Monday, February 08, 2010

Back In The Saddle....

Hello there dudes n sassy ladies...Old Man Robb has been...well busy this last little while...but i am here...anyways went to the city on Thursday to see AXL's...i mean Guns N Roses and lo and behold! The boys actually got on stage at 10:30 PM!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!! Do you know how early that is for GnR??!?!?! The opening acts were ok..Danko Jones wasn't bad but lots of the other guys went to use the washroom, check out the souvinear stands, have a $6 Metro Centre beer..etc etc...Sebastian Bach was better with him doing lots of old Skid Row standards like "Remember Yesterday" and "Piece of Me" he also told the crowd that he wanted the song "18 & Life" to be in the Trailer Park Boys Movie but as Sebastian put it, "The douchbags in my former band wouldn't let me." LOL!

Then came on Axl and the gang with Chinese Democracy, followed by Welcome to the Jungle and lots of other favs from the GnR was good and long too around 2 and a half hours and only a few things i wish i had seen, at previous stops on the tour, Sebastian would join Axl and sing "My Michelle" and on other stops GnR would do covers of AC/DC's Whole Lotta Rosie and or Tommy Stinson would get a solo singing either The Who's My Generation and or The Dead Boys "Sonic Reducer" those are just little bitches nothing major and it was cool to see the TPB gang of Mr Lehey, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles during the encore singing "Liquor & Whores" with Axl....was a good show...

During my trip i managed to see a few other attractions...wanted a tour of the Keith's Brewery, but they are only doing tours during the winter on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.. :(  but i managed to get a few shots anyways, went to Applebee's forthe first time ever as well and it was pretty good...i had the sliders which are a take-off of White Castle's famous burgers and the decor is really nice inside as well. Went downtown Hfx a bit and of course its always nice to see old pals from the Passage as well.  :)

On Wednesday is my first ever "Virtual Class" for my education class.. i bought a headset at the Source and i just finished my "Lesson Plan" for the class. The purpose of the virtual class is to give my professor and us the students a chance to talk to each other about the course in general and to share some ideas about creating classroom materials. I finished my lesson plan assignment this morning, sent it to my prof, she said it looks great so i have to wait and see how Wednesday turns out.

Lesson planning is what is needed for what direction the teacher wants their class to go in. A teacher should be thinking before entering the classroom. A teacher needs to plan what they want to do in their classrooms.
Why do teachers plan? Some teachers write elaborate lesson plans, others plan inside their heads, some teachers write lesson plans because they are required to do so. Not many teachers enter a classroom without some kind of plan. Lesson plans help a teacher think about the lesson in advance and helps to resolve any problems/ difficulties. Lesson plans provide a structure for the lesson, it is a map for the teacher to follow and provides a record of what has been taught so far. and also help your students, it takes into account differences in backgrounds, interests and learning styles and the abilities of the students in the classroom.

What else is happening? Well the hockey Axemen are now on a three game winning streak heading into their final two home games of the 2009-00 season. The playoffs are on the horizon and it would be nice to see the Axemen go into the post-season with a 5 game winning streak under their belts. I will be able to attend Friday night's game against St Thomas, but i will have to miss Saturday night's game against Moncton due to working commitments. :(

Saw the above "Inspiration" poster of the Acadia U campus in the Alumni Room at the games, also i have seen it around the campus in various places, i wonder when i can get ahold of one...hmmmmmmmmmmm...

And oh yes Old Man Robb did watch the Superbowl last night after work, it was nice to see New Orleans come from behind and score the upset win over the Colts. Always nice to see an upset i thinks...the only downers was the fact that CTV or whoever it is always blocks out the Superbowl commericals during the live telecast.. too bad that they do that eh? I did get to see thanks to the magic of this cool ol place called the internet the KISS Dr Pepper commercial w/ tribute band Mini-Kiss...thought that was pretty cool... also saw the TWO... i mean The WHO performing at the half-time show...wonder if they will be the next act coming to Halifax...we have had Sir Paul, the Stones on the commons...a Who performance on the Hill or the Commons would not be that out of place i don't think...

Not to much else other than Thursday's shenanigans and homework and work...and ugh...snow...i did manage to take the dogs out the other day and West Kings was a good spot to walk them, nice and plowed out so they had lots of room to run...always wondered about the spot across the road from WK...those cabins make it look like Camp Crystal Lake or something! Always wondered what the story was about those cabins and why they are sitting there all boarded up and creepy...of course i get curious as heck even though there are signs saying "No Tresspassing" and "Private Property" but i just get too curious...remember when someone tells you that you can't see something? Like an R rated movie or listen to a CD cause of the sticker on the front? It does not just makes one more curious...

All for now folks! Have a good one!!

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