Sunday, February 28, 2010

Raining Out....

Hello there is Old Man Robb this weekend? Well Friday night i attended the Axemen Vs SMU and volia! We lost... 4-1...The Axemen were just not into it and SMU played well...lots of rough stuff and trash talking out on the ice...Mike Danton was in the midde of alot of the scrums and i was wondering what kind of stuff was said to him on the ice... anyways Game 3 goes Monday night at the fabulous Forum in Halifax....

Today is probably going to set an audience record for a hockey game in Canada in 2002 some 10.6 Canadians tuned in to see Team Canada hand Team USA there ass 5-2.....this is for bragging rights...hope Luongo is starting for Team Canada...they were damn lucky to hang on to their win on Friday night against Slovakia.

I wish people would leave the Canadian women's hockey team alone about their post-game celebration after being the USA the other they wanted to celebrate with a few cigars and brews? I mean worse things have happened with Stanley Cup parties..just like the media eh? Ready to sensationalize everything that they can get their mitts on...if this was the men's team..would we be talking about this at all? Hayley Wickenheiser talking about this as a double standard, "When we see a Stanley Cup winner, we see them spraying champagne all over the dressing room, you see 18-year-old kids there and nobody says a thing."

I do have to say that i like the local support for the Olympics...nice to see some acknowledgement eh? Especially from one of my favorite stores of all time, The Market in Wolfville and the old homestead WK out in Auburn...

Here are the tour dates for Alice Cooper/ Rob Zombie so far...please please include the pic below and yes i am looking forward to Slash's solo album as well...

Apr. 26 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre

Apr. 27 - Saskatoon, SK - Credit Union

Apr. 28 - Edmonton, AB- Rexall Place

Apr. 29 - Calgary, AB - Corral

May 01 - Vancouver, BC - Pacific Coliseum

May 02 - Kennewick, WA - Toyota Center

May 04 - Casper, WY - Casper Events Center
Myself? I have to work today, its going to be tough with Team Canada Vs Team USA on...definitly will be a tough one.. i have to finally finish up my lesson plan for my education course..with pictures and all the other classroom materials that i would have if i was teaching a classroom. Going onto chapter 5 now, at the halfway point, but it will be worth it for finally have that TESL certification...
Anyways folks...have a good one!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Something About It....

Hello folks what is new and a happening? Well Old Man Robb is just about to submit his lesson plan for Module Four of my education course...its been a long old chapter this time... jeesh its gonna be late into the summer/ fall when i wrap up all three parts of this course i think. There is a video to watch for this class, but i cannot view the video until after i hand in my assignment. the way i also handed in my application to AEON....yes i know i said it and said it and said it about possibily and kids this means just possibily working for another english company in a foreign country again...but i have to face it...everyone has to grow up sometime...i want this time to be different...made lots of mistakes the first time over in Japan..i have to be on a budget.. Old Man Robb didn't budget last time he was there and there were a few times where i was well...broke...and there was no excuse for it..i know NOVA was withholding pay on me, but i had no excuse..

Second of all...i really didn't go and see as much of Japan as i could have..spent alot of time in internet cafes, being a hermit and it wasn't till near the end that i came out of my shell and started to do stuff, but by then it was a little too late and i do not have much photographic proof of my time there...this is something i kind of corrected when i went to S Korea, that every weekend i would go see somerthing or do something and i would document it. Of course there were lots of things that i regret about S Korea as well...things i didn't mean to do but did...why? Questions i still don't know the answers to... we all make mistakes, sometimes it is best just for forget about them and move ahead....

Above are two of the cooler things i saw in Japan at the Wax Museum located at the Tokyo Tower, wax figures of Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi and Jimi Hendrix...

