Wednesday, September 26, 2007


"When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it."- Sigmund Freud

Hello folks! What is a happening in Old Man Robert Reid Hawley land? Well this past Sat my friends Barry and Michelle were married in Nictaux and i was glad to be there. From there we had the reception up in Port George and i was the MC for the evening, i didnt mess anything up too too bad, names or anything. It was a good time and there was lots of cold Keith's on hand. The other good news is that i was informed yesterday that Barry is gonna be a daddy and that brought smiles to everyone in the house. What else is a happening? Me and my new friend hung out on Sun nite, driving to Wolfville, parking the auto at Les Tower and going for a walk, then we went to Timmy's in Wolfville where we met the Sheik of Arabia (Long story) and then drove on home, oh and she enjoyed my April Wine mixed CD! What is a happening? Well a gentleman (You? A gentleman sir Robert Reid Hawley esquire?) never tells...HOwever it is nice to be around someone who does not have an agenda of their own, who does not shove things in your face, who does not try to change you, who is not moody or wha wha wha over every fuckin little thing, someone who truly seems to enjoy your company, someone who does not use you until they see something better etc etc....i guess im happy...Well i was informed of some news the other day that West Kings Hockey is planning a reunion for over the Christmas holidays and guess who might be the announcer for those games? Well right now it is a Facebook group with like 3 who knows eh? Old time hockey seems to be back right now with the Islanders and Rangers having a donnybrook which included a goalie scrap and then Dean McAmmond of the Sens gets KO'd last night by some goon trying to make the Flyers. How long before this steriod bust makes its way to Vince McMahon? Our company from Cape Breton is gone home, the couple that came with my aunt and uncle wanted to take one of our dogs home...ummmmm yeah right, do you have $1500 buddy? I didn't think so....Work is going ok, i wish i was working dayshifts, i walk into work the other day and there is the first daytime shift happening, lots of major teeth gritting going on with Old Man Robb there i gotta tell ya folks. However it is the same old same old, what am i supposed to do? Shuddup and collect a check, that is what i am excepted to do, just follow the ol status quo and dont' say anything cause Robb you need this job, the student loan people are being assholes and bugging the crap out of ya and you still have this dream of making it back to school, of someday being the teacher that you know you are, not some programmed robot monkey that others want you to be, that is not teaching, that is just regurgitating a bunch of crap, just like in Japan, just like here in many of the places that you have worked. So my stuff from Acadia arrived yesterday in the mail, they haven't made up an application for 2008-09 yet, so they sent me the 2007-08 application for the School of Education at Acadia. In order to get into the education program at Acadia you must have the following done:

1) Application for Admission Form
2) $35 Processing Fee paid in Canadian Funds
3) Transcripts- Including TWO copies from every post secondary institution i have ever attended, EXCEPT Acadia University (Those should be lovely...MTA and Kingstec...well MTA wont' be too bad except for Darth Vader...K-Tech and the Bitch of the Baskervilles? Ugh!)
4) Supplementary Package: This includes:
a) Why Teaching Matters
b) Experience Profile
c) Academic/ Teacher Certification Requirements
d) Three References

Whew! Fort Kent's looks alot simpler...we shall see what happens eh?
Well the football Axemen had a nailbiter against McGill on the weekend eh? What was the score? 45-44...the minute i was out of Barry and Michelle's wedding, i was like JIMMY!!! Get the score! LOL! So we went to my place and of course the SMU game was on....typical EASTDINK! But the highlights scrolled across the bottom of the screen and i was happy to see them... and how about those Mount Allison Mounties?!?!?!?!?!?! They beat STFX, 25-13, for the second straight time after ending a 34-game losing streak against their conference rivals last season!?!?!?!?!? This weekend the Axemen are playing SMU on the new playing field at ol Raymond Field, but sadly i am working 12:00-8:00 on Sat, i really feel bad that i have to work 6:00-1:00 on Friday night cause that is me ol pal Jimmy's last night here and the gang is going to the Top Hat for wings and beers....a raincheck is what i am gonna have to take ol buddy. Actually i am going to ask work if i can take October 13th off so i can go watch the Axemen take on Bishop's during Acadia Homecoming, maybe ill take my new friend with me....hmmmm...dunno yet...maybe make my way to the Vil, who knows? Oh i do know the schedule for the Anvil:
Monday- Monday Night Football on the Big Screen
Tuesday- Beat The Clock
Wednesday- ?
Thursday- Ladies Night
Friday- WINGS
Saturday- DJ
Sunday- Varsity Night
cool eh?
Anywho i have to go, round up some supper and then i am picking up my new friend between 8:00-9:00 and we are going to come back here and watch movies, maybe some slasher flicks..Mother's Day, The Burning, Motel Hell...something.... anyways...have a good one!

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