Monday, July 30, 2007

Acadia Axemen Home Hockey Schedule 2007-08!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we go!!!

Sat. Sept 29th- Carleton Vs Acadia- 7:00 PM
Fri. Oct 12th - SMU Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Oct. 26- St. Thomas Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Oct. 27- UPEI Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 9th- UNB Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Nov. 10th- Moncton Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 23rd- STFX Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 30th- DAl Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 11th- SMU Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 18th- UPEI Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Jan. 19th- St. Thomas Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Jan. 25th- DAL Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Fri. Feb. 8th- Moncton Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Feb. 9th- UNB Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM
Sat. Feb. 16th- STFX Vs Acadia- 7:30 PM

Feb, 20, 22 & 24th- Quarterfinals (Best 2-of-3)
Feb, 27 & 28th- Semifinals (Best 3-of-5)
Mar 8, 10 & 12th- Finals (Best 2-of-3)
Mar 22nd to 25th- CIS Championship at Moncton

Wow! Post 280???? 300 soon.........

"Into what boundless life does education admit us. Every truth gained through it expands a moment of time into illimitable being—positively enlarges our existence, and endows us with qualities which time cannot weaken or destroy."- Edwin Hubbell Chapin

Hello peeps! What is a new? Not too too much, mainly housesitting at the moment here in good ol Middleton. I have completed yet another resume for yet another round of handing out, c'mon someone hire me before the North takes me away! The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Info sheet asks lots and lots of crazy questions like do you have any training in the following:

1) CPR
2) Computer Literacy
3) Counselling
4) Drug & Alcohol Education
5) English Second Language
6) First Aid
7) Internet Research
8) Race Relations
9) Sign Language
10) Work Scheduling

Lots of stuff you need, some i have, some i dont. Lets see what happens eh?
What else is new? Not too much, friends want me to go see the Simpsons Movie, i might but am i gonna feel like i am watching TV? I heard one reviewer say that it seems that they are afraid to take the gloves off. At least my Habs are re-signing Ryder, and please lose interest in Breeze-By, he is a joke and should be put out to pasture along with Yashin. Life could be worse...i could be Lindsay Lohan. I was asked this week what a Wifebeater shirt talk about feeling weird about explaining something! What have i done? Went to Wolfville for a drive, walked through the petting zoo up there, went for another drive down by Cornwallis, checked out the Convergys thingy again, and again the price of gasoline along with the words of wisdom from others have made me refrain from there. I do have a new friend that would love to watch some hockey with me in the new year. Well now...Flames fan Vs Habs fan (ME!) how will this work out? 1985 Cup (Habs) Vs 1988 Cup (Flames) ?!?!?!?!!!? Well i am glad my Mom is gone to PEI for a week, she needs to get out of this house more often, a house where i think sometimes she finds the time a wee bit long, even though it has been a year since Dad passed away, his presence is felt all over this place, even at this computer where i am typing this very blog. Still miss ya buddy....
That BT Torrent which was recommended by a good buddy of mine is very cool for downloading movies and rare stuff and other stuff as well. What have i downloaded? Student Bodies (The original slasher movie parody...puts Scary Movie to shame!) , Ninja III: The Domination (With the coolest fist 10 minuntes of a flick ever!!!) , Fantastic Four (1994 crappy version- i LOVE it!) The Burning (1981 Friday The 13th rip off...very nasty and gory!) , Jackie Chan's Police Story (With the original ending of Jackie singing...cover your ears!!!) and waiting on a few others. Just started downloading The Big Bus (Which was like Airplane!) and Top Secret (Also like Airplane!) this morning. It is good for stuff on DVD and others that you dont wanna bother getting on DVD. I did purchase Private School on DVD the other day! Me and Barry are soooooooooooo gonna have to get together and watch it! MEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNSSSS!!!! Plus Phobe Cates was one of my original crushes...just think guys...Fast Times SWIMSUIT scene!!! Nuff said!
I have been reading a book i bought from the used bookstore downtown, as a matter of fact for years i could not find this book ANYWHERE and now i only paid $1.99 for it and it is all mine! "Dave Schultz: Hammer- Confessions of a Hockey Enforcer" which was written in 1981. I had the honor of meeting Mr Schultz when the NHL oldtimers came to Wolfville last November (Nice guy! We went to the Vil together with Chris Nilan and Dale Hawerchuck!) Anyways i LOVE his chapter on Bobby Clarke:

"There are those who have charged that Bobby Clarke is a coward who would start trouble but never bother to fight his own battles. There is no doubt that Clarke is a ruthless athlete who lives by the bottom line- winning. In the past decade he has been one of the most threatening users of a hockey stick in the NHL, at times employing it in the manner of an infantryman handlng a bayonet. Many have mistaken cowardice for bravery. Canadian chauvinists will tell you that Clarke was a hero in 1972 during the Team Canada- Russia series because he violently sent the Soviet's best forward, Valery Kharlamov to the hospital with a cracked ankle after whacking the Russian star with a two-hander. Do you think Clarke would have gotten away with such bravery if he had bludgeoned Larry Robinson of the Habs in the same way? I Think not."
"When the Flyers finally traded me to LA, i felt that Clarke had a hand in persuading them to upload me. And that, for me, is even more significant. I had lost both my respect and my faith in Bobby Clarke's capacity for honesty and integrity. His dedication to the club had turned to ruthlessness."
Could not have said it better myself Hammer.
Anyways gang, back to the drawling board. Have fun!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mainstream Wrestling Tour Dates 2007-08