Well Thursday night i went to see the Axemen play SMU in the AUS Semi-Finals at Acadia Arena...whatta game, the score was 2-1 and SMU outshot the Axemen by a large 2 goes tonight in Wolfville, i have to say that the Axemen didn't seem as on to me as they could have been, and SMU seemed sharp after eliminating Moncton in a close quarter-final match-up. I could babbled on and on about the attendence, but lots of people were home watching Team Canada demolish the Russians... however what would you rather watch? A blow out? or a great, close, fast skating hockey game? Of course many don't like blow outs, but Team Canada-Russia seemed to be an exception to the rule as people seemed to take great joy in watching Russia go down...however i think it would be nice to see people at Game 2 of the AUS semi's tonight, the Alumni Room has the tv going so people can drink beers (Not Keith's...ARGH!!!!) watch the Axemen & SMU and the Team Canada game at the same time...

Before the game i stopped into the Mud Creek for a brew...i know its been there for a year, but since i was in S Korea last year it is still new to me...anyways service was really good as always and i KNEW it was always an awesome idea to put a bar n grill nice and close as humanly possible to Acadia Arena.. i always thought it would do well as it is close and people don't have to go all the way down to the Vil...well the Vil is not really that far, but in cold ass weather it makes a difference believe me...of course the whole way up i listened to the Ramones "All The Stuff and More" from 1990 which was the Ramones first two albums, "Ramones" and "Leave Home" on one CD.

Before i do go there is something i should address i thinks...i had someone tell me the other day that i was too tell me..what the hell does that really mean? Why do people who barely even take the time out of their oh so busy schedule have to talk behind my back? And to think that it will not get back to me? Talking about how i should be settled married and with children like everyone else...when the hell are people going to figure it out eh? That Robert Reid Hawley...yes the Robert Reid Hawley is NOT like everyone else...i am not the status quo...i have goals, things that i wanna do and dammit i am not going to rest until i get them...i like doing what i do...i like going to different countries and teaching and experiencing new things, i am going to like what i like and do what it is that i like to do...i am not ready to settle down, i do not want to settle down and im sure as hell not taking no for an answer either..remember Acadia ...yes my lovely Acadia turned me down for their education what do i do? I go in the backdoor....what i am taking counts as an education credit and volia! I am making A- and above...i can't cut it? Take a look at yourself...what do you see? I didn't think so....

Anyways folks that is another rant for now..have a good one...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I remember seeing this vid at the Hard Rock Cafe in Itaewon last year...just pure awesomeness!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello dudes n foxy mommas...what is up? Well here i am Old Man Robb and well things are going... fine for now. Doing lots of work on my education course, it looks like i might be able to wrap up Part One of the course in May, but what happens in the fall? Well there is that offer to teach for Aeon, but do i want another NOVA in my life? I mean i want to go somewhere where i am just teacher #2202001 where every week i have to turn around and ask "Who are You?" because that is what kind of teacher turnover NOVA had, plus the other thing with Japanese companies is that you have to pay your own flight over, you are not reembursed for this, the one advantage of teaching in South Korea is that your flight is paid, but you may not get to have a flight back. The one thing that draws me to Japan is that there is so much of Japan i didn't seem to see last time and Aeon is offering a chance to go whereever you want to in Japan, seems to be anyways.. living somewhere like Osaka would be fun..Universal Studios and stuff is right there...but i also remember Japan being alot more $$$$ than S Korea was...

Recently i was given an article to read in my class about "Teaching Materials" and what is their importance, well i have mixed feelings about teaching materials, especially when one travels abroad to teach English to younger students as well as older students, my response to the question was as follows:

My own teaching experiences in both Japan and South Korea were a time of learning, but yet at the same time frustriation. There were many constraints put on me and my fellow teachers by the educational institutions at which i worked at. In Japan, we were only allowed to use an assigned textbook for all students whom ranged in age from sixteen to sixty. We were not allowed to use any outside teaching books in our lessons. When Raimes article mentions students being hampered by barriers, restrictions and fears, this could go for teachers teaching for english companies in foreign countries as well, especially the line "I'm not the real me." the course of actions that Raimes mentions at the end mean well, but have no bearing sometimes when working in a foreign country under company guidelines and rules. Foreign teachers forming committees is frowned upon, such a suggestion made by a fellow teacher of mine in Japan landed that individual in trouble with the company we worked for. Teachers with lots of ideas and imagination find themselves hampered by constraints imposed where they work.

