Hey folks! It is good ol Robbo here and it is awesome outside in good ol good ol Middleton (Dunker reference!) Well how is my Japan stuff going? Well today i had to go to the old homestead of West Kings and their principal signed as my guarantor, meaning someone who could verify who i was. This all pertains to my passport. Yesterday i had to have four more passport photos taken (No smiles allowed!) and i had to go to the RCMP to have a criminal record check done on me so that people would know that i was not a crook! All kinds of agreements too. I had to choose what hours i wanted to work over there. It does not look to be all that bad of a schedule actually. An example of a schedule would go something like this:
Monday: 1:20 PM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday: 1:20 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday: OFF
Friday: OFF
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5:40 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 5:20 PM
It is somewhat different in that Saturdays and Sundays are popular days for students to attend these classes. So it is unlikely that i would have traditional weekends off. Cool eh? Also the average day consists of eight lessons of 40 or 45 minutes each with anywhere from 1 to 4 students per class. So what all else is a happening? Well that is the major stuff. We are still getting all kinds of nice cards and letters from people. A big thanks to them, we really appreciate it. So i picked up a couple of DVD's the other day including Scarface and Beavis and Butthead Volume II!!!! Later this summer, in July as a matter of fact, Shogun Assassin is finally arriving on DVD!?!?!?!!? Awesome ! My fav flick from my lone year at Mount A!!! Send your Ninjas! I'll kill them all!!!!! I bought a 12 pack of Keith's Red today, have never had one ..so a case will do. So i may be going to the Drive in tomorrow and to Saint John's in July. Now i have a problem with going to the Drive-in tomorrow night that hopefully is understood. I go and i am going to miss game six of the Oilers- Hurricanes!!!! I think i will take my nephews wireless television with me to the drive in and check out the score every now and then. Now that i am officially not going till January/ Febuary to Japan, i have lots of time to do stuff, to save up for stuff. Lots to do! Women and beer and football!!!! ...as a matter of fact i should go book off the Acadia- Mount A game on September 9th at 2:00 PM now!!!HAHAHAAH whatever Old Man Robb! However Old Man Robb is babysitting tonight..ahh kids, well i did buy my niece a stuffed Ernie and Bert doll for her bday..nothing like being a uncle that is cool in every way!!! Oh well... Anyways folks..have a good one!
PS!! Screeching Weasel: I Wanna Be a Homosexual
Greetings from The Rated R Superstar and Welcome to The House of Hawley...The Dancing Destroyer...The Master of Disaster...The King of Sting...The Count of Monte Fisto...The Warrior of The Wasteland...The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla....The Mountain of Molten Lust...The One...The Only...Old Man Robert Reid Hawley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning: This blog may contain sexual content, some scary scenes, coarse language, crude content, violence and Charles Bronson's mustache.
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