Saturday, August 25 – Digby Arena, Digby, NS
Sunday, August 26 – War Memorial Community Center, Windsor, NS
Thursday, August 30 – Dave Doolittle's Sports Bar & Grill, Dartmouth, NS
Friday, August 31 – Trenton Community Rink, Trenton, NS
Saturday, Sept. 1 – Holy Redeemer Parish Center, Sydney, NS
Sunday, Sept. 2 – Sarah Denny Cultural Center, Eskasoni, NS
Tuesday, Sept. 4 – Bruce II Sports Center, Port Aux Basques, NL
Wednesday, Sept. 5 – Bay Arena, Bay Roberts, NL
Thursday, Sept. 6 – Remax Center, St. John's, NL
Friday, Sept. 7 – Unity Park Arena, Placentia, NL
Saturday, Sept. 8 – Marystown Arena, Marystown, NL
Sunday, Sept. 9 – Clarenville Stadium, Clarenville, NL
Monday, Sept. 10 – Cabot Stadium, Bonavista, NL
Tuesday, Sept. 11 – Joe Byrne Memorial Arena, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
Wednesday, Sept. 12 – Lion's Club, Lewisporte, NL
Thursday, Sept. 13 – Stephenville Dome, Stephenville, NL

All shows begin at 7:30 pm with doors opening at 7:00 pm (Doolittle's 8:30 pm bell). Newfoundland tickets go on sale Friday, August 10 at their respective venues for $10 general seating, $12 ringside, $16 V.I.P. (Early arena entry, backstage meet w/wrestlers, exclusive souvenir, and surprise).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Plugged In

Hey folks! What is a happening? Well i am still on the job hunt, new resumes and cover letters in hand and ready to take on the world! What do i have to do? Well i can get on the list of substitute ESL/ EA teachers with the Valley Regional School Board, yes it is something to put on a resume, but dont i want more? To actually teach? I have to find a school administrator, aka a principal to sign for me and i have to go get a background check done down at the RCMP station here in Middleton. Then i can hand in the application, my resume and my cover letter. Well and if nothing? Well then up North looks like a good alternative i guess. I have a little left to go on my student loans thanks to burseries and scholarships, so going up North would take care of them in a matter of months, just sign my name on the dotted line on a 10 month contract. I have been hearing stories of isolation, extreme boredom, bring a good book, get a good hobby, buy a PS3 etc etc if going there. What to do eh? Well i went up to New Minas with a friend last week, played some pool at Doolies, no my waitress frend was not working if your asking Blair. I went to see the Transvestities or whatever it is called and i was BORED! However the new Adam Sandler gay flick was quite comical. Spent Sat night over at Barry's and we watched some Sandra Bollock movie and we were roaring at NFB stuff on Youtube, the Big Snit, the Cat Came Back and some funny memories of the summer of 1993-94. Well i have to get going up to New Minas to take care of some business, have a good one!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Friday 13th Part IV, Crispin Glover Dance

This is the greatest dance scene ever!!! Me and my friend Jason from the Passage used to DIE LAUGHING everytime we watched this...then get up and impersonate the dance!


" Bluto- Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! What the fuck happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter- Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."
John Belushi and Tim Matheson, National Lampoon's Animal House, 1978

Hey folks! What is new and a happening? Well it is more of the same, but this time i have typed up a brand NEW resume and a brand NEW cover letter! Am i excited? Welllllllllll...yeah kinda becuase today is another divide and conquer mission where i go and pass out this great stuff to all the schools and put on a big ol honkin smile. Well it would be nice to get something around here, to get some money too...gotta be honest cause the student loan people, i know your just doin your job n all are calling me and i dont have much left on the loan, under $20,000 (in the $18,000 area) and i need employment to pay it back, but to get into education next year, i kinda need to stay in the loop, teaching in Japan was a good start, might have thought otherwise personally, but it looks good on the resume, somebody i loathe once wrote that people resume stack, blow it out your ass cause you need to so someone will notice, Dad used to say "You gotta have experience to get experience son, or have a last name...ha ha!" Like the old Ramones song, "High Risk Insurance"- "You gotta fight to stay independent, I got my pride and I'm gonna defend it." So like i said, flippin burgers and bouncing at bars is not gonna help, it is quick cash, but a step backwards. Someone told me to just forget education, forget life dude! If i give up now, then what? What would Dad think of me? That i just shrugged my shoulders, gave up on my dreams? Buddy, go sit on landmines in Afghanastan or something ok? Jeesh...
Anyways here is the text of my NEW cover letter....


I am writing you at this time in response to the position of educational assistant, .I am a professional student, who has recently arrived back in Canada after a stint teaching in Japan. I am skilled with Microsoft Word, Windows XP and various other computer skills as background. Besides my history degree at Acadia University, I have also worked steadily in the work force since June of 1989, juggling both education and working at the same time. I can offer my managerial skills I have acquired of working with the public and other people, these managerial skills include hiring, training, scheduling, and budgeting.

One skill I can offer is wisdom, I have a reputation for being a team player, always willing to listen to input from other people and being able to adapt to different situations when it was required to do so. My volunteer work in radio, sporting events and television has been a showcase for my analysis and problem-solving abilities. While at Acadia and other post-secondary institutions that I have attended, public speaking in front of large groups of people has been something I have enjoyed.

