Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fast Times at Hawley High

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain.

Hello there!

What is a happening? Well Canada Day came and went and it was ok. I went for a drive as far as Sackville, i wanted to go further, but i had limitations. However, a make-up date has been announced and details are to come later, if i chose to give any...LOL! Actually i have a feeling this could be something that makes me smile lots. Especially if the something or someone in question always makes you smile. So what did i do? I went to Windsor, home of the Dunker (What is that boys number? I miss hearing his outlooks on life!) And i went to the Hockey Hall of Fame which was closed on Canada Day?!?!?!?!?!?! Eh? Weird i know i know. So i went to the bar next door called Pockets which had lots and lots of hockey stuff, including hockey benches to sit on and drink, plus it was happy hour which was a good thing. Hmmm recent news, a friend of mine thought they were telling me bad news the other day, but you know what? Maybe some things are not meant to be. Is that a good thing? Depends on how you look at it i guess. Distance plays in a factor of course and the future. Where am i going to be? Who knows? As long as people are happy, then i am happy. I hope I haven’t put you off....I have a tendency to do that, a good friend of mine told me that i cannot keep a relationship because i am VERY overbearing...Sometimes it pays for me to just be quiet, that way i can keep the friends that i do have. Just remember that only one simple indiscretion landed me back in NS, i cannot sit around all damn day thinkging what if? What if? And what did that one simple indiscretion teach me? When the chips are down, there are some that will not stand by your side and some that you didnt think would back you up will...it is a weird world that we live in lemmie tell you. I dont wanna work for any more companies that puts the bottom line ahead of the well being of their own employees, eso ones that they chased around to bring over there. The future? Well i started taking care of that this morning as i am now on the prowl for a new ESL job. However i am setting some limits so far, i am looking for ESL jobs in Canada and i contacted schools in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. I'll try my damndest to achieve every goal I have... there's not a thing that I can't be if i put my frickin! Just as long as I am happy, make good or at least decent choices, then that's all that matters to me. Could you imagine me the ultimate HABS fan in Montreal (PS- please re-sign Souray! Hamerlick or however you spell his frickin name is nice and all, but please..we need Sheldon's offence) I am wondering Why aren't free agents knocking down the doors of Bob Gainey's office to come to Montreal? Montreal is one of the nicest and freiendly city around and they have an exciting young nueclues of a team from last year to build on, but the free agents won't come? Montreal has "money to burn" for free agents but no takers. Like the Maple Laughs, Montreal can't afford to go another season without being in the playoffs.The other day i thought about me getting older and what the Captain said to me (No not Captain Morgan...the other Captain...) about my youthfulness. Well someone made me feel awesome last night when they told about how age doesnt matter, it is how people feel towards one another. There are things you do because they feel right and they may make no sense and they may make no money and it may be the real reason we are really here....rant on Old Man Robb! Me and Blair hung out yesterday afternoon and we watched what Kevin Smith called, "The Best Burt-Less Movie Ever Made!!!" Yes i am talking Smokey and The Bandit Part 3, or originally known as Smokey is the Bandit. Dammit folks this is the most unintentionally funniest frickin movie ever made! Drink a 24 and see if you agree. I'd love to see the unused footage from this movie with Jackie Gleason playing both Smokey and the Bandit. I'm assuming Universal have it stored away somewhere. I say let the fans see it! Anywho i am now gonna grab me shower and head for the gym! Have a good one folks!

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