Thursday, November 15, 2007

International Robert Reid Hawley Day....Or Something Like That

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." ~Thomas Edison

Hello People...

What is new? Well i have not blogged in a hell of a long time! Why? Busy boy i have been seeing what is a happening out in the world, been working alot and our three month probation at work is coming to an end on December 10th..what do i think? Well work has its ups and it has its downs. I like most of the people, i never thought i would ever spend so much time at the Greenwood Mall in my life, well not by choice anyways. A job is a job is a job, better than being jobless at this point in the game, but yet Old Man Robb yearns for more. I did consider a move back to night shifts, why? Well days are a bit of a pressure cooker and nights seemed so much more relaxed to me. Had a decent day today, i wish i had more days like them.

On November 6, 2007 the court-appointed receivers announced that Nagoya based G-Communication would sponsor Nova, operating just 30 branches....

Interesting news, lots of unemployed still a matter of fact Old Man Robb was contacted by Canada AM...yes you read that right...CANADA F'N AM on CTV to chat about his times, trials and tribulations with NOVA...i went to someone for advice and they think i do not need this kind of publicity, what happened in Japan with me should stay in the past, stay gone and not be drudged out again, the media likes to manipulate things, people, make people hear what they want to ehar, do you want sensationalism? Well the media can do that, cut an interview here, put words in here, make stuff up etc etc...places you work can do that how there was a rumor floating around NOVA circles that i was fired for having an affair with a female Japanese students, i mean how frickin low can you go? Cowardace is what i think that is, why help someone? Just make shit up just to look good...what goes around comes around and karma usually has a way of making shit blow up in peoples faces. I believe karma is what happened to NOVA, you scratch my back i scratch yours? No no not old friend Craig pointed out to me an article in the Daily Bugle, i mean News about a girl who went from Nova Scotia to NOVA and she was NEVER paid and friends were getting eviction notices slid under their doorway. No no you want to go to Japan? Well give companies the benifit of the doubt, maybe G-Communication can turn crap around, but then again i heard horror stories about them too....
Well the big ol honkin strike at Acadia is over and the kiddies are back to class...What does Old Man Robb think? I still think Gobblygooker has got to go hit the bricks, by paying professors salaries on par with their counterparts in the US it means as i read that Acadia can lure top teachers and use that as a selling point to attract students who will bring in those dollars AKA tuition. However as the article read further, enrollment is down some 10-15%, it makes sense doesn't it folks? Higher tution to cover the costs of paying the professors, however higher tuition usually equals less students, leading to more turmoil and suspicion down the road which leads to...volia! Another strike! Acadia cannot afford another strike ...not now and not in the forseeable future. The faculty at Acadia lost ONE MILLION dollars during the 3 week strike period! Jeesh! I agree...give it back to the students, i think Acadia owes them one this time....
Well what about Old Man Robb and next year? Well i think good ol Fort Kent, or Fort Knox as Momma Hawley keeps calling them is out of the running, i chatted extensively with represenatives from Fort Kent and i was seriously leaning towards them, as far as to sign a letter of intent to go with them, even though i would have had to write a PRAXIS examination to get in there (Who the hell does that nowadays?) And what killed FK for me was the cost of going there...$21,000...WTF??!?!?!?! Chatted to Acadia about going and taking my education degree there over the course of 2 yrs...$17,000...all of a sudden a friend tipped me off about St Thomas University in Fredericton...STU...$11,000 and that is for classes and for accomodations which is actually something called Windsor Street Properties that is a senior residence for senior students like myself and the program also puts teachers out in the field in like November and in March and it just seemed appealing to me as of this moment. STU? Another trip to NB for schooling? And can Old Man Robb break the Acadia curse? What is that? Well it seems like the only place where Old Man Robb excels at academics, well i did have a vey good second term at Mount Allison back in the winter of 2003-04, but Senior Darth Vader put those dreams out to pasture didnt he...hack... and Kingstec? Well Madame Baskerviles who would not know talent if it fell out of her ass made sure that Old Man Robb didn't catch the airwaves, but i still wanted the Airwaves and i proved her wrong and i proved Darth Vader wrong, i tell you karma is showing up alot in Old Man Robb land alot lately, others seem to be wrong about my abilities and it