Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sometimes I Sit...Sometimes I Think...

Hello bloggeronies...what is a happening? Me? Oh not too too much...basically working for the weekend, now i am in the middle of two days off...whoooooooooooo!!! What else is a happening? Went to see the Axemen play Moncton U last week, they came back from a two goal deficit only to lose in that damn shootout, then they were bombed by UNB the next night in Wolfville...i believe that the bubble has bursted for the young Axemen with three straight losses and i don't believe that there will be no playoffs this year, i have half a mind to go see the Friday night game against SMU...i believe that the Huskies are still playing their homedates at the Forum..
The CIS Hockey Standings are as follows if anyone is curious...

1) UNB
2) Alberta
3) Lakehead
4) Saint Mary's
6) Saskatchewan
7) Calgary
8) Moncton
9) Western Ontario
10) McGill
before the game i did go to Joe's Food Emporium and had an Axemen Sub...i need to order that thing without eggplant or whatever the hell they put on it and there was a nice set-up in the Alumni room with memerbellia of old Axemen glories...still no Keiths though...grrrrrrrrrrrrr..... so what else is a happening? Well no word yet from Acadia, so Robb is not resting on his laurels, i made contact with someone in South Korea and with another group that runs ESL in Japan called Gaba which has a location right in Kita-Senju where is very close to the former NOVA where yours truly worked at...i fired a resume off to them ASAP this morning. What else is a happening? Well work is interesting as i basically had to tell someone to back off and well they did not take it so well and did not work for a few days. I have no time for bullshit, i have my career and my life to look forward to and as i have said before and i will say it again, my life is with getting into Acadia and going to the School of Education and taking Primary Education. If i do not get in, it is back overseas for me.... that cut and dried, that simple. So what else Robbo? Well someone else i know got an old don't say i told ya so....but i told ya so...what does it take? How much does one have to get shit thrown at them till they smarten the hell up? Well Facebook has temporarily disabled my account....too many messages and some BS about spam...whatever eh? I think i was too popular...ROFL!!!! Im going to hang out with my little pocket sized buddy today, we didnt hang in awhile and she wanted to go see Rambo IV, but last night was the last night for it in New if this was some 15 yrs ago before the Empire chain came to New Minas, there would be somewhere around here where we could possibly see it cause all the towns has movie theatres....Windsor, Wolfville...well they have one, but all they play is artsy-fartsy stuff, Kentville and Middleton...all gone...The Friday The 13th remake begins filming in April in Austin, Texas...the Voorhees Chainsaw Massacre? my god i could not believe that happened to former Hab Richard Zednik.....he is lucky to be alive after a skate slashed his neck this week while Florida was playing Buffalo...what is errie is that is happened some 17-18 yrs after Clint Malarchuk has his throat slashed while playing for Buffalo- both incidents happening in Buffalo....crazy...Well gang, it is Valentines and i need to shower, walk the doggies and go do stuff...have fun!

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