While teaching in Japan and in other places that I have worked, I have acquired skills in the areas of organizing and planning. I feel that I have an outgoing and friendly nature that allows me to have good relations with other people, including fellow students and staff members.
My resume that accompanies this cover letter hopefully can give you an idea of my potential for making a worthwhile contribution to your high school this coming school year.
Thank you for your time and consideration

Robert Reid Hawley

What do you think? Anyways that was my day yesterday, making resumes and cover letters for today, the other night i went to Blairs and we watched, "Student Bodies" and "Friday The 13th Part IV" a couple of camp classics, esp Student Bodies (Which so deserves a DVD release from Cashamount...i mean Paramount!) and Friday IV has the distinction of containing the Crispin Glover dance! Which was originally set to Back in Black by AC/DC during the original production! And yes Blair, the shop teacher from Student Bodies (Horsehead Bookends!) looked alot like the Captain! Anyways folks i have to go get me show on the road, have a good one!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Always Something

"Again and again, the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made." - Robert H. Schuller

Hey folks! What is new Magoo? Well Facebook has disabled my account!!!?!??!?!?!? Why? I have notta clue as to why this took place, no warning, no nothing. They just gave some BS aboot constant warnings/ violations which i saw NONE of! They did disable me from posting for a day like back in May for having too many postings, cmon what kinda bullshit is that? What are they afraid of? A frickin popularity contest? Am i a popular guy? Some people like me and other people (They know who they are....i hope) can go jump in a canal with a rock tied around their ankles for all i frickin care. Whatta rant! Whooo! So what else is new? Well i am still on the educational job hunt and well... i got a message the other day about a possible EA job here very close to me, but i will have to wait till August to get anything done for it. Man i am starting to go stir crazy! You know..a case of cabin fever, cause Old Man Robb is feelin tied down a bit, especially when has to wait for wheels, even though i did get a look at a Jeep yesterday, but the rust spots outdid the paint, so that was a no go. Anyways there are more EA/ ESL jobs available and i am checking them out. Now another old buddy ol pal told me he has a lead on teaching up that would be frickin cold! However how is the cash? He told me the cash is decent enough to cover my outstanding student loans that are left and would really help pave the way to getting into education at Acadia. Maybe not pave the way, but at least help in that it would be there sitting on the resume for all to see that i survived teaching up North for ten months and did not go all nutty in the process. So it has been a week of sorts, congrats to myself in that there are two weddings coming up, my friend Barry's in September and my old Buddy Bullen next summer, Barry asked me to MC his wedding to which i said a resounding YES and Buddy Bullen wants me to be one of his Groomsmen which i also said yes to....ill need a date too! One that wont take off on me...just kidding! Actually went shopping with my Momma and we went for supper at the Irving Big Stop in New Minas where i think the portions are getting smaller, my fish was like the size of a chicken mcnugget. ...crazyness! Me and Mom went to the Steer BBQ yesterday in Kingston at the Kingston Rink which was like my old stomping grounds if you wanna go back in time to the WK days. This was like the first time i had been to the BBQ since me and Dad went back in like 1990-91. Probably be a long time before i go again and it was boring and me and Mom stayed for an hour and then went to Tims in Middleton. So Tower and the Turkey Burger are back...attack of the killer Ts! Awesome...just totally awesome and i read someone had posted that it probably wasnt a mold problem with Cutten, it is probably an attendance problem with the campus. Well maybe that is why in 2008-09 everyone can bring their own laptop, attendance at the Big A is down and now they are a scrambling to put the pieces together. Just the other day the sport program was fined like $5000 for using illegal players...just what the hell is going on? Maybe this is why Old Man Robb has to return in 2008-09! However are the old gag orders in place? Perhaps Facebook did it to me, i remember being all set up for an interview for the campus rag when the Campus Douchebag pulled the F'N plug on it saying it was bad for morale to talk about other universities, i think he was just pissed and whiny like a 2 yr old cause his face was going to be nowhere near it. Some people think they have the spotlight, enjoy the attention they get, but dont wanna make room for others. You see it is that darned fear of losing power that corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. Just like the campus and they keep rehiring Ted McGinley to do everything...who is Ted McGinley? This is from Wilkipedia....
McGinley is thought of by some as being the patron saint of "jumping the shark," and is officially listed as such on that website. Alternately, he's known as a "showkiller." This is probably because whenever he joined the cast of popular and enduring series, usually later in their runs as a replacement character, they then went into decline. Such shows include Happy Days, The Love Boat, and Dynasty. He was also a replacement character on Married... with Children. In this series McGinley's tenure was ultimately much longer than that of his predecessor, David Garrison. See? Everything some of these individuals touch turns to crap... i think Acadia jumped the shark when KO left, however some Acadia oldtimers will argue with me that Acadia jumped the shark in 96/97 or whenever it was when the Acadia Advantage came in.