is my duty to make them see their errors in their ways, remember when the Captain said i would only last half a year at Acadia waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1998-99? He was wrong (wont admit it...) Maybe i McGinley-ed these things i touch sometimes...make them jump the shark if you will... NOVA? Gone...Baskervilles? Gone... Anakin Vader? Who? No matter...GONE!!!! Hope STU has a radio station.... third time is usually the charm and i am ready to ASSUME The POSITION again! Took Momma out for supper for her bday the other night at the Kingston Diner (Nuthin finer than eating at the diner!) and gave her a $50 gift certificate for Sears so that made her happy. Yes i was moved by MarkMessier's speech the other night at the HHOF of Dad's favorite players ever and a role model to young Robb...met him and Glen Anderson at Sportscheck on Edmonton when we were kids, Mess had hair then, but was a cool guy...We Will Win he promised and actually delivered on the promise...remember when Eric Lindros tried that and lost? Eric yes you had size, you could scrap..but Hall of Fame? No Eric turned your nose up at the Nordiques (No-Dicks as Dick Irvin seemed to say) and you couldn't stand alone...Carl had to do everything..wha wha whaaaaaaaaaaaa... You were not the leader, nor did your teams win and most of them seemed damn happy when you left...coincidence isn't it? And to this couldn't carry Mark Messier's jock strap, let alone his skates...
Well how' about me and my pocket sized pal? Well we went to see the Hockey Axemen lose to Moncton Blue Eagles 5-2 on Saturday night, well it was something as i must admit there was lots of empty seats in the ol arena on SAt now now Old Man Robb you have heard the excuses that the weather made this happen...did it? I think fairweather fans made it me, it is a rebuilding year and only the faithful have been out to the games, jump on the old bandwagon if the team becomes successful again say next year when the rookies have matured and is heading back up the standings again, but stay away when times are tough, i say live with your team, die with your team. I walked into Needs last Sat morning to get some milk and a paper and some moron spots my Yankees hat and babbles, "Should get a Red Sox hat buddy" and makes a gesture...i look at him and clinch my teeth and say, "NEVER" in a most hateful way possible, it is called loyality folks and that seems to be something forgotten about alot in this day and ago. In addition we also hit the VIL before the game and had a Keiths and she a double rum and Coke and we roared at this poor lady who was drunk and cut off at the bar, poor woman sitting there with her head on the bar drunk as a skunk and to boot she forgot her frickin purse... i teased my pal that she was trying to steal her purse, of course she found another fan at the game that she found annoying with his horn...blowing the darn thing some zillion times and that was during the first period alone! LOL!!! Me and my pal also watched some movies the night before, she was finally introduced to the greatness that is SLAPSHOT, the should have been Oscar winner of 1977, i mean if your Canadian, then you like this movie...i mean come on...the very essance of being a man is liking SLAPSHOT. The Hansons still play the greatest shift in hockey history, or at least movie hockey history and Paul Newman's fashion sense is a sight to behold! And those opposing players! Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken, Andre "Poodle" Lucier, "Ogie" Oglethorpe, Ross "Mad Dog" Madison and Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown!!!! Sure awesomeness!!!! and we watched my ECW DVD and i think she thinks wrestling is real as she insulted lots of the wrestlers who were on the screen... cheers for the good guys...ick... never Old Man Robb, the bad guys were always the ones with the most personality to me, i mean back when i was small and watching the days of Grand Prix Wrestling...Killer Karl Krupp, Frenchy Martin and No Class Bobby Bass were the greats cause they had the gift of gab, something lots of today's wrestlers in todays steriod enhanced wrestling scene do not seem to possess in great abundance. Went to Bad News Blairs the other night and yes folks he did drink all of my Keiths...suprise!!! We sat down and sipped on a few pops and watched the original (and best) Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 1974...and yes i do think Franklin was the most annoying character ever to grace a movie screen and yes i was very happy to see his demise at the hands of Leatherface. A year ago on this date i was pretty upset, i remember glad that hurt is long gone and far away, i am glad to be around someone who likes me for me, im not somebody's something to do/ kill time with till something else comes along....makes me happy to be appreciated. Well it is getting late folks and yes the Habs keep winning, the Axemen won a game (In OT over SMU 4-3) and it is almost the weekend, working for the weekend one more day and then two days of rest...have a good one!

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