Here are Axl & company's Canadian tour dates...wonder if they will be on stage before 11:30-12:00 this time? Here they are...
Janary 13th- Winnipeg MTS Centre
January 16th- Calgary Pengrowth Saddledome
January 17th- Edmonton Rexall Place
January 19th- Saskatoon Credit Union Centre
January 20th- Regina Brandt Centre
January 24th- Hamilton Copps Coliseum
January 25th- London John Labatt Centre
January 27th- Montreal Bell Centre
January 28th- Toronto Air Canada Centre
January 31st- Ottawa Scotiabank Place
Febuary 1st- Quebec City Colisee Pepsi
Febuary 3rd- Moncton Coliseum
Febuary 4th- Halifax Metro Centre
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