"Fearlessness may be a gift but perhaps more precious is the courage acquired through endeavour, courage that comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one's actions, courage that could be described as 'grace under pressure' - grace which is renewed repeatedly in the face of harsh, unremitting pressure."- Aung San Suu Kyi

Soooooooooooo what did Old Man Robb do last night? Well i took a drive to Wolfville or WolfVegas as it is often referred to and have a Keths at The Vil and chatted and took in some of the scenery for awhile and then went to a friends place and we watched Porkys and Porkys II which was 2/3 of the greatest teen trilogy ever! And remember Porkys was the highest-grossing Canadian produced film till Good Cop Bon Cop!!! Getting back to that the football schedule has been announced, when the heck are they gonna start serving Keiths at the game?!?!?!?! The sponsor was like what Coors of something? An American beer? Ok i cannot remember if they were the sponsors, but they were on the menu, it was ok For the Bandit to deliver 400 cases of Coors in Smokey and The Bandit, but man...the pride of NS is not at our own football games...sigh... no tailgating parties and then this. Now if someone delivered 400 cases of Keiths before the home opener on September 8th Vs Mount Allison....that person would be a campus legend for LIFE!!!! Anyways gotta go downtown Middleton, see what the hell is a happening...have a good one!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Acadia Axemen Home Football Schedule 2007-08!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sat. Sept. 8 - Mount Allison @ Acadia, 2:00pm
Sat. Sept. 29 - Saint Mary's @ Acadia, 2:00pm (EastLink)
Sat. Oct. 13 - Bishop's @ Acadia, 2:00pm (HC) (EastLink)
Sat. Oct. 27 - StFX @ Acadia, 2:00pm (EastLink)
Sat. Nov. 3 -AUFC Semifinal 3rd @ 2nd, 1:00pm (EastLink)
Sat. Nov. 10 - Semi-Final Winner @ 1st, 1:00pm (EastLink, 12:30pm Pre-Game Show)
Sat. Nov. 17- Uteck Bowl @ Huskies Stadium (QSSF Champion vs. AUSC Champion
Fri. Nov. 23- Vanier Cup @ Rogers Centre (Toronto, ON)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Friday The 13th TV Spot 1980

In honor of tomorrow..a rare TV spot for the 1980 classic!

Thursday The 12th

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Hello people!

How are things with Old Man Robert Reid Hawley The first? Well the job thingy kinda hit a snag the other day. How come? Well the job is 40 minutes away from the house and i have no available wheels right now and the cost of getting a rental car for 6 weeks of training was too cost prohibitive. I was hoping an old pal of mine who was also interested in the job would go for it cause he has experience in that field, i was willing to pay for gas and everything, but he decided he too would rather do something more local. What to do now? Well i made some calls yesterday and i am waiting to hear back from some certain people. It seems the only way to get ones attention and show that you really really wanna job is to bug bug and bug, a relative of mine did that and he now has a good paying job. Why? Cause he was in their face all the time till somewhere in their infinite wisdom they figured we might as well give the job to this guy because he sure as hell is not gonna frickin leave! So that is part of my new strategy. Sure i wanted this other job, which has one heck of a high turnover rate here in the Valley, but i am bugging this other place now, why wait till August 6th for these things to be posted? There is another job option in Kentville, i dont even have to drive there to submit a resume, but they need experience in the computer field, and while i did have a laptop (Or craptop) at Acadia for all those years and still have my own today, i dont think it would be a good fit. So keep at it, cause i need those outstanding student loans paid off in time for next year to take place. I seem to be set on the teaching thing now, i had a taste of it, well sort of had a taste of it in Japan, it was basically like here you go punk, now you are an instructor...go teach! However i need formal training and with the amount of teachers here in the Maritimes that are taking early retirement, they need teachers and with Acadia possibly....possibly making their education programme a one year course, then that would be awesome, i would be done in a year and hopefully teaching...or subbing somewhere. The job i want for this year is an EA job...what exactly is an EA? The Educational Assistant (EA) is hired to meet the needs of specific students and/or program needs within the school. The EA there because of a particular child, but is a support to
the teacher in order that all students' needs are met. They work alongside and under the guidance of teachers. An Educational Assistant and a teacher are a team. The EA is assigned to meet the needs of specific students and/or program needs within the school. The teacher is ultimately responsible for the education of all students in the class and the EA serves as a support. So what else is new? Well hung out with my Mom the other day after my interview and we went to Pearl's in Paradise and had some Haddie Bits & Fries, it was pretty good. I would love to go to the drive-in in Coldbrook this weekend, they are playing Die Hard IV and The Hills Have Eyes II...any takers? LOL! Anyways what to do today? I am going to bug more for a job, take the dogs for a walk and head to the gym to work off the other days excursion to Pearls...Actually earlier in the week, my Mom was down to the South Shore and told me that the Turkey Burger was re-opened under new management! I so have to kill the cutting back for another day and head down to New Germany! LOL! Oh my...sometimes i wonder aboot myself..have a good one!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Ramones- I Wanna Live

Here are the lyrics to the Ramones tune i posted a couple of days ago

"I Wanna Live"

Ive been thinking it over
And I know just what to do
Ive been thinking it over
And I know I just cant trust myself
Im a gypsy prince covered with diamonds and jewels
But then my lover exposes me I know Im just a damn fool
I give what Ive got to give
I give what I need to live
I give what Ive got to give
Its important if I wanna live
I wanna live
I want to live my life
I wanna live
I want to live my life
As I load my pistol of fine german steel
I never thought
Id be so down and out having my last meal
But I know I can do it it just took a few years
As I execute my killer the morning is near
I give what Ive got to give
I give what I need to live
I give what Ive got to give its important if I wanna live
I wanna live
I want to live my life
I wanna live
I want to live my life

Happy Monday From Your Friendly Neighbourhood Robert Reid Hawley!!!

"I am not concerned that you have fallen - I am concerned that you arise. "
-Abraham Lincoln

Hey folks!

