Monday, July 17, 2006

Make it Through

Hey hey bloggeronies! Old Man Robb is here and what is a happening? Well this morning i went over to Greenwood bright and early and had the rest of my Passport papers signed by my Gurantor for my trip to Japan. This included hauling out those ever so nasty looking mugshots which a friend says makes me look like i am heading to Dorchester! Thanks buddy! So what else is new? Well i did make it to the city on Friday, unfortunately i did not get to see my friend who was up from North Sydney for the weekend, so i went over to Banook Lake, or is it Lake Banook? Anyways i spent most of the afternoon tanning (I got me a farmers tan!) and checking out the ladies on the beach! I also went to Mic Mac Mall and strolled around for a bit, had some New York Fries (Heart attack in a cup!) and bought PCU for $6.99!!! Since i cannot get the Frat Boy Collection in Canada due to the rights of Porky's, that was the next best thing to do! Plus i wanna go back to Mic Mac sometime soon because this was the second time in a row where i forgot all about that cool sports stand in the middle of the mall that sells sports stuff for all the major league teams in all the major leagues! NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL!!!! Obscure stuff i wanted from the Minnesota Vikings and New York Islanders of all teams! Plus where else can you find an LA Clippers hat!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? All this chatter about the Rolling Stones coming here to Halifax, which while i travelled to see the Stones the other year, it would turn the Commons into nothing more than a cesspool of garbage and tax payers money will be wasted, sure NB got lots of stuff done to the property, like power and water installed, but it ended up costing the province some $60,000 or something like that, they lost money and that is never ever a good thing. Besides...why are we just copying Moncton anyways? Sure the Stones will draw a crowd, but why don't we have a different act come, just to be ummmm...different? Something like Ozzfest or something like it. Besides Moncton did it first, but remember NB is ahead of us, after all they do have LEGAL Sunday shopping, that was one of the best things about going to Mount A, waking up on Sunday and being able to go grocery shopping a good 5 minute walk up the hill! Mind you i could not eat breakfest on campus till 11:30 on Sundays (Or Saturdays!) but i could go grocery shopping..... For some reason it's fine for me to buy liquor, adult material and gamble, but having grocery stores open is crossing the line..... anyways they really should have the concert at the Shearwater base in the field or something..where on the Commons are they going to put 20,000 Johnny on the spots? Jeesh! It is a mess waiting to happen...did nothing much after work on Saturday except watch Saturday Nights Main Event!?!?!?!?..that show in the 80s was basically the reason for many a sleepover at my place in the Passage..nostalgia! Well this week there is the return of wrestling to the Middleton Arena for the first time since the summer of 2001!!! Cannot wait! Payday is this week also and that is good because i owe this and that and i need to have stuff done! Anyways that is all for now folks! Have a good one!

Pssssssssst- Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies: The Longest Time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
