Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Road Leads to Nowhere....

The title of this blog is a lyric from the main theme of the 1972 cult classic Last House on the Left, which i first rented in 1988 at the Dairy Bar in the Passage...creepy as heck old movie which pulls no punches and seemed damn real, the killers Krug, Sadie and Weasel didn't seem like Jason, Freddy and Micheal Myers..the remake from this year didn't have the same effect...much too Hollywood...The 1972 film's bleak, documentary-style presentation of senseless, sadistic violence adds to the unrelenting nature of this film about two hippie teenage girls kidnapped by a four escaped convicts, by all means track down a copy and watch it...first time i watched it the first thing i did afterwards was go take a shower...that is how grimy i felt...

Hey folks how are things? Well it is Wednesday and how is Old Man Robb's week going? Well i am now told that my course, EDUC 4673:Teaching English as a Second Language  is now not going to start till mid December. I phoned Open Acadia and they misplaced my application....lovely eh? Nothing like waiting since like oooo lemmie see around the middle of October, phoning near the end of Novemeber, wondering how the process is going and voilia! It didn't even leave the desk! I wanna get this thing started so that i can throw myself into the ESL job market here at home, i can understand technical difficulties because they have never done the course online before, but to not even have processed the application? Ugh!

Believe it or not...and some of you are gonna not believe it...but Old Man Robb is actually a real go-getter..and what is a go-getter? Glad you asked, a go-getter is someone whose career progresses rapidly, ok so maybe mine is not rapid, more like biding time like sand in the hour glass, but I like to think that i am a  person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker" there are two kinds of people in this world, there are talkers who talk and babble a good game, and then there are doer's, those who actually go out and get things done. A doer is someone who does something, not someone who sits on his ass thinking about it for 200 years.

However today is hump day, well i wish it was hump day and on Friday im going to be checking out the Axemen taking on SMU at 7:00 at Acadia Arena..the hockey Axemen are now 8-3-0...perhaps my book will be at the bookstore and i can kill two birds with one stone so to speak. Not too much else happening on this rainy Wednesday...have a good one folks!


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Now I want to go Checkout The Orignil....Lol, it sounds alot better then the Remake!!!

  2. It is by far...but omg it is VERY grimy...i remember the first time i watched it i was like i need a shower.. puts the remake to shame