What is up? Not too too darn much i am afraid. What is new? Well i have a job interview tomorrow, i was told to drop in between 9:00 and 3:00 and it will be taken care of. Is it what i want? Hell no! Is is what i need? What do i need? Some cash to take care of outstanding student loans and what is left of them and for next year. What is next year? Well McFLy lets year i am set to return to Acadia University...why? Good thing you asked, goes i want to take education and there are three ways in, your marks...which for me are a combo of B's, C's and the occasional A...very occasional. There is your resume, and mine is well..going through an editing process because it is BIG! And there is your interview. Now here is where i want to shine, cause in the past lots and lots of people that had great marks did not make it in and others that had lesser marks did. Why? Because it was all about attitude. You can have all the marks ya want honeypie, but if you dont have those street smarts, that will to succeed, then sometimes you end up on the outside looking in. Lots of people have last names, someone on the inside, stuff that gets them in. There are alot of people in good positions that never really had to pay their dues, pump gas in the rain, listen to customers bitch at them all day about trivial bullshit and i feel sometimes the people that pay their dues, have that intestional fortitude to win, they are the better prepped to enter a job rather than someone who sat around all of their life with a frickin silver spoon stuck in their mouth. I like the song "Substitute" by the Who, which was later covered by the Ramones in 1994, it had an awesome lyric that went like:

"I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth"

Truer words were never spoken..t is never too late to be what you might have been, but one cannot get to the top or what he thinks is the top or achieve his goal by sitting on his what else is new? not much, had a rather lackluster weekend, no wheels were available so i went to Fitness Experience 3 times this weekend here in Middleton and worked out, just easing back into it. This is the 7th summer in a row that i have been going to the gym in Middleton, weird eh? So many things when i think about it that i did for a long time. Went to University so long that i became known as a professional student, which is also slang for a student who stays in school for many years rather than embarking on a career. I dunno, i just wanted to see if i could do it, and i did. That makes me happy. What else did i do for a long time? I worked at the store formerly known as Andrew's for almost 10 years off and on and i think i was the longest serving employee ever at the Middleton branch. What is my point? Longetivity. Some people float from job to job, i used to do that. I remember one year where i worked pumping gas from September 1996 to March 1997 and then worked at the local drug store from March 1997 to July 1997, i was laid off both jobs. I guess when i dedicate myself to something i really believe in, i stick to it. If i dont believe in it...then it falls apart. A combination of things, not happy, not having fun, uncomfortable. Sometimes if it is a combo of the three, then why stay? Sometimes it leads to rumors, people saying i was fired from Japan? Ummmm...they called me twice just this past week, one rumor was that i flunked out of Mount A went around a few years see, student in good standing last i checked, especially with my second term there being one of the best marks wise i ever had at university. Sometimes i wish people would get their head out of their ass for a change and just ask, dont talk behind me back. Of course i could do it too and respond back, "Talking about you, not to you." something smart ass like that. Recently someone close keeps doing it and i wish he/ she would just say it to my face, probably afraid i would mangle them or something. Jeeesh....
So Tower is re-opening? If it is, then i am happy even though it is probably re-opening as a victim of circumstances, the case here is that Cutten had a MAJOR mold problem. I feel Tower did not get the proper send off that it deserves and i would love to see a reunion of the people who lived there. I mean it is either going to get the wrecking ball or be turned into office space, one of the two. It is a rather large hunk of real estate sitting up there on the hill and i cannot see Acadia just letting it sit there, like they did this past year. Actually i am glad the 2006-07 season for Robert Reid Hawley the First is wrapping up, see Robbo does his years like the hockey season or something like that September to September! LOL! What a year though, heartbreak at November, Japan in January, the nuttiest (or scariest) 7 days of my life while i was there and now back here at the end of June...well July now. And it was my first full year without the guidence and wisdom of my beloved Father whom i hope is watching over me and guiding me as i keep my trek through life going.
Well gang, i got to mow me lawn, go to Greenwood and some other stuff, go to the gym and keep busy....have a good one!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fast Times at Hawley High

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain.

Hello there!

