Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here I Stand

"You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going"- Mike Litman

Hey gang! What is a happening? Another make-over on thy old Robbblogs eh? Looks more like it did three yrs ago eh? And guess what? What? Well the 6th of October marked the 3rd anniversary of Robbblogs online!!!!! Wow! Lots has happened, i was at Acadia at the time, left with another notch on my belt ala sociology, looked after my father for a year (miss you always Dad) left the store formerly known as Andrew's, went to Japan, came back from Japan, went back to the store formerly known as Andrew's, was hired by a research center and once again, left the store formerly known as Andrew's for possibly the last time in my life. Now i am eyeing a return to academia, now where shall it be? Behind door #1 is Acadia which is my alma mater and close to my heart, besides my family and my dogs, what is closer? However there is competition and an offer to be done my education faster at Fort Kent down in Maine, whom sent me more stuff in the mail the other day and seem to be genuinely interested in me, maybe they have a Canadian recruitment quota!!!! Decisions Robert Reid Hawley esquire is what you have to make! Well i have news that shocked me, but didnt shock me....NOVA....almost on the verge of collapse. Should i be happy? Well i made some good friends while i was there, there were some that treated me like crap, but what do you expect? Nova according to the reports was a victim of over-expansion. Now they have closed and or merged some 200 of their schools, dozens of the teaching staff were handed their eviction notices because NOVA failed to pay the rent on their apartments. It looks like a shitty mess, i feel bad for the teachers that may be unemployed, i did hear that money arrived, but was it just a band-aid? NOVA seems like a disaster waited to happen and yet i don't feel sorry for them cause as a business they do not give a rat's ass about their teachers, look at me! One stupid mistake and where was NOVA? Not their way? Gimmie a break, i am better than what they made me out to be.....alot better, maybe im poorer in the pocket not working there, but i am happier in my life. If that makes any sense at all.... So onto cooler topics, what about my pocket-sized buddy? Well well well. We gathered here last week to watch the traditional Montreal-Toronto HNIC match-up, of course her Maple Laughs won. However the Habs beat the Pens w/ Cindy Crosby last night and it was Corey Price's NHL debut!!! Whoooooooooooooo!!!! Habs have lots of FIREPOWER. Bobby Gainey has put all the essential elements in place for success. And Price! Awesome debut, Some what is it? The exact Day old Patty Roy debuted against the Pens in 85 and was victorious and now Price on the anniversary does the same exact thing! Now thats what makes the HABS the HABS ! EXCELLENCY!!! Anyone see the vid of Danny Bonaduce (Partridge) picking up that douchebag from Survivor and dropping him on his face? LOL!!!! I guess this loser said on that show which i have never watched cause well...reality shows kinda blow, he lied that his grandma died in order to gain sympathy from viewers and that did not sit well with Bonaduce: Texas Ranger and so he used the reality show awards show (GAG!) to almost powerbomb this chicken fucker threw the stage! Yay Danny! C'mon get happy!!!! Me and my little buddy went up to Port George the other night and took a walk out on the dock and onto the rocks, it was nice..a wee bit chilly, but other than that it was pretty good. We watched Silver Bullet on DVD the other night again and i made her jump some 5-6 times. Actually i picked up a cool old school DVD the other day, The Burning which was finally uncut and in it had a retro Tom Savini feature showing him doing all of the special effects, back in the day before CGI crap. My 11 Keiths are still sitting at Bad News Blair's...Well my Axemen barely got by the Mounties last weekend up in Mount A, i spent my Sat off last week watching that match-up before HNIC...when the game went 29-29...i got cold, thinking we are gonna lose and i am never gonna her the end of it...ever!!! I have this Sat off and we are playing Bishops at Raymond Field at 2:00 and i play on being there and i am gonna ask my pocket sized pal to go with me. Me and her took a drive last night, drove around went to Berwick of all places, sat for coffee at Tim's where this guy stared and stared at her till she stared back and he got startled and looked away, we came back here and i put on my Japanese wrestling tapes i had brought back from Japan, she was roaring at the commentators how they would be chatting and all of a sudden... TIGERDRIVER!!!! at the top of their lungs. We even exchanged gifts cause last Saturday she bought me a Habs Stanley Cup banner and so i had to get her back and i bought her a Maple Laughs 2008 calander. Well my old pal Sarah is in town with her hubby and it is her last night here, i might go up to Wolfville to see them tonight, maybe go to the Vil, sing some karioke...take the camera...could be funny. Anywho folks, i have to getta shower, walk the dogs, answer some mail and get on with me day off! Have a good one!

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