Oh went over to Barry's and his wife's place on Friday night and i finally got to see BLACK DYNAMITE which is the best tribute to 70's Blaxploitation films i have ever seen...the dude dressed like Shaft, threw kicks like Jim Kelly and was Richard Rountree, Fred "The Hammer" Williamson, Jim Brown and Jim Kelly all rolled up into one! Lots of awesome diologue too about the malt liquor in the film "Crack the top and the panties will drop!" LOL! Just too much to mention..intentional bloopers too with boom mikes and footage from other to get the references...too many to mention is definitly Old Man Robb's movie of the year for 2010 so far...

How about Team Canada? Well they certainly got their wake up call against the Americans...i felt alarms going off when they played the Swiss and had to squeak by with a 3-2 win and then they got a lesson in hockey from the Americans and then rebounded somewhat with a 8-2 trouncing of the Germans last night. Roberto Luongo better be getting the start in the nets again...Brodeur made a boner of a play passing the puck up right into another American goal... its ironic that almost 30 years to the day of the "Miracle on Ice" that the Americans upset a hockey superpower that they did it again...history never repeats? Bullshit in this case...I would like to see them keep Iginla and Crosby that its the Ruskies and one loss and you are the drama thickens...

Ohhh yeah! Like i would have forgotten but tonight i am headed to the AUS Semi-Finals at Acadia Arena where the Axemen are taking on SMU!!! Acadia had a bye and got to sit back as SMU took on Moncton in the quarter finals. Who will win? Well it is all new now folks...the playoffs can provide game #1 is tonight and game #2 is Friday night at Acadia Arena.. i could go on and on about the crowds at the games, but i would be wasting my time and yours as it would fall on deaf ears...i just do not want to hear it from any of these "FAIRWEATHER" fans about how they supported the team this year...not at all..

Oh yeah i should mention that on March 10th, ticket go on sale for WWE at the Halifax Metro Centre on May 15th! I really do not watch WWE that much anymore, i just catch the highlights on the net every now and then, first of all i work alot and well second its kinda the same old same old with HHH and John Cena and Randy Orton just shoved down the viewers throats, 3 minute matches, the writing is terrible and there is more talk talk talk than anything else...less talk, more action. I see Bret Hart is back, but really can he even wrestle? After a concussion and a heart attack? Wrestling needs an overhaul, WWE isn't fun to watch, even with guest hosts, TNA is not much better with their geriatric club with the Hulkster and Ric Flair... i wish i could see more of ROH and of course what is better than the indpendent Maritime wrestling scene? Support them by going to see UCW and MSW..Summer is coming and it is always better in person, it comes local to places like Berwick and Windsor and you can actually afford to take the kids, get some pics and meet some of the wrestlers...always a fun time.

Of course i wish this concert was coming to Halifax...maybe it is?

Rob Zombie and ALICE COOPER!!!! Together at last..this is a poster for their Winnipeg show...they may have lost the Jets but dammit they are getting Alice and Zombie! Maybe Zombie can stop directing movies and get back to what he does best and Cooper..well last saw the Coop back in 2006 with special guests Helix and it was a frickin good time..lots of Alice having his head cut off on stage, the snake, blood, Alice in the straight-jacket...the only thing i would like to see changed up about Cooper is the song set a little bit...he was such a drunk that he cannot remember albums such as Flush The Fashion, Special Forces, Zipper Catches Skin and my favorite of the bunch, 1983's DaDa... at least a song or two Alice...would love to hear "Former Lee Warmer" performer just once...

Anywho folks..that is all for now! Have a good one!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So Close...But Yet So Far....

