Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Day...


Old Man Robb has started his weekend..well in the house...after Working For The Weekend..i am housebound and it looks like the opening of the frickin Empire Strikes Back out there!!! Was going to head out to see the WK game, but i was snowed in and well the game was there goes that...

However the week did go fast and there were some interesting developments in the land of Old Man Robert Reid Hawley i can assure you of that much...where to begin? Well ...

I made 100% on my Approaches to Second Language quiz...

Rewind and reread the above statement...

Old Man Robb made 100%...a first in my long and unusual university career...the world has ended...

Could it be that all is coming together? 84% on my first assignment? 100% on my quiz? Sure we are just really getting started and it is only January and there is alot of work left to do, but man oh man what a start it is! And it proves (So far anyways) that i can hang on this kind of an academic level, that i can do well at education courses. Remember i was turned down for enrollment in the education program at Acadia back in 2008-09? Well maybe it is only early, but it goes to show that i am not the twit everyone seems to think i am, i know appearances can be decieving...but i hope it is a great start...

And now the weirdness hits... the other night i thought i was going to have a stroke, until i was corrected by my prof that when you first submit your answers to a quiz online, you will get a message telling you that you have a mark of ZERO...I was sleepless the other night when i saw this and well rightfully so...and now comes even bigger news on the heels of that i have completed all of the material for module one and two and im about to start module three...this part ends with a virtual classroom session...this means that i will have to get on a webcam and microphone with my teacher and participate in the class or go to Wolfville for a face-to-face class...OMG... nerves? YES...but has to be done, hopefully it will turn out well...

Me & friends at NOVA Kids in Ayase 2007

No Axemen home games this weekend as they are playing tonight at UPEI and Saturday against UNB who are still ranked #1 in the CIS..on Wednesday night the Axemen clinched a playoff birth with a 4-1 win over SMU and spoiling the debut of Mike Danton. A record-high crowd of over 3,000 people packed the Fabulous Forum in Hfx for the interesting article appeared in the Chronicle the other day about attendance at games at both Dal and SMU...people are missing out on some great hockey right in their own ticks me off to see empty seats at the Axemen games and here we are ranked #4 in the country!?!?!?! I see lots of the regulars out at the games and all i have to say is thank god the Axemen don't have to rely on student attendance... we would be joining the ranks of Mount A, UCCB (Or whatever its called now) and Memorial who no longer have men's hockey programs at their respective schools.

Another issue that i saw over on The CIS Blogs that both the Nipissing and Queen's hockey teams almost had a dust-up during the post game handshakes this brings up the old question, what if there was fighting allowed at the CIS level..i have heard quite a few people say that they think attendance figures would go up if people were told that they were going to see fights on a regular basis. Would it? Or would it turn off the regulars who see the game performed on its own merits, on its speed and ability. I am no angel, i love a good hockey scrap, i have a few old VHS tapes full of hockey fights and i loved seeing scrappers like Bob Probert, Joey Kocur, Chris Nilan, Jay Miller and others going at it. Im on the fence, while i like the scraps, do they have a place in the CIS? Jury's out...

Anyways Old Man Robb has some homework to have a good one folks...enjoy the snow..ugh...

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