tower 1970-2005

Acadia University announced last week in a news release the closing of the Crowell Tower. Crowell Tower will not be open in September of 2006 because few students have shown an interest in living in the 35 year old building. The closure will also save the university about $200,ooo. Well i guess it really is the end of an era, the university built new residences, totally rebuilt old ones in record time and left the poor ol Tower to rot up on the hill. I imagine in a year or so the ol Tower will be imploded and torn down to make way for new residences. If the student population is there to house them! The cost of good ol Acadia U is rising again folks and students are leaving the province in droves to seek their education elsewhere, believe me when i tell you that an exodus of students to other provinces is coming soon, that or parents are just not going to send their kids to university anymore, instead looking to community college or just going straight to work somewhere like Michelin or to Alberta on the oil rigs. Breaking one's back doing labor will look more attractive than having to pay back thousands to the government and the banks. Our universities are not run by educators anymore, they are run by profiteers. It is funny you know, back in 2000-01 and 2001-02 the ol Tower had to give up their tv lounges to students because they had no where else to put them. The residences had a waiting list some 300 kids long of students who wanted to live in Tower or elsewhere. When Tower does go down i hope that the Crowell name will be saved aka Crowell House or something like that, there is enough real estate there for a good three or so residences and a decent paved parking lot. Me? I will have my memories of Tower from September of 1998 to April of 2003 and of visiting during my last year at Acadia in 2004-05. Was it the same? No, my friends are gone on with their lives, but how many people i met and knew and still talk to on a regular basis. My friends it was the best five years of my life! Moolah not withstanding (Hey we all do dumb things right?) Anyways Tower, in the words of AC/DC..For Those About to Rock...We Salute You! May other students live in the new residences when you are gone my love and have many keggers and drink Colt 45's! Anyways that is all Old Man Robert Reid Hawley esquire has to say on the subject. Long Live The Tower! Posted by Picasa

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