Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Time to Babble....


     Its been too too long since i wrote on this frickin thing, ok so you didn't wait as long Chinese Democracy...which wasnt a full-blown catastrphe...but instead tolerable mediocrity...(Change your band's name Axl...your not G'n'R anymore!!!) Something has been stewing on my mind for weeks night after another night of being mr nice dude at work i went to Tims for my relaxing, shouldnt drink it at night but im going to anyways cup of medium double double when the dimwit behind the counter makes a statement about my "Acadia Alumni" sticker on the car...
     Now now first of all when you serving the public you keep your shit to yourself, i know the customer may be the biggest assclown on the face of the planet, that he or she has come in when your closing and or you have just cleaned your store and her they are messing up your shit and just making you want to send them to intensive care...but yet you keep shit to yourself...i mean wait until they leave till you let no one around you know your oh so deep thoughts, but anyways this clown says to me, "Aren't you a little too old for that?" that line..."Aren't you a little too old for that?"
     What is wrong with this picture? Someone telling me im too old to be proud of what i accomplished? That i shouldn't proudly wear that big "A" on my sleeve? Lemmie tell you something...i was in classes with people where some people were in their 40s, 50s...hell even 60s... education is not just a young persons game, at least not nowadays, but no leave it to idiot commentators who have never even tried, who can't leave their fucking videogames alone to see that there is more of a big world out there.
     Too many people just refuse to get out of their comfort zones..oh sure i have worked for years in retail, serving the public, doing jobs that i didnt want to do, but i had to do in order to make $$$...but at least i tried, i wanted to live my dream , went to Acadia, Mount A and back to Acadia again...too many people told me i couldn't and i did...people now tell me i can't and i will. I don't want to rest on my laurels of past accomplishments, i still have stuff i want to do, and i will do it. I have been to Japan, i have been to South Korea, i've come home time and time again with sometimes noticible black smoke coming from my head...but i rise up and i do it many others can say the same? How many others just throw in the towel? it reads like a confusing fricking mess up there, but those are my deep thoughts i know...Old Man Robb saying the same old shit over and over again because he is probably developing alzheimers or something and is well slightly off his rocker again...but i am proud of that "A" i proudly wear and im not peeling off my bumper sticker for some jabroni who wont shut his damn trap...your never too old to learn more, but years bring more experience than books...but you learn to get that experience, nothing like being Two Steps From The Move and not being able to grasp onto your dreams no matter how close that you are, but it is another thing entirely to have never tried....

Keep well Peeps...lots of morons out there...

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