Hello peeps and foxy ladies! Well what has Old Man Robb been up to? Well i just recived my mark back for my Observation Report for my education class and i made an 82%!!! Im very happy at the moment, but again i am not resting on my laurels as now i am onto Chapter Four and it is on Teaching Strategic Readings, more proficent readers use different strategies and they use them in different ways. Reading strategies help improve student performance on tests of comprehension. In other education news i am waiting to hear back about my Lesson Plan class which was a virtual class that was held last Wednesday evening. I think it went well.
Last Wednesday also brought a new addition to the ol Hawley household as my Microsoft headset w/ microphone would not work on Dad's old computer and my old laptop finally went kaput so off to Zellers i went and lo and behold i have a new computer, well is a Compaq Laptop with a built in webcam (Old Man Robb's first webcam!) and it is working far so good! Of course i had to try out some Jim Kelly action on it as well...

Of course my Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue arrived today as well...ahh its the most wonderful time of the be a man.... LOL!!

Friday me and ol Blair went to see the Axemen take on St Thomas..another win for the Axemen, however they lost in OT to Moncton on it is wait and see time as they have a bye for the first round of the playoffs and i am supposed to be getting a ticket for Wednesday night's game with their opponent TBA... it was a fun night out in Wolfvegas esp with another trip to the store with no name where we saw this monstrosity of a Lionel Ritchie insert in his "Can't Slow Down" album...i thought it would be cool if this was the pole at the Store Formerly Known as Andrews... of course Blair yelled out like Rick James/ Dave Chapelle "Its a Celebration Bitches!"

And i finally ate at the Mudcreek Bar & Grill and had the Acadia not to be confusing but Joe's Food Emporium has the Axemen (And Axette) Sub and the Mudcreek has the Acadia Burger which was damn huge...didn't get a pic (Next time) Blair of course told me to use the loo which had a picture of Leonard Cohen on the door and this over the urnal...

Nothing like going to the john and Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter looking back at ya...Let's Rock n Roll All Nite and Party Every Day!!!!

Oh..Old Man Robb had another teacher offer this week to go back overseas and the school is location in Fukuoka, Japan...well i would have to pay my own way over and there was no offer of reimbursement...besides i am taking my course as of now so that i will not have to go back overseas, which was one of the points to taking my course so that i could have my TESL licence and be able to stay here..however it really does look like a nice place..maybe if i wasn't doing the education thingy, well who knows eh?

So what does Old Man Robb think of the Olympics? Watching some of the torching down at the Capital and it was nice to see Gretzky as the torchbearer...ummmm i have to admit the women's games have not been that exciting, unless your a fan of these crazy scores, undefeated in three games by a score of oh what is it now... 41-2? of course the men's team blew out Norway 8-0...which of course made my co-workers say only 8-0?!?!?! And tonight they have the Swiss...ahh Switzerland...home of cheese, skiing and Krokus...this won't be much of a challenge eh?

Anyways folks that is all for to hit the books, work at 6:00 and then two days off...

KISS: The Best of the Solo Albums

Only released in Europe, here is the "Greatest Hits" of the Kiss solo albums released in 1978.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Beth: by Peter Criss and Eric Carr of KISS

Awesome sorta mash-up of Peter Criss and the late Eric Carr singing "Beth" listen at 2:08 and listen to the voices mesh...awesomness..

Back In The Saddle....

Hello there dudes n sassy ladies...Old Man Robb has been...well busy this last little while...but i am here...anyways went to the city on Thursday to see AXL's...i mean Guns N Roses and lo and behold! The boys actually got on stage at 10:30 PM!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!! Do you know how early that is for GnR??!?!?! The opening acts were ok..Danko Jones wasn't bad but lots of the other guys went to use the washroom, check out the souvinear stands, have a $6 Metro Centre beer..etc etc...Sebastian Bach was better with him doing lots of old Skid Row standards like "Remember Yesterday" and "Piece of Me" he also told the crowd that he wanted the song "18 & Life" to be in the Trailer Park Boys Movie but as Sebastian put it, "The douchbags in my former band wouldn't let me." LOL!

