Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Everything Has Its Point

Well well bloggeronies! What is a happening? Well through thick and thin my passport finally arrived!!! Well it is interesting as my pic makes me ummmm...look like a frickin terrorist! Anyways now i have to photocopy it and send it off to NOVA which i shall take care of tomorrow. So anything else? Our staff party is tonight up at the shore, well in Margaretsville... should be good, there are a few more people that i wish were coming, but a fun time is there loss for not going! I am so bringing my bottle of Jack Daniels, might as well bring that and some Coke and share some drinks with my old pals...Four months and i am going to be in Japan!!! Isn't that weird? Well i was chatting to my old buddy Grover from Mount Allison and he wants to see me come up fvor a visit before i go to Japan, because i was not to MTA all of last year and there are quite a few of the guys left, well not in Harper as Grove is pretty much the last of the old gang that is still in res, however he was roaring as he believes that he is older than the new Don that is taking over the building. Yes, MTA has Don's, like the Godfather. ....oh yeah Grover..congrats on being named the new Student Manager at the PUB!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!! The Axemen are going to play the New York Islanders rookie squad in Yarmouth at the Mariner Center on September 23rd! Well the STFX X-Men are playing the Islander rookies on September 21st at 7 PM...if i can make the time, i would love to go watch the game, should be kinda neato!!! Well Saturday was a wee bit of a disappointment i must say, listen up ladies (well dudes too...i am not interested in dudes, but take some advice anyways) if you are going to say something to a person for months on end, at least mean it ok? Saturday was like a severe kick in the nuts and i really do not want to waste my time doing something like that again...very very annoying i must say so myself, especially when you were the 2nd choice to hang out with, nothing like being told that you are second place eh? No..Old Man Robb so does not people like this in his life, i do not need people that are going to waste my time, just to say that it was all a joke...don't worry Old Man Robb, don't start believing that every female is the same, lots more snakes in the sand! Ever see the original ending of Jaws: The Revenge????? I didn't know Sharks could roar or stand on their fins!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Well last Friday night me and my nephew went to see Mainstream Wrestling over here at the Middleton Arena and it was hysterical, why? Because my nephew made no disticntions between the good guys and the bad guys and instead just started booing the daylights out of everyone in sight! One of the good guys came out, he must have only weighed about 150 pounds and my nephew stands up and yells, "Who the F*** are you?!?!?!?" OMG! Along with "Nice Dollar Store Belt!" it was a fun show, a guy dressed as Freddy Kruger wrestled and it was funny..pathetic, but yet hysterical. Ever jump to conclusions about something? Well there is one thing i was right about in that a working relationship would not last and well it didn't, one thing to be young and eager and another thing to be young and egotistical because it is a long way to the top and yet the fall on the way down is short and quite nasty as all those that you opposed and were hard assed to on the way up are gonna remember you on the bottom. Man I finally have found on Youtube ...............The Queen Haters!!!!!!!!!! What the hell are the Queen Haters? Well it was a punk parody on SCTV and when my pal Jason stayed with us in 1991 he had a whole VHS tape (VHS? WOW! It is like saying BETA!!!!!!!) full of old school SCTV and this was on Mel's Rock Pile hosted by Eugene Levy...very awesome...just hit replay after replay!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, here are the lyrics...

"I've Always Had a Dream
I'd Like to Meet The Queen
I'd Punch Her In The Face
Yeah, That Would Make Me Laugh
I'd Like to Kick Her in the Teeth
And Then I'd Make a Picture of It
In Lovely Ektachrome
And Then I'd Give it to the Prince
I Hate The Bloody Queen
She Made Me Go To School
I Hate The Bloody Queen
And All of Her Bloody Rules
I'd Like To Drown The Queen
Off the Coast of Argentine
Throw Her Off a Battleship
With Her Falkland War Machine
She Taxes Me To Death
I Can't Afford Me Dope
I'd Like To Get Her High
Yeah, That Would Make Me Laugh
I Hate The Bloody Queen
She Made Me Go To School
I Hate The Bloody Queen
And All of Her Bloody Rules
I Hate The Bloody Queen
I Hate The Bloody Queen
I Hate The Bloody Queen
I Feel Sorry For You Lady Di
Having a Mother-In-Law Like That!"

Awesome stuff indeedy!!! Be applicable to the B***H of the Baskervilles as well!
Anyways gang, gotta go...i have a staff party to get ready for...have a good one!

Psssssssst- Enemy You: Hopes and Dreams!!!!!!!!

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