What is a happening? Well Canada Day came and went and it was ok. I went for a drive as far as Sackville, i wanted to go further, but i had limitations. However, a make-up date has been announced and details are to come later, if i chose to give any...LOL! Actually i have a feeling this could be something that makes me smile lots. Especially if the something or someone in question always makes you smile. So what did i do? I went to Windsor, home of the Dunker (What is that boys number? I miss hearing his outlooks on life!) And i went to the Hockey Hall of Fame which was closed on Canada Day?!?!?!?!?!?! Eh? Weird i know i know. So i went to the bar next door called Pockets which had lots and lots of hockey stuff, including hockey benches to sit on and drink, plus it was happy hour which was a good thing. Hmmm recent news, a friend of mine thought they were telling me bad news the other day, but you know what? Maybe some things are not meant to be. Is that a good thing? Depends on how you look at it i guess. Distance plays in a factor of course and the future. Where am i going to be? Who knows? As long as people are happy, then i am happy. I hope I haven’t put you off....I have a tendency to do that, a good friend of mine told me that i cannot keep a relationship because i am VERY overbearing...Sometimes it pays for me to just be quiet, that way i can keep the friends that i do have. Just remember that only one simple indiscretion landed me back in NS, i cannot sit around all damn day thinkging what if? What if? And what did that one simple indiscretion teach me? When the chips are down, there are some that will not stand by your side and some that you didnt think would back you up is a weird world that we live in lemmie tell you. I dont wanna work for any more companies that puts the bottom line ahead of the well being of their own employees, eso ones that they chased around to bring over there. The future? Well i started taking care of that this morning as i am now on the prowl for a new ESL job. However i am setting some limits so far, i am looking for ESL jobs in Canada and i contacted schools in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. I'll try my damndest to achieve every goal I have... there's not a thing that I can't be if i put my frickin! Just as long as I am happy, make good or at least decent choices, then that's all that matters to me. Could you imagine me the ultimate HABS fan in Montreal (PS- please re-sign Souray! Hamerlick or however you spell his frickin name is nice and all, but please..we need Sheldon's offence) I am wondering Why aren't free agents knocking down the doors of Bob Gainey's office to come to Montreal? Montreal is one of the nicest and freiendly city around and they have an exciting young nueclues of a team from last year to build on, but the free agents won't come? Montreal has "money to burn" for free agents but no takers. Like the Maple Laughs, Montreal can't afford to go another season without being in the playoffs.The other day i thought about me getting older and what the Captain said to me (No not Captain Morgan...the other Captain...) about my youthfulness. Well someone made me feel awesome last night when they told about how age doesnt matter, it is how people feel towards one another. There are things you do because they feel right and they may make no sense and they may make no money and it may be the real reason we are really here....rant on Old Man Robb! Me and Blair hung out yesterday afternoon and we watched what Kevin Smith called, "The Best Burt-Less Movie Ever Made!!!" Yes i am talking Smokey and The Bandit Part 3, or originally known as Smokey is the Bandit. Dammit folks this is the most unintentionally funniest frickin movie ever made! Drink a 24 and see if you agree. I'd love to see the unused footage from this movie with Jackie Gleason playing both Smokey and the Bandit. I'm assuming Universal have it stored away somewhere. I say let the fans see it! Anywho i am now gonna grab me shower and head for the gym! Have a good one folks!

Mr T Facts!!!!!

Found these on the net...pretty frickin awesome!