Then came on Axl and the gang with Chinese Democracy, followed by Welcome to the Jungle and lots of other favs from the GnR was good and long too around 2 and a half hours and only a few things i wish i had seen, at previous stops on the tour, Sebastian would join Axl and sing "My Michelle" and on other stops GnR would do covers of AC/DC's Whole Lotta Rosie and or Tommy Stinson would get a solo singing either The Who's My Generation and or The Dead Boys "Sonic Reducer" those are just little bitches nothing major and it was cool to see the TPB gang of Mr Lehey, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles during the encore singing "Liquor & Whores" with Axl....was a good show...

During my trip i managed to see a few other attractions...wanted a tour of the Keith's Brewery, but they are only doing tours during the winter on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.. :(  but i managed to get a few shots anyways, went to Applebee's forthe first time ever as well and it was pretty good...i had the sliders which are a take-off of White Castle's famous burgers and the decor is really nice inside as well. Went downtown Hfx a bit and of course its always nice to see old pals from the Passage as well.  :)

On Wednesday is my first ever "Virtual Class" for my education class.. i bought a headset at the Source and i just finished my "Lesson Plan" for the class. The purpose of the virtual class is to give my professor and us the students a chance to talk to each other about the course in general and to share some ideas about creating classroom materials. I finished my lesson plan assignment this morning, sent it to my prof, she said it looks great so i have to wait and see how Wednesday turns out.

Lesson planning is what is needed for what direction the teacher wants their class to go in. A teacher should be thinking before entering the classroom. A teacher needs to plan what they want to do in their classrooms.
Why do teachers plan? Some teachers write elaborate lesson plans, others plan inside their heads, some teachers write lesson plans because they are required to do so. Not many teachers enter a classroom without some kind of plan. Lesson plans help a teacher think about the lesson in advance and helps to resolve any problems/ difficulties. Lesson plans provide a structure for the lesson, it is a map for the teacher to follow and provides a record of what has been taught so far. and also help your students, it takes into account differences in backgrounds, interests and learning styles and the abilities of the students in the classroom.

What else is happening? Well the hockey Axemen are now on a three game winning streak heading into their final two home games of the 2009-00 season. The playoffs are on the horizon and it would be nice to see the Axemen go into the post-season with a 5 game winning streak under their belts. I will be able to attend Friday night's game against St Thomas, but i will have to miss Saturday night's game against Moncton due to working commitments. :(

Saw the above "Inspiration" poster of the Acadia U campus in the Alumni Room at the games, also i have seen it around the campus in various places, i wonder when i can get ahold of one...hmmmmmmmmmmm...

And oh yes Old Man Robb did watch the Superbowl last night after work, it was nice to see New Orleans come from behind and score the upset win over the Colts. Always nice to see an upset i thinks...the only downers was the fact that CTV or whoever it is always blocks out the Superbowl commericals during the live telecast.. too bad that they do that eh? I did get to see thanks to the magic of this cool ol place called the internet the KISS Dr Pepper commercial w/ tribute band Mini-Kiss...thought that was pretty cool... also saw the TWO... i mean The WHO performing at the half-time show...wonder if they will be the next act coming to Halifax...we have had Sir Paul, the Stones on the commons...a Who performance on the Hill or the Commons would not be that out of place i don't think...

Not to much else other than Thursday's shenanigans and homework and work...and ugh...snow...i did manage to take the dogs out the other day and West Kings was a good spot to walk them, nice and plowed out so they had lots of room to run...always wondered about the spot across the road from WK...those cabins make it look like Camp Crystal Lake or something! Always wondered what the story was about those cabins and why they are sitting there all boarded up and creepy...of course i get curious as heck even though there are signs saying "No Tresspassing" and "Private Property" but i just get too curious...remember when someone tells you that you can't see something? Like an R rated movie or listen to a CD cause of the sticker on the front? It does not just makes one more curious...

All for now folks! Have a good one!!