-Mr. T was originally cast to play Arnold Jackson on Diff'rent Strokes. Unfortunately every time he said, "whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" Willis shit himself.
-The last man who made eye contact with Mr. T was Ray Charles.
-Mr. T took Mother Nature from behind. We refer to the event as the Big Bang.
- Gravity dosen't exist. Mr. T just pities everything to stay the fuck down. Birds and planes are exempt beacuse they are shaped like Ts.
- If you rearrange the letters in Mr. T, he'll fucking break you.
- Mr. T destroyed the periodic table, saying Mr. T. only recognizes the element of surprise.
- Mr. T was fired from the Psychic Friends Network for always predicting pain.
- There are only four horsemen of the apocalypse, because Mr. T is going to walk.
-Mr. T and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.
- Mr. T is so scary that his hair is actually afraid to grow. The only reason he has a mohawk is because it's in his blind spot.
- Mr. T scared the black out of Michael Jackson.
- Mr. T beat a wall at tennis. A fucking WALL.
- Rocky III was a groundbreaking film. It took 135 special effects artists 13 months to make it seem like Rocky won the second fight to Mr. T.
- If you laid out all of Mr. T's gold chains end to end, he would kick your sorry ass.
- Asteroids do not hit the Earth because Mr. T swings a redwood tree to bat them back into outer space. The one that killed the dinosaurs was high and to the outside, and Mr. T wisely checked his swing.
- Show Mr. T a ship of fools, and he will show you a torpedo full of pity.
- Mr. T can eat a rubix cube and crap it out solved.
- Mr. T is allergic to doorknobs. That's why he can only kick through doors.
-Mr. T once was a referee at a football game, blowing his whistle he created a new call, "Too much jibbah-Jabbah on the field!" He punched the other officials in the nuts when they argued, then he set about pitying all the fools in the stadium.
- Mr. T was the original host of "Pimp My Ride". He was fired halfway through the first season after installing machine gun turrets and gold chain steering wheels on every vehicle.
- Mr. T invented the X-Ray, the G-String, the R-Rating and Jay-Z after a late-night drunken bender caused him to momentarily forget which letter he was.
- Mr. T does not believe that there are 50 states, only 2, because where ever he goes becomes a State of Emergency and whenever he leaves, he leaves a State of Destruction
- Statistically speaking, you're more likely to be pitied by Mr. T, than you are to have feet.
- World champion eater Takeru Kobayashi once ate 53.5 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Allotted the same time, Mr. T ate Kobayashi.
- Once, Mr. T joined forces with Chuck Norris to fight crime. All criminals in the known universe were instantly vaporized by the sheer awsomeness of their Mohawk/Mullet combination. Afterwards, Mr. T created Vin Diesel using a welder and a 55 gallon drum, but left him bald so that he could not challenge their hairdo supremecy.
- Mr. T once murdered a man with his balls that why it is known as T-bagging
- Mr. T hates fucking golf so much, he smacked half the black out of Tiger Woods.
- Mr. T is one part gold, two parts muscle, one part anger, and no parts jibba jabba.
- Mr. T has beat the shit out of so many people over his brilliant life that most medical journals now classify him as a laxative.
- Complaining of back pain, Atlas once asked Mr. T to hold up the world for him. Mr. T agreed, on the condition that in exchange Atlas would wear Mr. T's golden necklaces. After five minutes of excruciating pain, Atlas asked for the world back.
- Mr. T is not actually black, but his thousands of gold chains create a gravity well so strong not even light can escape.
- The only reason Mr. T is not Dr. T is because his thesis, entitled "Fools and Those Who Pity Them", only had a photo of Mr. T with his arms crossed. After the faculty questioned this, they were found dead with their testicles in their eye sockets, even the women. His thesis is still yet to be marked.
- Mr. T once beat Donovan Bailey in the 100 meter dash. He didn't even know he was racing, just that someone near the finish line leaned against his Toyota Camry.
- Mr. T was born with the right to party. Unlike the rest of us fools, who have to fight for it.
- The United States Federal Reserve Bank decided that Mr. T's neck was a much safer place for their gold than Fort Knox.
- Mr. T currently resides in a small village in Turkmenistan, where "Mr. T" translates to "Santa Claus." In unrelated news, Children in Turkmenistan are scared shitless of Santa Claus.
- Mr. T once stated that he "doesn't wail on sissy boys." This led to the pink polo shirts with popped collars craze. Little do those pitiful fools know that Mr. T was just making it easier to find sissy boys to wail on.
- Mr. T and the rest of the "A-Team" were disqualified and kicked off the show "Junk Yard Wars" for violating the saftey rules and building a fully functional M1A1 Abram Main battle tank, when all they needed to build was a steam-powered catapult.
- The Catholic Church is considering sainthood for Mr. T, taking in consideration for the pity he has shown to so many fools. When asked what he would do with this new found honor he vowed to challange Stallone and regain his championship.
- Originally the A-Team was named T-Team and consisted of Mr. T and six of his genetically engineered clones driving around in a van made of pure gold. Producers changed the format after every criminal known to man was killed in the pilot episode.
-Mr. T is not black. It's just that the sun is to afraid to shine on him.
- When God shuts a door and opens a window, Mr. T just kicks the door down, windows are for pussies.
-Jabba the Hut used to be a tall beautiful blonde woman named Susan, until she talked too much during a date with Mr. T. After piting her to the point where she melted into the slug beast form, Mr. T re-named her Jabba to remind her not to jibba-jabba so much.
- Mr. T invented orphans.
- Mr. T defeated Stephen Hawking at Rock-Paper-Scissors in 1972, and again in 1985 using his trademarked Mohawk Chop (three papers, thrown aggressively). Mr. T vehemently denies choosing this strategy solely because Stephen Hawking cannot physically make scissors, and pities the fool who brings up the subject to his face.
- When Mr. T pours his alphabets cereal into a bowl, only T's come out.
- What scientists thought was natural selection is actually only the continued survival of animals Mr. T has found too chewy to eat.
- Mr. T's edition of the VH1 show 'Where Are They Now' was the shortest in the show's history. It was 10 seconds long, and consisted of a black screen with the words "Right Behind You" written on it.
- Mr. T was fired from his job as a weather man because his forecast was always 75% chance of pity, clearing late in the evening with a 95% of pain overnight. He was always right.
- When Mr. T was circumsized his foreskin was not disposed of. Instead it was raised as a normal child, and it grew to love the game of basketball. Today we know Mr. T's foreskin as Shaquille O'Neal.
- Mr. T is the original black Power Ranger.
- In 1982 while working as a bouncer Mr. T invented a move so perilous that it is still spoken of with great admiration... that move is forever known as T Bagging.
- Mr. T stole Michael Jackson's black.
- Mr. T never takes showers. Instead, whenevr he's dirty, he points to himself and shouts, "CLEAN!"
- When Mr. T was a little boy, his father told him he was going to get a spanking for bad behavior. Just before he spanked Mr. T, his Dad said, "Son, this is going to hurt me alot more than it hurts you." Mr. T's Dad was right.
- Ever have one of those nights when you'd wake up panting and sweating? That was Mr.T, and you my friend, have just been pitied.
- If Mr. T wants some shade, he stares the sun down until it eclipses.
- Mr. T once said, "There is no 'I' in team, but there is a 'T'! Fool!!" This was at a motivational speaking conference and it was the entirety of his lecture.
- While filming Rocky III, Mr. T punched Sylvester Stallone in the head so hard Sly spoke clearly for a week.
- Mr. T invented the I.Q. testing system so he could more accurately pity fools.
- Mr. T's body is composed of 95% recycled material, making him earth friendly and of benefit to society. To balance himself out, Mr. T sets fire to one national park per year.
- Mr. T once won the Olympics. All of them.
- When creating the alphabet, Mr. T placed the letters M, R, and T in seperate areas so people could learn to read and spell without fear.
- Mr. T has four stomachs like a cow. Still, he can't stomach no fool.
- Mr. T's autobiography, "So Many Fools, Not Enough Pity," was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for its heartwarming and inspiring tales of Mr. T overcoming his fear of flying, and his battle with gold-addiction--as well the sweet tutorial on how to install machine-gun turrets on top of a GMC van using a welding torch, a 55-gallon drum, chicken wire, and skim milk.
- The Virgin Mary isn't really a virgin. Just ask Mr. T.
- Mr. T encourages people to "love their mama." This is because if you aren't loving your mama, Mr. T will break your front door down and love your mama until he pitys her.
- The Big Bang was actually Mr. T pitying space and time for all their jibba jabba.
- The turning point of World War II was not when the allies invaded Normandy, but when Mr. T was born and Hitler shot himself to avoid the consequences.
- Scientists theorize that Mr. T cannot catch AIDS because his T-cells pity the virus into submission. The study of this phenomenon would lead to an AIDS vaccine; however doctors cannot obtain a blood sample because medical science has been unable to invent a hypodermic needle capable of piercing Mr. T’s skin.
- You can run, but you can't hide. Because Mr. T is already there.
- Although Mr. T contains vitamins A1, B2, C, niacin and iron, it is YOU who are part of HIS complete breakfast, suckah.
- Waldo hides out of fear of Mr. T
- Physical contact with Mr. T's gold chains produces the same effect as evolution.
- Having had enough of Nazi Germany, Mr. T landed on Normandy with the Marines, crossed his arms with intense pity for Hitler, and instantly destroyed the Nazi war machine. Known as T-Day by the locals, history mistakenly refered to this event as "D-Day".
- When Mr. T folds his arms, the U.S. Terror Alert Level is raised to gold.
- If you could calculate the amount of pity generated by Mr. T every second, you could make infinity feel ashamed of being ridiculously small.
- Mr. T refuses to forgive the Republican party for not letting him "just take care of them terrorist fools." George W. Bush claims that it was because Mr. T being a weapon of mass destruction is in violation of international treaty. After hearing this, Mr. T proceeded to impregnate both of Bush's daughters at the same time. All he had to do was let them touch his mohawk.
- Satan sold his soul to Mr. T.
- A diamond is the hardest element found on Earth. A scientist will swear to that fact, until -- in the very near future -- he meets the wrong end of Mr. T's fist.
- Mr.T decided one day to brawl with himself, as he would be the only worthy opponent for himself... the battle continues to this day... pity is strewn about like wild fires.
- Mr. T claims that the "T" stands for pain.
- "I am the best bodyguard, because I'll take a bullet, I'll take a stab wound, I'll take a hit upside the head; I'm like a Kamikaze pilot. The President [Ronald Reagan] got shot because his men relaxed." - Mr. T, in the Sept. 1983 issue of Playboy
- Each capsule of Viagra contains one drop of Mr. T's sweat.
- Mr T is credited with the invention of the asshole. He invented it when some fool dissed Mr. T and Mr. T punched his heart through his ass.
- Mr. T eats turkey everyday except for the last Thursday of every November. This day is known as "Thanks For Giving Us Fools A Chance To Eat Turkey, Mr. T", but was later shortened to "Thanksgiving" for the sake of brevity.
- In the unlikely event that Mr. T ever pitied himself, the universe would immediately reboot to 1982.
- Mr. T may pity fools, but he has no love for Scientologists.
- Mr.T pities the fools who don't eat his cereal, as it is the only known source of Vitamin T.
- Mr. T does not read these facts. He ain't got time for this jibba-jabba.
- Mr. T has killed Mr. A through Mr. S; U through Z are slaves in his gold mine.
- The first car was initially named the "Ford Transpor-mobile." Mr. T pitied Henry Ford so bad that Ford came to his senses and appropriately changed the name to the "Model T."
- When a can of whoopass is opened Mr. T jumps out.
- To make sure he was born tough, Mr. T's mother would punch her womb between shots of vodka.
- Remember when Mr. T wasn't so popular and awesome? Me neither.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Oh Canada!

Hello Bloggeronies!

What is a happening in Robert Reid Hawley land? Well i went to Gordie Howe Day the other day in Kentville and it was nice to finally meet Mr Hockey! He also had a Don Cherry impersonator with him who did a really good job of emulating Grapes! A nice afternoon indeedy! My buddy Blair was his annual BBQ yesterday and i took my Keiths and well cut myself off at 12:30 last night, i must be getting older than the Rolling Stones if i am now cutting myself was a sense of deja vu...of dangerous deja vu and so i took a walk to Subway, had a snack and went home. Today? What to do on our countrys bday? Well i have an offer to go to Hfx, but it depends on the availibility of wheels me thinks. If not, just a peaceful day in the Valley. I really wish we were getting the Aerosmith/ Cheap Trick concert that PEI is getting, then i would be in Hfx hook or crook! LOL! But i wanna go to Hfx anyways. I read yesterday in the paper that NS is finally thinking of getting with the program and cutting back getting a Bachlor of Education to a one year programme in our universities. About frickin time boys! Everywhere else in Canada and in lots of places in the States the program is just one year. We have a situation of lots of old teachers retiring or taking early retirement and they need bodies to fill those postions and they need them in a bad way! Lots of potential education students are saying the hell with two years and just going to other universities to get their bachlor of education degrees. Even i was thinking of going to stay with my Sister in Seattle and go to school there or going to Fort Kent in Maine cause i was not too too keen on spending two more years at Acadia, cause then you have to pay for two more years where in other places you are only paying for one year. I wanna be a good teacher, not an average one. I have seen way too many teachers take the easy way out, you know they just show up and put in another day with little to no effort on their behalf. They are only in it for the cash, not the education. Those kind of teachers need to go i thinks. I have had and worked with many like this. Some just dont deserve to have a job in education whether it be higher or lower or whatever. I one time even had a prof who didnt even have a teaching degree! What the hell? Kids attending schools deserve better i thinks.
Ranting Robbie!
I am also rejoining Fitness Experience over here in Middleton, time to get a bit of the ol gut that seemed to pick up in Japan, well i did have a gut to begin with, but too much rice, pasta and plain ol eating out at greasy spoons in Japan didnt help matters much, it was delicious..well most of the time, but i now the old belly needs to shrink down some. Now, wouldn’t it be great if we could lose weight without exercising or dieting? LOL! Old Man Robb...sometimes you kill me!
So i am off gang, already woke up this morning and now it is time to walk the dogs! Lates!